US Pilots Labor Discussion

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We dont mean clown school, we are talking VT,U Mass, U Conn, where you dont read books by Marvel.

Ohh sounds like you didnt get in huh? Yeah one does need the GPA and Sat scores to get in. Did they have the SAT back when you were in highschool in the 50's?? Not to worry as I sure you did receive a pretty good education anyway.

Seems like I've flown with many distinguished graduates of that "clown school" in DAB.

Are you implying Embry-Riddle is less than a top place to get an education?

Oh by the way, which one of the above was your alma mater? Inquiring minds would like to know.

:lol: :lol: You dont really think that Jr high dropout really attending college do you?

Well here try and school me on a subject where I am clearly superior to you. Allow me to now educate you, the footnote is of minor importance. It is relegated to the bottom of the page (or, in the case of endnotes, to the back of the volume). It is excluded from the main body of the text, either because it disturbs the flow of the text, because it is unessential to the argument, or because it is a digression or afterthought. The footnote lives a life of exclusion and marginalization. It is named after the foot, that lowly organ which spends its life near the ground, in the dirt. We remark upon the triviality of the footnote in the very metaphors we use to describe the act of footnoting: one "drops" a footnote, as one might drop a piece of garbage, or anything unpleasant or of little value.

If you plan on playing this game you at the very least should know all the rules. The fact of the matter is the majority of you are clueless as to the law and how its applied. This is why usapa and Seham use you as fools! Truth be told you lost the LOA93 arb because you failed to understand basic contract law and you will lose on the seniority issue due to that same failure. In essence DOH is DOA as it pertains to east and west pilots for the purposes of integration. Its over!!

Getting real tired I educating the clueless east usapa lovers on points of law!


Ha, what a laugh.

So let me ask you....why even add a footnote? Why would you even add a footnote if not to support the body?

Furthermore, let me ask you, what do you STAND ON? What SUPPORTS you and your body?

Where did you go to school man?......Embry Riddle?
Seems like I've flown with many distinguished graduates of that "clown school" in DAB.

Are you implying Embry-Riddle is less than a top place to get an education?

Oh by the way, which one of the above was your alma mater? Inquiring minds would like to know.
Clown school is in you and wawwaw 320 didnt know, two of its most astute grads.
:lol: :lol: You dont really think that Jr high dropout really attending college do you?

When I got hired everyone had a "college" education. Clown school didnt count. actually you should have stuck to the clowns, it fits your disposition."funny" how you are a laugh a minute and not getting paid for it. your turn for a silly little quote that we will all remember for life.
When I got hired everyone had a "college" education. Clown school didnt count. actually you should have stuck to the clowns, it fits your disposition."funny" how you are a laugh a minute and not getting paid for it. your turn for a silly little quote that we will all remember for life.
But remember, AWA would hire ANYBODY. That's the way it is when your business plan is based on having the worst pay and benefits in the industry for over 20 years. Gotta take what you can get, no matter how intellectually challenged. Now, management wants to perpetuate that model here. Doug as much as said it in the December Crew News video.

I love that new name, Wawwaw320. Suits him well. Especially after he REALLY starts crying monday afternoon after the SCOTUS order is published.
You act like sentencing yourself to the worst wages in the business really hurts me :lol: I'm 44 I can out last your games. DO what you gotta do :lol: :lol:


So that means you will be sitting in the right seat 5 -10 more years. Are you
the guy who was crying at the crew news meeting where he ALMOST had a
Capt. bid and BAM merger happenes and now you are trapped. YOU get no
sympathy from anyone east. NONE. Go look elsewhere for a shoulder to cry on.
We don't care what your needs are to feel like a whole person. Your big plans
have been shot down. Like I said its probably going to be worse that you thought.
Glad you are 44. You you will need every day to recoup the loss to your golden
left seat and not pine over the Capt. seat you lost and will not get for some years.
Your anger is palpable....but we don't care!!!!

A little dense there, huh Barrister? We did that weeks ago when we were ignoring you jack wagons on the US threads, knowing you couldn't resist searching us out to see what we were saying "behind your back." Looks like you took the bait, as did several of your narcissistic playmates. So predictable. :lol: :lol: :lol: The joke's on you! Cheers.

Yea, I'm sure that's why you did it....regardless........11000 UAL/CON pilots and not ONE chimed in
to support your bile.

alpa rep and shill, please give a message from me to gillen and rice. They are corrupt and were involved as neutrals in an internal union matter that was a conflict of interest.
blah, blah, blah... Cry me a river. How's that DOH contract coming? Now run along and find another useless, irrelevant link to post.

You guys sure do have a knack for inflicting self-harm. :lol:
Yea, I'm sure that's why you did it....regardless........11000 UAL/CON pilots and not ONE chimed in
to support your bile.

#1, unlike you, they are smart enough to know who the intended audience was.

#2, there are never many people on the UA forum in the first place, since there is so little drama at UA/CO. And when there is, people show up at union meetings to discuss it, or go to the ALPA forum where everyone knows your identity and things are discussed away from the public view. Unlike you crybabies who come to a place like this to b1tch and moan.

As for the joke being on you... Since you are so interested to follow us around, and care so much about our motivation, why don't you look at the dates of those posts you referred to, and then see how many posts we had on the US forum during that time. It should be easy for you being such an internet troll. There were over 15 of us laughing our a$$es off at you guys for over a week as you came apart at the seams since there was no one talking to you. You guys were stuck in your own little circle jerk trying desperately to bait someone back into your polluted sand box. It was quite hysterical! :lol: Shall I send you the PM's we were having during that time, making fun at your expense?
#1, unlike you, they are smart enough to know who the intended audience was.

#2, there are never many people on the UA forum in the first place, since there is so little drama at UA/CO. And when there is, people show up at union meetings to discuss it, or go to the ALPA forum where everyone knows your identity and things are discussed away from the public view. Unlike you crybabies who come to a place like this to b1tch and moan.

As for the joke being on you... Since you are so interested to follow us around, and care so much about our motivation, why don't you look at the dates of those posts you referred to, and then see how many posts we had on the US forum during that time. It should be easy for you being such an internet troll. There were over 15 of us laughing our a$$es off at you guys for over a week as you came apart at the seams since there was no one talking to you. You guys were stuck in your own little circle jerk trying desperately to bait someone back into your polluted sand box. It was quite hysterical! :lol: Shall I send you the PM's we were having during that time, making fun at your expense?
Excuses, excuses.

Oh, by the way, ALPA STILL SUX!
Furthermore, let me ask you, what do you STAND ON? What SUPPORTS you and your body?
Your feet. Not the paper (note) beneath your feet.

Typical usapian twisted logic. Just like "not ripe" means everything you want it to mean except simply not ripe.

Just like 'USAPA is as free to abandon the Nic as ALPA was.' means you can cram whatever you want down on the minority, instead of... ALPA could not unilaterally abandon the Nic without west consent, and neither can USAPA.

Just like "internal union matter" means do whatever you want, we don't care, instead of... The union is responsible to come up with a solution that is legal and does not harm the west as they fear. (for the uber-dense, as they fear means the nic or something equal. Not what the majority determines to be fair for the minority.)

Just like "I want a list that is not disputed" means if it's not DOH then it is disputed because WE say it is, instead of... I don't want to be dragged into court and expose my share holders to damages by a list that is not legal and binding.

You easties really have a habit of only seeing and hearing what you want, and seem to be unable to step back and consider any other point of view or interpretation. Which is why you believe everything your union reps tell you, and end up in constant conflict with everyone else.
So that means you will be sitting in the right seat 5 -10 more years. Are you
the guy who was crying at the crew news meeting where he ALMOST had a
Capt. bid and BAM merger happenes and now you are trapped. YOU get no
sympathy from anyone east. NONE. Go look elsewhere for a shoulder to cry on.
We don't care what your needs are to feel like a whole person. Your big plans
have been shot down. Like I said its probably going to be worse that you thought.
Glad you are 44. You you will need every day to recoup the loss to your golden
left seat and not pine over the Capt. seat you lost and will not get for some years.
Your anger is palpable....but we don't care!!

This from a group of whiners that walk around with four stripes (talk about needing to feel like a whole person) because you USED to be a captain. That is the whole point of usapa to get your F/Os into the left seat. Pot meet kettle.

It is the east pilots that are drying of the lose of your captain seats.
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