US Pilots Labor Discussion

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This year's $2.6 million in total compensation compares with $3.7 million for 2008 and $4.2 million in 2006. The latter two figures are dramatically lower than previously reported, in the airline's proxy statements and the the media, because of to a change in SEC guidelines on valuing stock awards. They took effect with compensation disclosures for 2009 and have the effect of lowering the projected value.

After Parker, the next highest-paid executive listed in the proxy was Chief Operating Officer Robert Isom, at $2 million, followed by president Scott Kirby at $1.9 million.

As he does every year, Parker issued a memo to US Airways employees detailing his pay. He noted that his salary is the lowest among the CEOs at the hub-and-spoke airlines US Airways considers its peers: Delta, United, American and Continental.

"While my 2009 compensation was lower than the last two years and well below the CEOs of our peer airlines, it is still a significant expense for our company," he said in the memo. "With this level of compensation comes significant responsibility and I take that responsibility very seriously."

US Airways and other carriers have reported significantly better financial results so far this year as the economy as improved, with profits expected beginning in the second quarter, which ends June 30.

It's that ole "SEC GUIDELINES CHANGE", of lowering PROJECTED value! He's a BS artist! MM!

He considers his peers DAL, UAL/CAL, AMR,
Whatever helps you get through the day, even if it's WRONG. You guys are the thieves that tried and failed. There are No damages to the west. PERIOD. You guys tried to STEAL the seniority of a lot of good guys and FAILED. You had a chance to possibly have a compromise at Wye River and wouldn't negotiate. It's all the West MEC's fault.

I have LOTS of friends at just about ALL other airlines that think you guys are STUPID for even thinking you could get away with it.

Oldie. You know I'm on your side, but I must take exception to calling those "guys" thieves. The thief is George Nicolau in collaboration with ALPA.
Oldie. You know I'm on your side, but I must take exception to calling those "guys" thieves. The thief is George Nicolau in collaboration with ALPA.
While I generally agree with you, the point is that they had a chance to at least negotiate something that didn't resemble a "land grab". They wouldn't and now here we are.
While I generally agree with you, the point is that they had a chance to at least negotiate something that didn't resemble a "land grab". They wouldn't and now here we are.

And here we will remain for a number of years- enjoy your contract my friend. Thanks for building a stronger airline financially, you have sacrificed a lot in the past and will continue to do so for another half decade. I will reap the benefits for the next 25 years of my career. You are a good person, and very kind too.
He noted that his salary is the lowest among the CEOs at the hub-and-spoke airlines US Airways considers its peers: Delta, United, American and Continental.

"While my 2009 compensation was lower than the last two years and well below the CEOs of our peer airlines, it is still a significant expense for our company," he said in the memo. "With this level of compensation comes significant responsibility and I take that responsibility very seriously."

US Airways and other carriers have reported significantly better financial results so far this year as the economy as improved, with profits expected beginning in the second quarter, which ends June 30.

It's that ole "SEC GUIDELINES CHANGE", of lowering PROJECTED value! He's a BS artist! MM!

He considers his peers DAL, UAL/CAL, AMR,

Yeah, what's up with THAT??? I thought he said we were in a lower class all by ourselves? Of course, at the time, he was talking about OUR contract and not HIS!

When are people going to wake up and recognize this guy for who he is?

Driver <_<
When are people going to wake up and recognize this guy for who he is?

Driver <_<

Doug thanks you every night before retiring for the evening in his multi-million dollar mansion, and will continue to do so for probably another five years. You've been a large factor in making his image what it is- turning around a twice bankrupt airline that even the big guy Wolf couldn't do and the irony of it all is the razor thin margins could easily be gone with an industry standard pilot contract. But that is years away so Parker has nothing to worry about on the horizon. Wall Street loves him, the media loves him and analysts love him because he has kept this company afloat and will do so until the next fragmentation or sale, whichever is best for him.
Better brush up on your bankruptcy/ fragmentation section of your contract- I don't think the TA spells out anything and you never know what tomorrow may bring.
Anybody get a call from usapa?

Seems they are up to the same nonsense I accused them of in my recent post.

To wit, blaming management for the delay in a joint pilot contract.

Sorry Mike, it is idiots like you who are soley responsible for the delay in a joint contract. Save your recorded messages for the faithful who will be on hand to waste their time tommorrow in CLT. You can rally them on with tales of how Parker lied to you, and fantasies of what the 9th's ruling means, maybe throw in that a LOA93 win is imminent (although if it were there really would be no need for the picket now would there?).

Go get em guys and girls, the media will be on hand. Time to illustrate to the world your plight of being a renegeing malcontent.

Perhaps a West pilot can show and talk to the media. Fill them in on exactly who is delaying and why. Inform them it is all a ruse to get out of their obligations resulting from a final and binding arbitration. Tell them they are playing the media as fools in their little lawyers scheme. oh,,,,who am I kidding,,,,, this story will be so last page news I doubt there will even be any journalist paying attention.
And here we will remain for a number of years- enjoy your contract my friend. Thanks for building a stronger airline financially, you have sacrificed a lot in the past and will continue to do so for another half decade. I will reap the benefits for the next 25 years of my career. You are a good person, and very kind too.
You'll be lucky if it's here in the next 3, I here some of the others are hiring! MM!
You'll be lucky if it's here in the next 3, I here some of the others are hiring! MM!

I agree 100%, you will be on LOA 93 for at least another three years. The seniority issue is going to take a while to work through the courts and once that is resolved then a joint CBA will take another couple of years. As I mentioned to oldie I appreciate your sacrifices to keep this marginal airline profitable. You brought some valuable real estate to the table with the DCA operation as well as the shuttle, in the end that will pay off handsomely ten years down the road.
While I generally agree with you, the point is that they had a chance to at least negotiate something that didn't resemble a "land grab". They wouldn't and now here we are.

Second verse, same as the first.......Who can you blame next? Open up a new box of Depends, zip up your cranky pants, have a prune smoothie, do your little march in CLT (and ask yourself if Doug really takes you seriously----he doesn't), and then get that high colonic for crying out loud.

Maybe you would have been better off with a drill sergent as an arbitrator....tissue? :lol:
Second verse, same as the first.......Who can you blame next? Open up a new box of Depends, zip up your cranky pants, have a prune smoothie, do your little march in CLT (and ask yourself if Doug really takes you seriously----he doesn't), and then get that high colonic for crying out loud.

Maybe you would have been better off with a drill sergent as an arbitrator....tissue? :lol:
No thanks. But maybe you need one. Seems you can't accept reality.
I agree 100%, you will be on LOA 93 for at least another three years. The seniority issue is going to take a while to work through the courts and once that is resolved then a joint CBA will take another couple of years.

Where have YOU been the last few months? The seniority issue has ALREADY been through the courts, all the way to the Supreme Court...CASE DISMISSED.
Until there is a ratified CBA, you got noting to sue ripeness, no damages, no NOTHING. So are we in that two year phase you mentioned?

Driver <_<
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