US Pilots Labor Discussion

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On one side we have a stick of butter and on the other there is you, both equally clueless but one is really worth something while the other is not. Guess which one is worthless? :rolleyes:


Yea, dude but the stick of butter can't vote.

The 9ths opinion is just their opinion: Quote from BB this past year!!
Here we go in order of priority: God...the Supremes.....and the 9th.
You won't hear anything from the first two!! BAM

And you guys think you are the smart ones.......

Thanks for the rant, but no where in there did you answer my question. May 19th, 2005 was the date of the merger announcement, not the date a joint contract would have been ratified absent USAPA's election. Care to try again? Absent a joint contract, which is indeed still absent, nobdoy stole nothin', and that Sir, is a FACT! Absent a joint contract, a west pilot displacing an east pilot would be a theft.

Now, it's interesting that you like the date May 19, 2005. I agree with you that on that date everything changed. So, here's some homework for you: What was the total east pilot and captain count on that day?

VI. Operational Pilot Integration
A. Except as provided in paragraph B. below, the
airline operations of America West and US
Airways, with respect to pilots, shall be merged no
later than twelve (12) months following the later
of (i) completion of the integrated pilot seniority
list and (ii) negotiation of the Single Agreement
provided that if by that date a single FAA operating
certificate has not been issued, the airline
operations, with respect to pilots, will be merged
effective with the first bid period following thirty
(30) days after the issuance of such certificate.
The Airline Parties will make every reasonable
effort in good faith to secure a single FAA
operating certificate for America West and US
Airways as promptly as practicable. The merger
of the airline operations, with respect to pilots,
under this paragraph A. is defined as the
“Operational Pilot Integration.”

The intent of all of this was to merge the company and the pilots.

What is usapa's intent? What was the dual unionist at east ALPA's intent, and stated goal? Permanent seperate ops ring a bell?

usapa and the east are forcing seperate ops. Why?
The West's flying has increased?

Another outright lie.

Prior to the merger the West had 1884 pilots, 142 aircraft. We are down to 122 aircraft and 15?? pilots.

Meanwhile, the about to liquidate east has enjoyed the delivery of aircraft that has more than doubled the 330 fleet, added 757s and 15 e190s.

Speaking of windfalls, the east recalls who stole the bottom 300 West jobs have absolutely no room to talk. I understand Coello is a usapa volunteer. I used to give the guy the benefit of the doubt and assume he was a decent guy, now I accuse him of being another piece of usapa scum, having gone from the street to gainfully employed at another pilots expense, and fighting to steal more from the West.

Very shabby indeed.

Yea, and Coello was an F-4 fighter pilot before you were even born and paid dues for 17 years.
You can't even carry his dirty JOCK STRAP and you think it is OK to put a new hire in front of him.
Ain't gonna happen. Especially when that new hire will fly 20-30 more years after Coello is gone.

I would hope that PI would say that such a comment only makes you look stupid. What have you to say, PI? Do you have a double standard or equal scorn for name calling?

Wait a minute. Just who called whom a name? Just proves exactly who has the credibilty issue here.
Quote from BB this past year!!
Here we go in order of priority: God...the Supremes.....and the 9th.

I don't recall ever bringing religion into the argument, or for that matter saying that the 9th ruling (not ripe) was only an opinion unless SCOTUS reversed it (which they didn't). The 9th's ruling certainly sets precedent for the 9th Circuit if another case like this comes along unless SCOTUS at some point defines ripeness differently than the 9th did in this case. Can you cite the post?

You do realize that 3 1/5 half year upgrades along with expantion has a limit. Unless of course your careers only last for 7 years. It's a math thing.

You must realize that for those with only 7 years left, they will lose something to the tune of $250,000+ on LOA93.

It is a math thing.
Yea, and Coello was an F-4 fighter pilot before you were even born and paid dues for 17 years.
You can't even carry his dirty JOCK STRAP and you think it is OK to put a new hire in front of him.
Ain't gonna happen. Especially when that new hire will fly 20-30 more years after Coello is gone.


17 years of dues paying? What a rookie.

Now that rookie would like to steal my job, ain't going to happen. Especially since he is properly in line to get it after I retire.

PS. why don't you ask Coello to explain to me why he deserves to go from the unemployment line to senior to 85% of the West list. Also, ask him if his F4 experience gives him the right to renege on binding arbitration. I am sure that will be good for some laughs, just like your nonsensical jock strap comment.
Just proves exactly who has the credibilty issue here.

It's certainly no surprise who you consider as having credibility - anyone who agrees with you and no one else. So naturally you believe that calling someone clueless is fine when you do it but childish when someone who disagrees with you does it. Your double standard has been on display for quite a while.

It's certainly no surprise who you consider as having credibility - anyone who agrees with you and no one else. So naturally you believe that calling someone clueless is fine when you do it but childish when someone who disagrees with you does it. Your double standard has been on display for quite a while.

No double standard on my part. You, however, have a big problem with the "me, me me" concept that ALPA represents. The ONLY union that has all of these merger issues is ALPA, because fairness is foreign to them. So, in a nutshell, if you embrace ALPA and its principles, I consider you "clueless".
I don't recall ever bringing religion into the argument, or for that matter saying that the 9th ruling (not ripe) was only an opinion unless SCOTUS reversed it (which they didn't). The 9th's ruling certainly sets precedent for the 9th Circuit if another case like this comes along unless SCOTUS at some point defines ripeness differently than the 9th did in this case. Can you cite the post?


You did not "bring religion into it" and nether did I. It was my attempt
to illustrate the "order" of importance and only you would write that anyone
"brought religion into it" Many things have been written about you and I
hereby declare all of them wrong. I now truly believe that you are
just a contrarian.

VI. Operational Pilot Integration
A. Except as provided in paragraph B. below, the
airline operations of America West and US
Airways, with respect to pilots, shall be merged no
later than twelve (12) months following the later
of (i) completion of the integrated pilot seniority
list and (ii) negotiation of the Single Agreement
provided that if by that date a single FAA operating
certificate has not been issued, the airline
operations, with respect to pilots, will be merged
effective with the first bid period following thirty
(30) days after the issuance of such certificate.
The Airline Parties will make every reasonable
effort in good faith to secure a single FAA
operating certificate for America West and US
Airways as promptly as practicable. The merger
of the airline operations, with respect to pilots,
under this paragraph A. is defined as the
“Operational Pilot Integration.”

The intent of all of this was to merge the company and the pilots.

What is usapa's intent? What was the dual unionist at east ALPA's intent, and stated goal? Permanent seperate ops ring a bell?

usapa and the east are forcing seperate ops. Why?

Oh gracious goodness thou art wrong oh great Perry Mason!

The parties in Addington 1 stipulated as fact and Judge Wake accepted as fact that USAPA has not delayed operational integration of the merger. Whatever the delay, it is due to the normal contract negotiating process.

Nice try though, that will be a very tough one to get over in Addington II.
You must realize that for those with only 7 years left, they will lose something to the tune of $250,000+ on LOA93.

It is a math thing.
Another math thing. I was hired at 29, yet some pilots hired years before me at AAA will make 2,000,000 more than I in my career. Good for them and I have no problem with that. I'd blow it all on beer and fat women...I mean large healthy women...or something like that.... or maybe that was because of the beer in the first place!
Oh gracious goodness thou art wrong oh great Perry Mason!

The parties in Addington 1 stipulated as fact and Judge Wake accepted as fact that USAPA has not delayed operational integration of the merger. Whatever the delay, it is due to the normal contract negotiating process.

Nice try though, that will be a very tough one to get over in Addington II.

1The dissent asserts that “nothing would be gained by postponing a
decision, and the parties’ interest would be well served by a prompt resolution
of the West Pilots’ claim.” Diss. op. at 8017 (internal alterations,
quotation marks, and citation omitted). To be sure, the parties’ interest
would be served by prompt resolution of the seniority dispute, but that is
not the same as prompt resolution of the DFR claim. The present impasse,
in fact, could well be prolonged by prematurely resolving the West Pilots’
claim judicially at this point. Forced to bargain for the Nicolau Award, any
contract USAPA could negotiate would undoubtedly be rejected by its
membership. By deferring judicial intervention, we leave USAPA to bargain
in good faith pursuant to its DFR, with the interests of all members
— both East and West — in mind, under pain of an unquestionably ripe
DFR suit, once a contract is ratified.

This is where the 9th is warning usapa about its behavior.

Read it carefully. They dismissed the DFR claim because they recognize that usapa is capable of stalling the negotiating process.

They are telling usapa, if you get a DOH contract ratified, you will lose, but, we will let you try because until you do you can merely subvert the process with delay that harms the West.

Further, Tashima prefaces the whole thing with an admittance that, "the parties' intrest would be best served with a resolution to the seniority dispute".

He is telling usapa, and the east pilots, we are not going to enforce the injunction, because we know you have already demonstrated your willingness to renege and confound the situation by delaying a joint contract. We are going to remove the injunction and see if you are stupid enough to get yourselves sue a second time, because that would actually be quicker.
Yea, dude but the stick of butter can't vote.

The 9ths opinion is just their opinion: Quote from BB this past year!!
Here we go in order of priority: God...the Supremes.....and the 9th.
You won't hear anything from the first two!! BAM

And as it stands today with regards to a contract neither can you/he/she!!

DOH is/has and will continue to be DOA
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