US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Hey you want to see something funny......Jetz and AWA320 took their little USAPA lovefest
over to the UAL/CON section and guess what..........not one single person responded in suppport
of their bile. You guys make Bagdag Bob look good.

A little dense there, huh Barrister? We did that weeks ago when we were ignoring you jack wagons on the US threads, knowing you couldn't resist searching us out to see what we were saying "behind your back." Looks like you took the bait, as did several of your narcissistic playmates. So predictable. :lol: :lol: :lol: The joke's on you! Cheers.
:lol: :lol: :lol: That was tooo funny!! OMG I am laughing so hard I can hardly stand it. Tell me, is you paycheck under LOA 93 just as funny?? How does it feel to see that Horizon RJ70 captains make as much as the east captains?? Still laughing, I AM! Oh an for the record I said my wife likes wine not that she drinks it regularly. BTW was that your wife I had drinks with tonight in Philly? She said she was a married to low paid limp noodle from the east so I assumed it was either you or clueless as butter oldie.

Batteries plus!! Do your research...

I guess we found out how to get you tennis shoes wet, hahaha
Funny because one can actually say that about you all at usless air!! Remember, its us at AWA that saved you and what as left of your sorry career. Might wanna think about that next you start to feel all high and mighty.

Why dont you just get a stamp with"SAVED THE WORLD AND THE EAST PILOTS" and put it on each post. Oh by the way now your tough guy in Phl? Do you know how stupid you sound? Send a message to someone else in the west maybe they will tell you.
I dont force them to ride the jumpseat but if they do then they have to expect to get what they get with regard to labor conversations. They can pity me all the way to 100% deadhead and Cancellation pay. I got that a couple of weeks ago. You guys get that too right??


LOA93 has got you by the shorts and bringing you down. Did I mention that I make more to fly the same equip than your top east f/o on the same type?? Yeah!! How you like them apples :D



Well awa since you are the "man" how many Easties have you tossed of your j/s because they dont agree with the king.
Why do you westies still rant and rave about this NIC thing, you guys know it's long gone. Please join the rest of us in reality, it's just like Oldie said "your on the list" be grateful Parker did not put "Project Zanzibar" in to place.!!!!!
hahahaha good one, what was ' Project Zanzibar' I was laughing at waw 320 and missed it?
Keep Chirping shows how ignorant you are...You do know the definition of a "scab" right? Not a definition you make up....

And you had actual scabs on your list.

But keep making stuff up you may have a future as a fiction writer.

I'm not an East pilot so...whatever...

But once again..good post... a little bit of a run on, kind of had some made up stuff in it but I get where you're coming from...and It's waaaay out there.
Pat on the back for you!

Definition of a scab is USAPA!!

Why do you westies still rant and rave about this NIC thing, you guys know it's long gone. Please join the rest of us in reality, it's just like Oldie said "your on the list" be grateful Parker did not put "Project Zanzibar" in to place.!!!!!

Make you the same exact bet, you get out of this arb and get DOH then I will quit but you dont they you quit! Fair enough??

DOH :lol: :lol: :lol: You guys are dreaming. Parker is never going to place this company in that kind of harms way. Good luck with your dream and and BTW you will no doubt wake up and be wet :lol: closest you'll get to screwing us.

Well awa since you are the "man" how many Easties have you tossed of your j/s because they dont agree with the king.

Funny thing about that, you crybabies show up an are all humble. Taking off your scab bling and begging to get a ride home. It shouldnt be that way but its the world you all wanted so its that world you get.

You did and you are!!!

More reading comprehension problems. Did you ever graduate, or at least get a GED? If so, apparently they just give those away out west.

Nobody needs to beg, since it's not "your" jumpseat. That attitude could get straightened out right quickly with a trip to your chief pilot's office.
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