US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Kirby represented an improvement of $122 million, so why were you and your fellow Angry F/Os gunning for a "cost neutral" contract in exchange for DOH? Why were you trying to undershoot even the Kirby? Were you that unsure about your legal strategy?

Dwell on the past as you may, you too have admitted you would be happy with another ALPA POS Contract, anything to get that Nic Award solidified.

BTW, I'm NOT an "Angry F/O". It appears as if many of you here are West "Angry F/O's"

Sorry I wasn't in the room and not the man in your video's, I'm not undershooting Kirby, but then again, I'm not on the Negotiating Committe.
At today's Charlotte picketing event - a few DOZEN pilots stood in silence along the road in front of the terminal as a show of strength. Wow, that's almost a 2% turnout rate of all the CLT pilots! What a tremendous display of solidarity; this is definitely going to make the company come to the table and negotiate fairly. This is even more pathetic than anyone could have imagined.
Thanks, you answered my question, it is the Kirby Proposal, still industry Bottom of the Barrel
Why are you east pilots stuck on this?? The Kirby proposal has been and will always be moldy/outdated and stinks.

What do you east pilots hire a Collective Bargaining Agent (CBA) for?

usapa must negotiate a LEGAL contract with my company which includes the NIC. Or,..... get sued under the Unquestionable ripe DFR standard!

At today's Charlotte picketing event - a few DOZEN pilots stood in silence along the road in front of the terminal as a show of strength. Wow, that's almost a 2% turnout rate of all the CLT pilots! What a tremendous display of solidarity; this is definitely going to make the company come to the table and negotiate fairly. This is even more pathetic than anyone could have imagined.

Official USAPA Update just stated "well over 200 USAPA Pilots" were there.
Dwell on the past as you may, you too have admitted you would be happy with another ALPA POS Contract, anything to get that Nic Award solidified.

BTW, I'm NOT an "Angry F/O". It appears as if many of you here are West "Angry F/O's"

Sorry I wasn't in the room and not the man in your video's, I'm not undershooting Kirby, but then again, I'm not on the Negotiating Committe.

Another guys...screwed the pooch..when you voted in usapa

Indeed Judge Silver may find her docket overloaded due to her new and tragically acquired status.

So where does the road fork? Was her work on the case complete, awaiting a polite duration of time to issue her findings after a SCOTUS turndown? Or as you ponder...perhaps the bouncing ball lands back in the Honorable Judge Wake's courtroom?..if that can even happen.

You may not believe me, but I choose the second option. Compare and contrast, and have your essays ready tomorrow. This is for extra credit.


I believe you. A Wake hearing has something in it for everybody.

First, the company gets its finding much faster, as Silver is known to be notoriously slow.

Second, AOL is familiar with Wake, comfortable with his demeanor and attitude.

Third, usapa gets to accuse him of bias at the appeal.
Kirby represented an improvement of $122 million, so why were you and your fellow Angry F/Os gunning for a "cost neutral" contract in exchange for DOH? Why were you trying to undershoot even the Kirby? Were you that unsure about your legal strategy?

You guys keep jumping through the way back machine. The "cost neutral" issue has been addressed here ad nausium. Simply untrue.

As to the 122M improvement, had it contained East Scope I am sure we already would have had a vote, and a new Section 22 immortalized for mergers to come. But if bullfrogs had wings...

Official USAPA Update just stated "well over 200 USAPA Pilots" were there.

Well I am sure the truth is closer to usapa's estimate than the 2 dozen number, the local CLT news reported around 150.

But, labeling anything as an "official usapa update", is like saying, read the following with a high degree of skepticism.

The local CLT news also states that the company blames the delay in a contract on usapa and the pilots ongoing seniority dispute. Here is the skeptical part....the reporter states..."usapa claims that dispute has been settled".

Umm..if the dispute has been settled...why all the bills from Seeham?
Well I am sure the truth is closer to usapa's estimate than the 2 dozen number, the local CLT news reported around 150.

But, labeling anything as an "official usapa update", is like saying, read the following with a high degree of skepticism.

The local CLT news also states that the company blames the delay in a contract on usapa and the pilots ongoing seniority dispute. Here is the skeptical part....the reporter states..."usapa claims that dispute has been settled".

Umm..if the dispute has been settled...why all the bills from Seeham?

Media stated that the fuel tanks were full when Sully ditched in the Hudson............Yeah, I guess neither one of us can believe it unless we see it.

Yeah, I'm wondering too now, since one of the Poster's here implies that Parker MUST use the Nic Award.

Oh well, maybe we will have no more legal bills in 5 years when Parker claims we will be merged with whoever............
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