US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I agree 100%, you will be on LOA 93 for at least another three years. The seniority issue is going to take a while to work through the courts and once that is resolved then a joint CBA will take another couple of years. As I mentioned to oldie I appreciate your sacrifices to keep this marginal airline profitable. You brought some valuable real estate to the table with the DCA operation as well as the shuttle, in the end that will pay off handsomely ten years down the road.
It's a shame that valuable realestate will be sold to the highest bidder and the not so valuable pieces will get sold for penny's on the dollar, Good luck on your new employment opportunity! MM!
It's a shame that valuable realestate will be sold to the highest bidder and the not so valuable pieces will get sold for penny's on the dollar, Good luck on your new employment opportunity! MM!
Says the 25 year Airbus AFO. Hows that $85.00/hour working for ya? Add it to your PBGC and you still make less than a jetBlue E-190 Captain. Suits you fine I reckon.

USAPA = Keeping your pay low. Making Seham rich. Send dues.
While I generally agree with you, the point is that they had a chance to at least negotiate something that didn't resemble a "land grab". They wouldn't and now here we are.
Land grab. Land grab. Let me see.

"I'll take Greed for $1,000, Alex." Answer "We demanded DOH from George Nicolau. He told us it wasnt an option. We persisted and our greed was trumped by reality" Question "Who are the greedy East Pilots?"

"Switching gears, I'll take Lack of Integrity for $1,000, Alex." Answer, the Daily Double. "We agreed to Binding Arbitration yet failed to honor it. Instead selling our East pilots on the idea of forcing DOH with a new union and new contract but have failed. In the meantime making the lawyers richer and our pilots poorer while other properties enjoy payraises. All funded by dues and flight pay loss for the farce in CLT."

Question "Who is USAPA?"

USAPA = Playing games. Send more money. No raise for you.
I agree 100%, you will be on LOA 93 for at least another three years. The seniority issue is going to take a while to work through the courts and once that is resolved then a joint CBA will take another couple of years. As I mentioned to oldie I appreciate your sacrifices to keep this marginal airline profitable. You brought some valuable real estate to the table with the DCA operation as well as the shuttle, in the end that will pay off handsomely ten years down the road.
Well, the LOA 93 PAY RESTORATION will not be more than a few months at most. And if it goes the East way, who really cares one iota about a joint CBA? The Nic is dead, via the 9th, but even if you believe it is alive as the west does, in spite of irrefutable evidence, it is a non event. The two pilot groups will NEVER agree to merge, so the East will whipsaw into the higher pay. And it could be a LOT.
Well, the LOA 93 PAY RESTORATION will not be more than a few months at most. And if it goes the East way, who really cares one iota about a joint CBA? The Nic is dead, via the 9th, but even if you believe it is alive as the west does, in spite of irrefutable evidence, it is a non event. The two pilot groups will NEVER agree to merge, so the East will whipsaw into the higher pay. And it could be a LOT.
Assuming a little much? Straight from the USAPA playbook. Dodge and deflect. Promise the world. Avoid reality.

Keep dreaming.

USAPA = Dreamweavers. Low paid Dreamweavers.
Where have YOU been the last few months? The seniority issue has ALREADY been through the courts, all the way to the Supreme Court...CASE DISMISSED.
Until there is a ratified CBA, you got noting to sue ripeness, no damages, no NOTHING. So are we in that two year phase you mentioned?

Driver <_<

Do you even know what the ninth ruled on? Based on your first statement above I would say no. Secondly, do you even realize the company has a filing in AZ district court? No, Addington only resolved one thing, ripeness doesn't occur until a joint CBA is signed. Now, to get to that CBA is going to be a hurdle as long as you (pl) still want to change the rules with S22 midstream to suit your selfish interests. Believe all your own BS you want (and you have quite a bit of that!), but reality is you are on LOA 93 by your own choice for probably another half decade. Addington tried to clarify the seniority issue but the courts punted this until there is a joint CBA. The company is going to court now to clarify a few things about their liability in dealing with your thievery (accessories to a crime sorta thing) and once that is finally up and down the court chain then the CBA negotiations can resume. Now, how long do you think that will take with a collection of formerly furloughed idiots on the NAC?
So, like I said, you guys are all happy clams out there with your LOA 93. I'm happy for you too!
Cactusboy reminds of a typical bible thumper. No sense of reality and no respect to other beliefs.

A new player. I wonder who "we" were last week. I'll take the "bible thumper" as a compliment. It tells me that we have exchanged views before under you other name OR on a different web-site (Marty, is that you?). Your web name tells me that you actually know who I am (aren't you the clever one?). I don't hide behind aliases. If you want to know who I am, I will be happy to tell you (could you do the same?).

The reality is:
1. We agreed to a merger process.
2. We agreed to a mediator / arbitrator.
3. We each had a pilot neutral from another ALPA property (NO, it's not a conspiracy theory to have them agree largely with the arbitrator just to screw the east pilots, but nice try).
4. You are trying to dodge the FINAL & BINDING list provided through the merger process by ANY MEANS POSSIBLE.
5. A jury in a federal court found USAPA GUILTY of a DUTY OF FAIR REPRESENTATION charge (only to be determined as "NOT RIPE" by the Ninth).
6. Doug is seeking the court system to hold him and LCC harmless in using any list other than the Nic (BTW, if by some chance that happens.....the case will "most assuredly ripe").
7. You now live on LOA 93 (and the chances of you continuing to do so are pretty good). NO BETTER PAY UNTIL THE LAST DAY.

Respect is earned. You and yours have earned none. Go to another web site and sell your wares, we aren't buying. The AWA pilot group (and EVERY other commercial pilot group) aren't buying what you are selling. We will not be bullied. We will not capitulate.

Have a wonderful evening.
A new player. I wonder who "we" were last week. I'll take the "bible thumper" as a compliment. It tells me that we have exchanged views before under you other name OR on a different web-site (Marty, is that you?). Your web name tells me that you actually know who I am. I don't hide behind aliases. If you want to know who I am, I will be happy to tell you (could you do the same?).

The reality is:
1. We agreed to a merger process.
2. We agreed to a mediator / arbitrator.
3. We each had a pilot neutral from another ALPA property (NO, it's not a conspiracy theory to have them agree largely with the arbitrator just to screw the east pilots, but nice try).
4. You are trying to dodge the FINAL & BINDING list provided through the merger process by ANY MEANS POSSIBLE.
5. A jury in a federal court found USAPA GUILTY of a DUTY OF FAIR REPRESENTATION charge (only to be determined as "NOT RIPE" by the Ninth).
6. Doug is seeking the court system to hold him and LCC harmless in using any list other than the Nic (BTW, if by some chance that happens.....the case will "most assuredly ripe").
7. You now live on LOA 93 (and the chances of you continuing to do so are pretty good). NO BETTER PAY UNTIL THE LAST DAY.

Respect is earned. You and yours have earned none. Go to another web site and sell your 1 post wares. The AWA (and EVERY other commercial pilot group) aren't buying what you are selling. We will not be bullied. We will not capitulate.

Have a wonderful evening.
Ronnie reality is USAPA has it's own merger policy, negotiable section, ALPA's process for seniority integration (not USAPA's), A jury found nothing in a case that was tossed, DP has the right to negotiate under the RLA, (your case won't be ripe until that DOH with C&R's contract is voted in) BTW, keep dreaming! MM!
Well, the LOA 93 PAY RESTORATION will not be more than a few months at most. And if it goes the East way, who really cares one iota about a joint CBA?

Agree 100%! One problem for you, LOA 93 is pretty much a loser, but you will have your LOA 93 contract for another couple of years so it is Victory for all!!! Every east pilot a winner (or is it wiener?)...
Yes, you guys have already gotten all that you wanted (and deserve)- and I am happy for all of you. Really. You've won!!!

Now back to your airplanes, lets keep this low cost airline low cost gentlemen!!! You have a future to build!
Ronnie reality is USAPA has it's own merger policy, negotiable section, ALPA's process for seniority integration (not USAPA's), A jury found nothing in a case that was tossed, DP has the right to negotiate under the RLA, (your case won't be ripe until that DOH with C&R's contract is voted in) BTW, keep dreaming! MM!

I just picked up my Mut-USAPA-AWAPPA dictionary. Let's see if I can translate:


To quote Dean Wormer: "Fat (sorry I don't know if you are overweight), drunk (sorry I don't know if you drink or drink to excess) and stupid (just plain sorry in general) is no way to go through life, son."

If you mambo to the clocks face, I should do a round dance. Chick pea in the barn house, but I am sure you can mud-slip to a different flower.???? Oh yea, who be Ronnie, Jack?

Ronnie reality is USAPA has it's own merger policy, negotiable section, ALPA's process for seniority integration (not USAPA's), A jury found nothing in a case that was tossed, DP has the right to negotiate under the RLA, (your case won't be ripe until that DOH with C&R's contract is voted in) BTW, keep dreaming! MM!
Do you ever get tired chasing your tail?

USAPA = "Oh ya? Well my dads car is faster!" No it isn't. "Is too! Is too! Is too! USAPA said so."
Hey Dave Simmons, its me Marty. I thought the other board was getting a bit boring. How are you? I thought this whole thing was going to be over quickly. What happened. You said this Nic was a done deal and that your boy wake was gonna give you that winning windfall. Like I said, it will be a long time til this mess gets worked out. Hopefully DOH and a new contract for all of us. You know, the Nic is gone, right?

Wait til the SWA guys go after the Valujet pilots. If it goes anything like the Nic, you can bet the SWA pilots will revolt just like the East. And like the east they are the majority and will not allow pilots with less years to jump ahead in line.

Enjoy your day Dave and hopefully your home in PHX does not foreclose.


Aren't you the clever one M. If that is really you. Per your posts on other web sites you don't even fly for LCC. Here are my questions:
1. What is your name? Don't be shy, eveyone wants to know who Marty MCDU is.
2. What do you do for a living? Are you a pilot? A pilotl wanna-be?
3. Who do you fly for (if you fly for a living)?
4. If you work for someone other than LCC (or have a relative or friend) that works for LCC, why exactly do you care so deeply about the final & binding seniority of the new US Airways?

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