US Pilots Labor Discussion

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You enjoyed a nice career at the expense of the Empire pilots, and you said and did nothing. That is not a lie.


I'm glad I'm not from whever you are. Where I come from we call those who make up lies about someone liars. So prove your statement isn't a lie, but keep your dunce cap on till you do that.


ps - the East pilots that changed unions did that after I retired. Funny how there wasn't a serious attempt to do so until the Nic came out. So I wouldn't be so righteous about changing unions if I were you since none of you did anything of substance about changing unions till you didn't get your way.
And Luvthe9 chimes in with more drivel. I haven't seen my signature on a document yet Nos. How bout you 9 - you gonna just parrot the lies of your compatriots or have you got proof of the claims. RR?

Put up or shut up...

I'm glad I'm not from whever you are. Where I come from we call those who make up lies about someone liars. So prove your statement isn't a lie, but keep your dunce cap on till you do that.


ps - the East pilots that changed unions did that after I retired. Funny how there wasn't a serious attempt to do so until the Nic came out. So I wouldn't be so righteous about changing unions if I were you since none of you did anything of substance about changing unions till you didn't get your way.

I am sorry, did I miss your response to my question about what you did back then to voice your displeasure to the Empire staple job?

Maybe your lack of response to my question, proves your lack of response during the time a group of pilots were stapled to the bottom of the list of a group of pilots you worked for.
I said that you either prove it or you're a liar. Still waiting on that proof, Nos, and haven't seen my signature on anything yet. All ya'll love to make accusations without proof - show us the proof or shut up children...

You enjoyed a nice career at the expense of the Empire pilots, and you said and did nothing. That is not a lie.

YOUR Hypocrisy is astounding!

Empire pilots got thrown under the bus by their union.

Just like USAPA wants to do to the West.

The problem for USAPA is:
(1) Binding Arbitration
(2) The West is a lot bigger than Empire and
(3) The West is a lot smarter than the Angry F/O club.

But RR, your hypocrisy is truly amazing. You try to bash BB for exactly the same thing you are trying to do to the West. Amazing.
Empire pilots got thrown under the bus by their union.

To be fair to the Empire pilots, they were non-union IIRC, so ALPA wasn't their union.


Tick tock tick tock...where's the proof? Nos? RR? 9? Anyone? Still waiting on that proof...
I'm glad I'm not from whever you are. Where I come from we call those who make up lies about someone liars. So prove your statement isn't a lie, but keep your dunce cap on till you do that.


ps - the East pilots that changed unions did that after I retired. Funny how there wasn't a serious attempt to do so until the Nic came out. So I wouldn't be so righteous about changing unions if I were you since none of you did anything of substance about changing unions till you didn't get your way.

I don't recall you ever being an ALPA rep, that would be way too much involvement for someone enjoying a career built on the backs of others. So you can stop with all the harrumphing. To the best of my knowledge, you never served in any elected office.

At what point would the changing of unions have been acceptable to you? Big changes in any arena happen in times of strife and turmoil, not in when the seas are calm. It was a perfect storm indeed that finally got rid of our failed and worthless previous union. The one you seemed happy with for your entire career.

YOUR Hypocrisy is astounding!

Empire pilots got thrown under the bus by their union.

Just like USAPA wants to do to the West.

As per the CBL's in a fantasy integration with USAPA and Empire, the Empire pilots would have gotten DOH. Maybe the C and R's would have been extensive, who knows? But come merger time 20 years later, they would have their DOH.

How is giving you your DOH and protecting your PHX jobs like what PI did to Empire?

To be fair to the Empire pilots, they were non-union IIRC, so ALPA wasn't their union.


Tick tock tick tock...where's the proof? Nos? RR? 9? Anyone? Wtill waiting on that proof...

Gotcha. Thanks for the correction Jim.

I'm not attacking you, but it's interesting how Empire wasn't given any sort of fair process to determine seniority. If there had been an arbitration, I bet the result would have been pretty similar to what actually happened but without that third party neutral, the events of that merger will always have a taint to them. Same goes for TWA-AMR. What's amazing is that AWA and AAA did arbitrate seniority, so we know exactly what a fair list looks like. Mind you it's not the only possible way to construct a fair list, but it's all we've got and will ever have. What's remarkable is that the USAPA idiots on this board can't understand their own hypocrisy. The Angry F/Os are doing everything in their power to throw the West under the bus after we know what's fair. It's Empire times ten.

The hypocrisy is truly astounding.
As per the CBL's in a fantasy integration with USAPA and Empire, the Empire pilots would have gotten DOH. Maybe the C and R's would have been extensive, who knows? But come merger time 20 years later, they would have their DOH.

How is giving you your DOH and protecting your PHX jobs like what PI did to Empire?

well, USAPA didn't exist when our list was constructed, was it? USAPA exists for one purpose: to avoid the arbitrated list. The proof is quite easy and we'll do it again in DFR II-if we ever get there. It'll probably be years before there is a joint contract and by then the East will have retired enough to just go back to ALPA. If not that, then there'll be a merger and USAPA will disappear.

No matter what, all roads lead to the Nic. Get used to it.

And enjoy another couple of years on LOA93!
The one you seemed happy with for your entire career.

Nice attempt to slide to another subject. As I've said before, a lot of things happened under ALPA that I didn't like, but you all love to use the "ALPA" excuse for everything - even what the pilots ratified. You don't have to spend a career in a major union to realize that the national is only interested in what's good for the national.

I was unhappy with every concessionary agreement starting with the 92-93 concessions but the pilots ratified all but one (the pension termination). So my unhappiness was aimed at those who ratified those agreements which ALPA rubber stamped.

Anyway, I'm waiting for proof that I said or did nothing about the Empire integration. You made the charge and claimed that it wasn't a lie, so show your proof. Also, since you're now saying that I seemed happy with "ALPA" for my entire career, prove that too...

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