US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Uh, you mean the part about where Doug said that the supreme court simply agreed with the 9ths opinion on ripeness? How many federal judges do you need to tell you about this? Just listen to Seham, he has been right about this all along. Your boy Marty, well not so much. But just keep his checks coming OK?
That means that the company won't move off the nic. Until a court gives them immunity for doing so.
Nostro, YOU are the quintessential example of the problem facing USAirways pilots today. Myopic to the nth degree, your focus exclusively on Section 22.

The solution is at hand. Accept the Nicolau Award, agreed to under BINDING arbitration, press the company with a UNIFIED pilot group for a fair contract.

NOT going to happen. We will keep LOA93 anyday over the NIC.


Prepare to retire on LOA93, we dont care!

And news flash to you - NOS and thousands of others feel the same way.
The courts may or may not impose a list, but if you don't think they can say that a given list violates the union's DFR responsibility you're living in fantasy land Roger. Taking from one group so the other group has more is a DFR suit just waiting to be ripe.


Don't put words in my mouth. Of course the courts can find for a DFR. But that is rarely the case, especially on appeal (Addington, Rakestraw, etc.)

I understand completely, and without fantasy, that USAPA could be held responsible for a DFR as to the seniority list. Despite the ramblings of an errant Arizona judge, the Ninth (backed up by SCOTUS) just told all of us the list had to be in a ratified contract prior to being subject to a DFR. Guess you missed that one while out cashing your PBGC check (thanks to ALPA)

NOT going to happen. We will keep LOA93 anyday over the NIC.


Prepare to retire on LOA93, we dont care!

And news flash to you - NOS and thousands of others feel the same way.

News flash to you-DOH NOT going to happen.

I have already accepeted that my remaining years here will be under LOA93. If you happen to also retire under LOA93, well you deserve it.

I think there are a couple of thousand pilots at USAirways that feel just as I do. We're just not the majority yet, but the longer this drags on, more will want to move on to better pay and working conditions.

That means that the company won't move off the nic. Until a court gives them immunity for doing so.

You are spinning for the future, getting ready for the inevitability of the companies declaratory judgment being dismissed. There is no history of a court giving immunity to a party for any future legal situations, you know that.

Having a aol badge backer now is proof of being unable to grasp or deal with reality and paying for it monetarily.
DFR II = 5 + years + badge backing = same results.

Besides, the airline will be split up shortly, there will be no one to DFR in the future.

My goal of pointing out the mentally challenged, the hypocrites, liars, the motives of alpa shills and those who only were able to rid their bodies of CO2 and felt entitlement, is complete.

I wish you luck in your future endeavors.
You are spinning for the future, getting ready for the inevitability of the companies declaratory judgment being dismissed. There is no history of a court giving immunity to a party for any future legal situations, you know that.

Having a aol badge backer now is proof of being unable to grasp or deal with reality and paying for it monetarily.
I'll play. So what do you think the company will do if they don't receive immunity or the case is dismissed?
News flash to you-DOH NOT going to happen.

Maybe, we will see. Personally i think a breakup, or liquidation will come before anything is resolved.

I have already accepeted that my remaining years here will be under LOA93. If you happen to also retire under LOA93, well you deserve it.

Dont really care, you see this job is a hobby. My business makes the real money.

I think there are a couple of thousand pilots at USAirways that feel just as I do. We're just not the majority yet, but the longer this drags on, more will want to move on to better pay and working conditions.

While better pay and working conditions are certainly desirable the majority will not sell out for seniority - this is where you are wrong.


As i said earlier, it will probably never get to this.
I'll play. So what do you think the company will do if they don't receive immunity or the case is dismissed?

Thats easy enough.....APPEAL. Doug has already said that. More delay tactics.
Doug already knows the courts will not give immunity, he is just not telling us this. Courts deal with facts, not speculation. There would be too much speculation to presume to know what Usapa would present or what the company would accept that may or may not bring harm to the west.
Do you really think Doug wants the extra costs associated with a new contract?
Nope, Doug wants a cost neutral contract, and that is the point. If he could, he would give u doh tomorrow in exchange. Doug would happily throw the west under the bus. He hasn't and he won't because the company's lawyers told him he couldn't .
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