US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Thats easy enough.....APPEAL. Doug has already said that. More delay tactics.
Doug already knows the courts will not give immunity, he is just not telling us this. Courts deal with facts, not speculation. There would be too much speculation to presume to know what Usapa would present or what the company would accept that may or may not bring harm to the west.
So no worries, usapa wanted separate ops forever and Doug is giving it to you. No problem then, enjoy your attrition and loa 93 till next merger.Btw want to guess what list is used next merger? There are only 3 choices. West, east, or nic. Either way you are going to lose.
Nope, Doug wants a cost neutral contract, and that is the point. If he could, he would give u doh tomorrow. Doug would happily throw the west under the bus. He hasn't and he won't because the company's lawyers told him he couldn't .

Doug will throw east or west under the bus, doesn't matter. All the while singing the " were neutral " banter. But behind our backs he is counting the dollars he is saving on having the pilots fight and laughing about it. And he will plead to the courts or to anyone that will listen that seniority is " for you guys to decide" and ultimately doesnt involve the company.

I know, i know, then yet there is that pesky little TA to deal with. Yes Usapa inherits all that ALPA left us with and I acknowledge all that. But herein lies the problem: it says the company will accept the results of binding arbitration BUT it doesnt say that it will be BINDING RATIFICATION. The east pilots short circuited the process by voting out ALPA. Usapa is left to rectify the current IMPASSE betweed the east and west pilots being careful not to DFR the West OR the East pilots. You see since the ratification process has been short circuited it is up to Usapa to figure a way out of this mess. Personally I think they are between a rock and a hard place, as are all of us and not going anywhere.
So no worries, usapa wanted separate ops forever and Doug is giving it to you. No problem then, enjoy your attrition and loa 93 till next merger.Btw want to guess what list is used next merger? There are only 3 choices. West, east, or nic. Either way you are going to lose.

I have already planned for the loss, years ago, even before the merger was announced. I started my own business in 1998. You should know better too, you cant depend on an airline. Look around you - just ask some of your coworkers that flew for Eastern, TWA and a multitude of other defunct airlines. You need to be proactive and make life what you want it to be.
Good luck, sincerely.
NOT going to happen. We will keep LOA93 anyday over the NIC.


Prepare to retire on LOA93, we dont care!

And news flash to you - NOS and thousands of others feel the same way.
What are you going to do when your in Section 6 negotiations and you reach an impasse and at the end of the 30 day cooling off period when the company imposes its own CBA?
If the LOA93 pay dispute is won(not arguing whether it will be or it won"t), the fence will remain for many years. John Daly will win the Masters before we get another contract. No lawsuits can be won as the ripeness issue remains for years as well. Not much we can do until that decision comes. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
News flash to you-DOH NOT going to happen.

I have already accepeted that my remaining years here will be under LOA93. If you happen to also retire under LOA93, well you deserve it.

I think there are a couple of thousand pilots at USAirways that feel just as I do. We're just not the majority yet, but the longer this drags on, more will want to move on to better pay and working conditions.

Bigger News Flash, it's just your opinion, and who doesn't want better pay and working conditions, Oh I see that "Whoa is me I have to retire under 93", so the rest of you should step aside for 924Ps so the rest of his days are better here! You truly are a piece of work! MM! Your party plans are coming along great, we'll tell ya how it went! RETIREMENT HAPPENS, get over it!
Companies DJ must be completed = time
Possible appeal if matter not settled = time
Mediated contract negotiating sessions = time
Cooling off period = time
Company imposed CBA? Unlikely

Weather the Nic is implemented will be made moot by the amount of time that passes in the interim.
So no worries, usapa wanted separate ops forever and Doug is giving it to you. No problem then, enjoy your attrition and loa 93 till next merger.Btw want to guess what list is used next merger? There are only 3 choices. West, east, or nic. Either way you are going to lose.
Think again, BTW what makes you think there won't be 4 lists used or a merger will be the next trigger, short sided thinking! MM!
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