US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Young man,

An avatar is not a reflection of the person but rather a reflection of how one views certain aspects in life. Take my avatar for instance, it describes how I feel about usapa but tells you nothing about the person. In other words young man, its arbitrary.

A rose is a rose. In your language sir, I will interpret this for you and your tribes vernacular, canibus is canibus.
ALPA could not produce such documents during their "trial."

ALPA not producing something from private web forums is neither here nor there and as you know (or maybe not) posting outside writings here without the copyright or author's permission is against the rules, so I can't oblige you within the rules. They exist, whether or not you choose to believe it.

I will give snippets without revealing which PHL rep wrote them.

"let USAPA take over"
"We, your USAPA Volunteers"
"If a contract gets ratified BEFORE the USAPA vote then we are all screwed."

That should give you a taste for what was happening behind the curtain. As I said, the aforementioned ALPA reps were representing their members wishes, just not ALPA. The charge, paraphrasing, was being disloyal to ALPA. I believe USAPA has similar language in it's constitution, and wonder how USAPA would treat members of the BPR for working to replace USAPA while being USAPA reps.

A rose is a rose. In your language sir, I will interpret this for you and your tribes vernacular, canibus is canibus.

When you grow up you will understand or at the very least that is the hope. As I've said, its better to let the world think you are a fool than to open your mouth or type and clarify all doubt.

Clueless as usual - the stage 3 limits that the F28 didn't meet weren't legislated till 1990 - 4 years after the Empire merger - or implemented till 2000 - 14 years after the Empire merger. You received some good advice - better to let the world wonder about your lack of intelligence than open your mouth (or type on your keyboard) and remove any doubt about how ignorant you are.

The big batch of F 28 s were from Garuda Airways. old pieces of junk, re painted. You knew exactly how long those things were hanging around. Just long enough to get the Empire pilots stapled into position.
Show us the posts. And if you can, show me a post with them advocating the overthrow of ALPA. ALPA could not produce such documents during their "trial."

As to "getting out of the Nic," that is moot. If they said that, they were speading the truth. We would now be living under it with ALPA. Good Reps should always tell their members the truth.

Good advice. Too bad your usapa reps or the president is not using it.
On first read, regardless of my opinion of Mike Cleary or his would appear he has acted in a responsible way.

In the immediate absence of the BPR he acted in the good interest of the Association, as per his duties.

He properly qualified his decision:

• My actions in this regard are subject to immediate review at the BPR meeting scheduled for January 4-6, 2011. If the BPR determines that the Association does not require adherence to the Grievance Committee's standard grievance processing protocols, then it has the authority to reverse my determination in this matter.

Screw the politics, take care of your member pilots in peril. How hard is that one? Shame on those Reps.

The ALPA PHL reps were not put into receivership for any neglect in care of their member pilots, quite the reverse… and I won't waste any bandwidth here educating you.

Happy New Year.

We are very happy with out reps performance. They have been doing a very good job of taking care of the PHX pilots. It is Cleary without any investigation or hearing removed those guys. Now the PHX pilots are unprotected. There was no neglect, this was our reps not needing F/O Parrella.

You guys hate ALPA at least ALPA gave them a chance to defend themselves. The king decided this on his own. Talk about politics this is it.
It appears that two USAPA west reps are getting suspended.

""A central mission of the Grievance Committee is the implementation of a standardized program of grievance processing and pilot representation designed to ensure that the job is done right. None of the basic elements should come as a surprise to anyone; they are the ABCs of grievance work and include:

the careful preparation of pilot-witnesses prior to being subjected to Company-conducted Section 19 hearings;
the taking of detailed notes of witness interviews and Section 19 proceedings;
providing the Grievance Committee with all notes, documents, and meeting notices so that USAPA can ensure uniform contract enforcement and so that our attorneys can be prepared for arbitration;
immediately providing the Grievance Committee with all Company-proposed grievance settlements so that they can undergo legal review.
As detailed in the attached letters, I received a carefully documented report from the Grievance Committee that two domicile representatives were persistently disregarding every one of the basic protocols referenced above.""

Yes, Adolph Hussein Cleary took it upon himself to remove two of our reps without due process. Big surprise. We're getting the government involved in this one. Won't cost us a cent. He and the BPR can't hide in the bunker this time. Looking forward to the big exit.
Yes, Adolph Hussein Cleary took it upon himself to remove two of our reps without due process. Big surprise. We're getting the government involved in this one. Won't cost us a cent. He and the BPR can't hide in the bunker this time. Looking forward to the big exit.
Tell your boyzz to start following the rules if they want to be grievance reps. This is a clear cut case of union reps freelancing on their own and doing their own members a disservice. You need to thank Cleary for helping set it straight so your people get the outstanding services USAPA provides. If anything, they provided evidence why Leonidas has done everything to disrupt a legally elected union. These anarchists need to start following established protocol.
The big batch of F 28 s were from Garuda Airways. old pieces of junk, re painted. You knew exactly how long those things were hanging around. Just long enough to get the Empire pilots stapled into position.
Exactly. If Garuda was getting rid of them, what does that tell you? These things were falling apart the day they were delivered. Empire brought some new hulls, the Piedmont hulls were rust buckets.
Tell your boyzz to start following the rules if they want to be grievance reps. This is a clear cut case of union reps freelancing on their own and doing their own members a disservice. You need to thank Cleary for helping set it straight so your people get the outstanding services USAPA provides. If anything, they provided evidence why Leonidas has done everything to disrupt a legally elected union. These anarchists need to start following established protocol.
So you have no problem what so ever of Cleary without the board or a hearing just removing them? Would you have had the same attitude if Prater had removed PHL without a hearing? Please reference the C&BL that grants the king that kind of authority.

I think your hatred of the west had clouded your judgment.

How do you have any idea what the PHX reps have or have not done? What "disservice" has been done? Are there a bunch of PHX pilots clamering for recall of the PHX reps or complaining about how we are being represented? No we are complaining about the lack of service we are getting from F/O Parrlla and usapa. Our guys are doing a great job.
Tell your boyzz to start following the rules if they want to be grievance reps. This is a clear cut case of union reps freelancing on their own and doing their own members a disservice. You need to thank Cleary for helping set it straight so your people get the outstanding services USAPA provides. If anything, they provided evidence why Leonidas has done everything to disrupt a legally elected union. These anarchists need to start following established protocol.

You know not what you know not. But, yeah, I'll get right on that...... so that I can enjoy "the outstanding services" that UCRAPA provides. LOL. We anarchists might start following established protocol if you terrorists would do the same. Established protocol such as honoring final and binding arbitration.

I like your word. Anarchist. I will wear that label with honor as long as my anarchy is directed at destroying the terrorism that is the prevalent eastie/UCRAPA mentality.
Exactly. If Garuda was getting rid of them, what does that tell you? These things were falling apart the day they were delivered. Empire brought some new hulls, the Piedmont hulls were rust buckets.

I was a Captain on one of those "rust buckets" and I have NO idea what you are talking about. Fokker refurbished those airplanes and they were in good shape when I flew them. I saw the "before" and "after" personally at the Fokker factory in Amsterdam.

Driver <_<
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