US Pilots Labor Discussion

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You're not. But it really doesn't surprise me.

Transitional Agreement (TA) is the CONTRACT/letter of the law today in regards to the merger of awa and aaa pilots with lcc. Try and undo this via usapa's illegal and corrupt intentions and guess what happens oldie?

Yea. You keep losing in the courts. You keep saying that Doug accepted the list, apparently without the understanding of what that means. Since he's explained it to you a couple of times, you really should listen.

You can't file another DFR until a RATIFIED contract is in place, per the Ninth. Then, you'll have to prove that USAPA's policy was damaging to a mojority of the pilots, since it has to represent them ALL. Oh, and don't forget the "outsdie a wide range of reasonableness" doctrine set forth by the SCOTUS, either.

Crew News is as relevent as any point you've made. Ignore it at your own peril (and embarrassment).
Of course we can file another DFR. Just not over the seniority list. If usapa had tried to with hold the profit sharing, DFR.
A union does not have to damage the majority to be DFR'd they have to damage a MINORITY.

Guess what though. A jury or judge gets to decide what is reasonable not the majority.
Transitional Agreement (TA) is the CONTRACT/letter of the law today in regards to the merger of awa and aaa pilots with lcc. Try and undo this via usapa's illegal and corrupt intentions and guess what happens oldie?

Here's what happens: I get to laugh MORE at you guys while you stomp your feet and cry like babies because you lost again.

I can hardly wait.
You do realize you have a scab running your union, don't you? Now which is worse. Heck you voted him in, making you all a bunch of scab lovers. Brilliant! :blink:

USAPA does not, nice try on your smear campaign. Say hi to your corrupt gillen for me, tell her nice try.

2700 plus scabs in your united continental pilot group. nice try on the seniority issue, alpa flight pay loss shill. Is it cold in upstate NY.
Here's what happens: I get to laugh MORE at you guys while you stomp your feet and cry like babies because you lost again.

I can hardly wait.

No stomping my feet here oldie. Sometimes I've danced but that won't count..:(

Please answer the question how a union gets out of a AGREED CONTRACT?

No stomping my feet here oldie. Sometimes I've danced but that won't count..:(

Please answer the question how a union gets out of a AGREED CONTRACT?

I'm guessing that's a rhetorical question on your part (need me to explain that? If so, just say so), since it's been answered on here numerous times, and your premise is incorrect, anyway. There has NEVER been an a contract agreed to, only a bargaining position by a FORMER CBA.
Heck, Otter, they can't even understand that "not ripe" doesn't mean that the Nic is dead. They're convinced that their little sound bites actually mean something in court.


A guy like you that stapled pilots to the bottom of your list that you used to work for and you did nothing. tsk, tsk. Now you lecture others on seniority. You are a hypocrite sir.
A guy like you that stapled pilots to the bottom of your list that you used to work for and you did nothing. tsk, tsk. Now you lecture others on seniority. You are a hypocrite sir.
Show your work, Nos - exactly where did "I" staple anyone to "my" list? Show us all my signature on any document proving your claim. Too much emotion with no facts - the Nos are a liar "sir" :lol:

Show your work, Nos - exactly where did "I" staple anyone to "my" list? Show us all my signature on any document proving your claim. Too much emotion with no facts - the Nos are a liar "sir" :lol:


in the service of
as represented by
THIS LETTER OF AGREEMENT is made and entered into i n accordance with the
provisions of Title I1 of the Railway Labor Act, as mended, by and betwen
Piedmont Aviation, Incorporated (hereinafter referred to as the "CompanyP') and
the Air Line Pilots Association, International (hereinafter referred t o as the

'''''''''''''';;;;;;;;;;;;''''''''''''',therewith, therfore,

Seniority s h a l l continue t o be governed by the provisions of Section 19 of the
Basic Agreement except as follows:
A. Former Empire p i l o t s shall be placed on the Piedmont Pilot System
Seniority List on January 3, 1986 following the most junior Piedmont
p i l o t i n the same order that they appear on the Empire Pilot Seniority
List dated January 15, 1986."

You watched this happen as an alpa rep at the time and did nothing, show proof that you did anything to voice opposition.

Hey, any chance of getting trader jack to play his banjo for everyone?
Show your work, Nos - exactly where did "I" staple anyone to "my" list? Show us all my signature on any document proving your claim. Too much emotion with no facts - the Nos are a liar "sir" :lol:


Where I come from what you are doing is called "quibbling."

You have a vendetta (for some reason) against your previous fellow pilots. They did something you did not do....they changed unions because their old one was a party so some really bad things that hurt a lot of people., east and west.

What you did was no different than a guy watching someone get mugged on the corner, and picking up their lost wallet after the incident was over, to your own benefit. None the worse for wear. Nobody says you have to get involved, but your vile hatred for those that chose to do so is telling.

You enjoyed a nice career at the expense of the Empire pilots, and you said and did nothing. That is not a lie.

You watched this happen as an alpa rep at the time and did nothing, show proof that you did anything to voice opposition.

Not only did you not prove anything as requested but added another lie. I'm content with my actions. It's you that keep making up lies so prove your claims or shut up little boy...

I'm content with my actions.

You mean your inaction. Synonyms: dormancy, idleness, inactivity, inertness, nonaction, quiescence.

Seniority s h a l l continue t o be governed by the provisions of Section 19 of the
Basic Agreement except as follows:
A. Former Empire p i l o t s shall be placed on the Piedmont Pilot System
Seniority List on January 3, 1986 following the most junior Piedmont
p i l o t i n the same order that they appear on the Empire Pilot Seniority
List dated January 15, 1986.'
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