US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Oh I know! I was strolling thru the Philly terminal yesterday and saw many staring at my red lanyard and my Cactus pilot badge backer and not one of these brave souls had the stones to say ANYTHING to my face. They have balls as big as mack trucks when they can hide behind a computer screen but in person they are PUSSYcats!!! 2011 will bring many things to them, mostly the NIC and no snapbacks. I will be rolling thru Philly again this afternoon and expect the same old PUSSYcat mentality


Why would anyone want to engage you other than to say "Hello" or "Have a Nice Day?" What could possibly be gained at this point by having a USAviation Forum type exchange in the hallways of the terminal?

The best course would be to remain cordial, polite and and professional. Let the courts finally decide. Absolutely nothing to be gained by having a confrontation in public.

By the way, the $4.00 Chicken Salad Sandwich and the $5.00 Grilled Chicken Salad at Chic-Fil-A and the value meals at Wendy's in the Food Court are the best bang-for-the-buck!
Why is it that you and usapa always have to rely on footnotes to make your case? If is is so important and so central to the argument why is that not in the MAIN body of the document? Why would the ninth make it just a footnote to the case?

BTW in the presidents latest rant. Why does he not quote the ENTIRE sentence from the footnote instead of taking them out of context and lie to the membership?

Because rocket scientist it explains why your MAIN argument that the TA controls is trumped by
LABOR LAW, the CBA process and ratification. And the 9th found obvious what Wake tried to skirt around.

Getting real tired of having to school you on the obvious. You too BB.

Yes it does - a lot you and the others always fail to mention, choosing instead to cherrypick a few words here and there.


We hear ya!! When the CBA is voted in then what is the test for DFR........
...have you been paying attention in class......well have you??

A WIDE RANGE OF REASONABLENESS......if you said that then give youself one star
and move up one row!!

Oh I know! I was strolling thru the Philly terminal yesterday and saw many staring at my red lanyard and my Cactus pilot badge backer and not one of these brave souls had the stones to say ANYTHING to my face. They have balls as big as mack trucks when they can hide behind a computer screen but in person they are PUSSYcats!!! 2011 will bring many things to them, mostly the NIC and no snapbacks. I will be rolling thru Philly again this afternoon and expect the same old PUSSYcat mentality


Truly pathetic...

You know - what ever finally happens with this abortion of a merger, the very best that you will have ever achieved on your own in your airline career is to have gotten hired by AWA...

How disappointing.

Boeing Driver
Because rocket scientist it explains why your MAIN argument that the TA controls is trumped by
LABOR LAW, the CBA process and ratification. And the 9th found obvious what Wake tried to skirt around.

Getting real tired of having to school you on the obvious. You too BB.

What evidence was presented to the ninth that told them that no ratification with the Nicolau was possible? Other than usapa word at the district court (you know the trial that never happened as you like to say). the ninth has no idea if a Nicolau contract would pass or not. The same way they don't know if a contract with or without crew meals would pass or not.

But my point was FOOTNOTE. You do understand what a footnote is don't you? If it was important it would have been in the BODY the main part of the opinion not a footnote.
Because rocket scientist it explains why your MAIN argument that the TA controls is trumped by
LABOR LAW, the CBA process and ratification. And the 9th found obvious what Wake tried to skirt around.

Getting real tired of having to school you on the obvious. You too BB.


Well here try and school me on a subject where I am clearly superior to you. Allow me to now educate you, the footnote is of minor importance. It is relegated to the bottom of the page (or, in the case of endnotes, to the back of the volume). It is excluded from the main body of the text, either because it disturbs the flow of the text, because it is unessential to the argument, or because it is a digression or afterthought. The footnote lives a life of exclusion and marginalization. It is named after the foot, that lowly organ which spends its life near the ground, in the dirt. We remark upon the triviality of the footnote in the very metaphors we use to describe the act of footnoting: one "drops" a footnote, as one might drop a piece of garbage, or anything unpleasant or of little value.

If you plan on playing this game you at the very least should know all the rules. The fact of the matter is the majority of you are clueless as to the law and how its applied. This is why usapa and Seham use you as fools! Truth be told you lost the LOA93 arb because you failed to understand basic contract law and you will lose on the seniority issue due to that same failure. In essence DOH is DOA as it pertains to east and west pilots for the purposes of integration. Its over!!

Getting real tired I educating the clueless east usapa lovers on points of law!

Why would anyone want to engage you other than to say "Hello" or "Have a Nice Day?" What could possibly be gained at this point by having a USAviation Forum type exchange in the hallways of the terminal?

The best course would be to remain cordial, polite and and professional. Let the courts finally decide. Absolutely nothing to be gained by having a confrontation in public.

By the way, the $4.00 Chicken Salad Sandwich and the $5.00 Grilled Chicken Salad at Chic-Fil-A and the value meals at Wendy's in the Food Court are the best bang-for-the-buck!

There would be no public confrontation due large in part to the fact that most hide behind key boards and behave like bullies there. Its very easy to hide behind a key board to launch their verbal attacks, its another matter all together to say what you have to say to a persons face. This can be done without physical confrontation mind you.

We hear ya!! When the CBA is voted in then what is the test for DFR........
...have you been paying attention in class......well have you??

A WIDE RANGE OF REASONABLENESS......if you said that then give youself one star
and move up one row!!

Is it reasonable to staple 85% of the west below furloughed east pilots after a neutral already decided it was not? One jury decided in about 2 hours that it was not. Just because a majority thinks it is reasonable does not make it reasonable.

A majority of the Middle East thinks it is reasonable to wipe Israel off the face of the planet. Does that make it right?
There would be no public confrontation due large in part to the fact that most hide behind key boards and behave like bullies there. Its very easy to hide behind a key board to launch their verbal attacks, its another matter all together to say what you have to say to a persons face. This can be done without physical confrontation mind you.


You have a lot to say why don't you go up to an East Pilot and tell him what you think of him rather than wait for them to approach you? Seems Like you're just trying to bait them wearing your super "kewl" red lanyard and...what colour of badge backer do you have? oh it doesn't're like a super hero...puff that chest out, get your arms our from your sides(pretend you have a set of lats) and walk around like you own the place. You and your ilk really do make me laugh. One upper that you try to be.
If nothing else I'm sure you brighten the East pilots day...they can't help but shake their heads and laugh.

Surprised the Company doesn't just come out and standardize uniforms a little more, heard they were with the "Christmas tie", who knows if that's true...they should do the same with the lanyards and badge backers...a uniform is a uniform. You want professionals? Make them all the same. Actually not surprised they haven't, they're kind of mealy mouthed in everything they do.
Truly pathetic...

You know - what ever finally happens with this abortion of a merger, the very best that you will have ever achieved on your own in your airline career is to have gotten hired by AWA...

How disappointing.

Boeing Driver

Funny because one can actually say that about you all at usless air!! Remember, its us at AWA that saved you and what as left of your sorry career. Might wanna think about that next you start to feel all high and mighty.

You have a lot to say why don't you go up to an East Pilot and tell him what you think of him rather than wait for them to approach you? Seems Like you're just trying to bait them wearing your super "kewl" red lanyard and...what colour of badge backer do you have? oh it doesn't're like a super hero...puff that chest out, get your arms our from your sides(pretend you have a set of lats) and walk around like you own the place. You and your ilk really do make me laugh. One upper that you try to be.
If nothing else I'm sure you brighten the East pilots day...they can't help but shake their heads and laugh.

Surprised the Company doesn't just come out and standardize uniforms a little more, heard they were with the "Christmas tie", who knows if that's true...they should do the same with the lanyards and badge backers...a uniform is a uniform. You want professionals? Make them all the same. Actually not surprised they haven't, they're kind of mealy mouthed in everything they do.

I speak with them all the time my friend. You see you all need the west jumpseat to get home many of us dont! So when they are stuck and the conversation turns to one of REAL UNIONS then we talk. I explain just I how feel usapa is no better than scabs and in fact they are more scabs than picket line crossers. See usapa is pure scab because they busted the entire union for its own greed that they and you will never realize.

I feel nothing but pity for the majority of you. Not only did they people you elect take advantage of you and you failed to learn from it, but its happeneing again with scabsapa!! Stupid really is as stupid does and stupid you all really are. This will go down in the history of aviation as being one of the worst moves ever made. Usapa is content being paid the same a Horizon RJ captains which makes them and YOU one sorry joke! LONG LIVE LOA93!!!!

Funny because one can actually say that about you all at usless air!! Remember, its us at AWA that saved you and what as left of your sorry career. Might wanna think about that next you start to feel all high and mighty.



the thing about the saving people...who has pilots out on furlough and has closed 50% of their bases? oh and that 20 whatever percent east flying stuff....

We can play this game all day...keep chirping! I'll say one thing about you, you love to mouth off...It's awesome, I wish I was your friend so you could tell me about how great your airline career is and how the Eastie's are so mean to you. Ahhh but alas it's not to be...oh well I love reading your posts! They're so informative! You are amazing. I can't get over how intelligent and thought out everything I've read of yours is...It just warms my heart.
I'm going to *try* and let you know how awesome you are after every post you make because I don't think your self esteem is high enough and that's why you're so negative towards others. You're a little doll! Keep up the good work!
I speak with them all the time my friend. You see you all need the west jumpseat to get home many of us dont! So when they are stuck and the conversation turns to one of REAL UNIONS then we talk. I explain just I how feel usapa is no better than scabs and in fact they are more scabs than picket line crossers. See usapa is pure scab because they busted the entire union for its own greed that they and you will never realize.

I feel nothing but pity for the majority of you. Not only did they people you elect take advantage of you and you failed to learn from it, but its happeneing again with scabsapa!! Stupid really is as stupid does and stupid you all really are. This will go down in the history of aviation as being one of the worst moves ever made. Usapa is content being paid the same a Horizon RJ captains which makes them and YOU one sorry joke! LONG LIVE LOA93!!!!


A little different when they are a captive audience on your jumpseat..wouldn't you say? I mean if that's where you pull your "Usapa sucks...yadda yadda yadda" card...not really the same as going up to one in public and starting your diatribe.

But...before I forget...Great post! Well thought out...Keep it up...go check that mirror out and give yourself a wink!

Don't pity the East...most of them are pitying you...Really their hearts go out to you...someone so angry...I'm glad you have the board as an outlet.
A little different when they are a captive audience on your jumpseat..wouldn't you say? I mean if that's where you pull your "Usapa sucks...yadda yadda yadda" card...not really the same as going up to one in public and starting your diatribe.

But...before I forget...Great post! Well thought out...Keep it up...go check that mirror out and give yourself a wink!

Don't pity the East...most of them are pitying you...Really their hearts go out to you...someone so angry...I'm glad you have the board as an outlet.
He lives in a fantasy world...

Oh, and AWA320...When you fly with me , don't forget to check the tops of the wings for ice in the winter when you are doing your FO walkarouund.
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