US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Heck, Otter, they can't even understand that "not ripe" doesn't mean that the Nic is dead. They're convinced that their little sound bites actually mean something in court.


Jim, I highly respect you. You make accurate posts backed up with FACTS.

Someday, maybe the east controlled usapa will figure this out too.

I won't let my Irish/German/Lakota Sioux heritage get in the way..But my Father is fond of saying...Don't get my "IRISH UP."

Heck, Otter, they can't even understand that "not ripe" doesn't mean that the Nic is dead. They're convinced that their little sound bites actually mean something in court.

Yea, just like a case scheduled for conference at the SCOTUS doesn't mean that it's being discussed. Remember when YOU said that?
Just wait. You'll see I'm correct. Dog tried several times to explain that "accepted the list" thing to you. You're too thick to understand. Don't worry, it will all be clear soon enough. Go ask your lawyers just who has the advantage here, before you continue to make a fool of yourself.

Sorry oldie, but I'm trying to be civil here. LCC crew news quotes are not Federal Courts of Law.

USAPA wouldn't have to do a damn thing. The NMB would do it for USAPA. Parker is too smart to do it. Hence the FAMOUS quote- 'THIS IS FOR YOU GUYS TO DECIDE" Even Wake was smart enough to back off in the famous Addington DEBACLE. I loved the part when he was going for broke and almost, almost imposed the Nicolau, or thought he could.Anybody familiar with the case was secretly begging him to do it, praying for him to do it because he would have looked like the real idiot he was proven to be a lot sooner than when the law clerks in the 9th tore his britches off and embarassed the daylights out of him. He was brought up short on his leash when he was admonished with the legal warning- "YOU WILL HAVE NMB LAWYERS PARACHUTING INTO YOUR COURTROOM!!!" Parker had it all figured out way ahead of Wake. Parker knows where he stands. He knows who his bargaining agent is, and it certainly isn't ALPA, and the ALPA product called the NICOLAU. He is going to be a patient little CEO and take what his bargaining agent gives him. And it isn't going to EVER be the Nicolau List......The only ones who play these stupid daydreamy games that have no legal standing or NMB sanctioning are Leonidas members. It is just a stupid little fantasy

No legal standing?

Swan, little factoid for you. AOL is a defendant in the company's DJ. Also, all West pilots have legal standing as co-signers of the TA and our respective CBA.

The NMB lawyers? Where are they? They never showed. The NMB is probably collecting a file on the illegal antics of usapa as we speak. Maybe the West should just petition the NMB to take away usapa's standing as a bargaining agent.
Just wait. You'll see I'm correct. Dog tried several times to explain that "accepted the list" thing to you. You're too thick to understand. Don't worry, it will all be clear soon enough. Go ask your lawyers just who has the advantage here, before you continue to make a fool of yourself.

You know oldie...Its not every day I've to SUE MY UNION TO TREAT ME FAIRLY..DFR

AOL accomplishes this purpose along with keeping my company/jerry glass in check!

Sorry oldie, but I'm trying to be civil here. LCC crew news quotes are not Federal Courts of Law.

Yea. You keep losing in the courts. You keep saying that Doug accepted the list, apparently without the understanding of what that means. Since he's explained it to you a couple of times, you really should listen.

You can't file another DFR until a RATIFIED contract is in place, per the Ninth. Then, you'll have to prove that USAPA's policy was damaging to a mojority of the pilots, since it has to represent them ALL. Oh, and don't forget the "outsdie a wide range of reasonableness" doctrine set forth by the SCOTUS, either.

Crew News is as relevent as any point you've made. Ignore it at your own peril (and embarrassment).
Yea. You keep losing in the courts. You keep saying that Doug accepted the list, apparently without the understanding of what that means. Since he's explained it to you a couple of times, you really should listen.

You can't file another DFR until a RATIFIED contract is in place, per the Ninth. Then, you'll have to prove that USAPA's policy was damaging to a mojority of the pilots, since it has to represent them ALL. Oh, and don't forget the "outsdie a wide range of reasonableness" doctrine set forth by the SCOTUS, either.

Crew News is as relevent as any point you've made. Ignore it at your own peril (and embarrassment).

oldie, there's no Shangri-La in doh usapa land.

Fix your fears in the other ends of the contract or move over and I'll hire another CBA!

Yea. You keep losing in the courts. You keep saying that Doug accepted the list, apparently without the understanding of what that means. Since he's explained it to you a couple of times, you really should listen.

You can't file another DFR until a RATIFIED contract is in place, per the Ninth. Then, you'll have to prove that USAPA's policy was damaging to a mojority of the pilots, since it has to represent them ALL. Oh, and don't forget the "outsdie a wide range of reasonableness" doctrine set forth by the SCOTUS, either.

Crew News is as relevent as any point you've made. Ignore it at your own peril (and embarrassment).

Man, Oldie has left the planet.

First, all the 9th said was that Addington was not ripe. We could file another DFR tommorrow, claiming that usapa is intentionally harming West pilots by sitting on their grievences, or if they changed the profit sharing distribution method, etc. No contract needed.

Second, We keep losing in the courts? hahahahahhahahahah!!!!!!!hahahahahhah!!!!!

Third, We understand what Mr. Parker means when he says the company accepted the list. He is saying, please do not sue the company West pilots, we accepted the list as per our obligations in the TA. The list has gone nowhere, and once we figure out how to abide by our contractual obligations with the West without the reneging malcontents flying off the handle, it will still be the only list we ever accepted.

Fourth, we do not have to prove a majority is harmed in order to win a DOH DFR. Only that usapa failed its duty to the West by reneging on contractual obligations it has to the same. Simple enough, should take less than 2 hours of deliberation if there is ever a next time.

Finally, a union voted in to renege on contracts, harm 1/3 of those it wishes to represent, and fails in its fundemental resposibilities afforded it, is by definition..outside a "wide range of reasonableness".
Here we go again. For a bunch of airline pilots your math sure is fuzzy. How did you all get through those math and physics classes before becoming pilots? Never mind.

OK genius... in round numbers UA/CO has about 10500 pilots. We also have 11 domiciles. Yes 11. How many domiciles for your group? And Cleveland is one of the smallest of them all. And they still were able to muster better numbers than your CLT hub.
Continental Summary CAL 1,996 Scabs listed
United Summary UAL 837 Scabs listed

I did the math you have a scab ratio of 1 in 4 pilots.

continental, united pilot picket crossers list
Man, Oldie has left the planet.

First, all the 9th said was that Addington was not ripe. We could file another DFR tommorrow, claiming that usapa is intentionally harming West pilots by sitting on their grievences, or if they changed the profit sharing distribution method, etc. No contract needed.

Second, We keep losing in the courts? hahahahahhahahahah!!!!!!!hahahahahhah!!!!!

Third, We understand what Mr. Parker means when he says the company accepted the list. He is saying, please do not sue the company West pilots, we accepted the list as per our obligations in the TA. The list has gone nowhere, and once we figure out how to abide by our contractual obligations with the West without the reneging malcontents flying off the handle, it will still be the only list we ever accepted.

Fourth, we do not have to prove a majority is harmed in order to win a DOH DFR. Only that usapa failed its duty to the West by reneging on contractual obligations it has to the same. Simple enough, should take less than 2 hours of deliberation if there is ever a next time.

Finally, a union voted in to renege on contracts, harm 1/3 of those it wishes to represent, and fails in its fundemental resposibilities afforded it, is by definition..outside a "wide range of reasonableness".
Talk about "out there". You can make up all you want. It won't effect the outcome. Read the entire Ninth Circuit opinion, including the explanation. Yes, you did, indeed, lose. You lost again at the SCOTUS, when they failed to embrace your argument for a reversal. And, listen to Doug again, when he TOTALLY embarasses your guy that keeps insisting that he "accepted the list".

Don't worry, you'll get it soon enough. Just remember, you heard it here.
Talk about "out there". You can make up all you want. It won't effect the outcome. Read the entire Ninth Circuit opinion, including the explanation. Yes, you did, indeed lose. You lost again at the SCOTUS, when they failed to embrace your argument for a reversal. And, listen to Doug again, when he TOTALLY embarasses your guy that keeps insisting that he "accepted the list".

Don't worry, you'll get it soon enough. Just remember, you heard it here.

I have read the entire opinion from the 9th. and yes, the case was dismissed, I get it.

However, I missed the part where they give usapa carte blanche to renege on contracts.

Also missed the part where they found the company harmless for doing the same.

Maybe I should go ask James ( I was only scabbing CAL to cost them money and get interview experience) Ray, to explain it to me. He sure thinks the issue is settled, said so on TV. But, somebody forgot to tell him he ain't stealing the West seniority, and the 9th made sure of that.

You east folks are in for the rudest of awakenings.
Talk about "out there". You can make up all you want. It won't effect the outcome. Read the entire Ninth Circuit opinion, including the explanation. Yes, you did, indeed lose. You lost again at the SCOTUS, when they failed to embrace your argument for a reversal. And, listen to Doug again, when he TOTALLY embarasses your guy that keeps insisting that he "accepted the list".

Don't worry, you'll get it soon enough. Just remember, you heard it here.

Joint contract will mean implementing THE legal pilot list that follows the TA==NIC...If I'm reading your usapa antics correctly.

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