US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Take a Gander, USAPA pays SEHAM, YOU PAY 2 MILL+ to MARTY!JAMIE!

What am I gandering at??? More usapa losses?? No win on the LOA 93 arb, you know that dont you? Oh usapa is keeping that from you so you dont know yet do you??? I checked my sources and found that the Arbitrator stated "in the absence of an agreement to return the pilots to their previous wage I am unable to find in favor of usapa." :lol: :lol: foodstamps for the east everyone and pbgc 35k retirement for the senior guys. Tell Tracy to quit messing around with the ruling as you all deserve to know that will be living under bankruptcy wages for a long long time :lol:

It appears that two USAPA west reps are getting suspended.

""A central mission of the Grievance Committee is the implementation of a standardized program of grievance processing and pilot representation designed to ensure that the job is done right. None of the basic elements should come as a surprise to anyone; they are the ABCs of grievance work and include:

the careful preparation of pilot-witnesses prior to being subjected to Company-conducted Section 19 hearings;
the taking of detailed notes of witness interviews and Section 19 proceedings;
providing the Grievance Committee with all notes, documents, and meeting notices so that USAPA can ensure uniform contract enforcement and so that our attorneys can be prepared for arbitration;
immediately providing the Grievance Committee with all Company-proposed grievance settlements so that they can undergo legal review.
As detailed in the attached letters, I received a carefully documented report from the Grievance Committee that two domicile representatives were persistently disregarding every one of the basic protocols referenced above.""
It appears that two USAPA west reps are getting suspended.

""A central mission of the Grievance Committee is the implementation of a standardized program of grievance processing and pilot representation designed to ensure that the job is done right. None of the basic elements should come as a surprise to anyone; they are the ABCs of grievance work and include:

the careful preparation of pilot-witnesses prior to being subjected to Company-conducted Section 19 hearings;
the taking of detailed notes of witness interviews and Section 19 proceedings;
providing the Grievance Committee with all notes, documents, and meeting notices so that USAPA can ensure uniform contract enforcement and so that our attorneys can be prepared for arbitration;
immediately providing the Grievance Committee with all Company-proposed grievance settlements so that they can undergo legal review.
As detailed in the attached letters, I received a carefully documented report from the Grievance Committee that two domicile representatives were persistently disregarding every one of the basic protocols referenced above.""

Fellow pilots,

Wherever you stand on the issues, and no matter whom you support on the MEC, the imposition of trusteeship of one of our councils by the national union, just days before our MEC officer election, amounts to nothing more than outside interference in the representative structure of the US Airways pilots.All three of our MEC Officers and many of our Committee Chairmen are up for re-election during the 1st Quarter meeting that started on Monday. Removing any council from the MEC just prior to these elections, changes the dynamics of the elections. This is a calculated move in ALPA National's playbook designed to influence the makeup of the US Airways MEC which, in their view, will increase ALPA National's chances in the upcoming NMB election.

The timing of the trusteeship is a direct assault by a national union on one of their locals, and one should assume that there are many more plays in the national playbook. Every single US Airways pilot should be outraged at the timing of this action.

USAPA would like to remind the US Airways pilots that it does not matter what council the national union desires to remove, there is a better way. Since USAPA protects only the interest of US Airways pilots, other organizations will be unable to directly influence or tamper with USAPA’s internal elections.

USAPA is the pilot’s choice!


Stephen Bradford,

Interim President

So it seems that usapa in less than 3 short years had become everything you hated about ALPA and worse. At least at ALPA your PHL guys got dues process. King Cleary got to decide all on his own. So much for the more democratic usapa.
It appears that two USAPA west reps are getting suspended.

""A central mission of the Grievance Committee is the implementation of a standardized program of grievance processing and pilot representation designed to ensure that the job is done right. None of the basic elements should come as a surprise to anyone; they are the ABCs of grievance work and include:

the careful preparation of pilot-witnesses prior to being subjected to Company-conducted Section 19 hearings;
the taking of detailed notes of witness interviews and Section 19 proceedings;
providing the Grievance Committee with all notes, documents, and meeting notices so that USAPA can ensure uniform contract enforcement and so that our attorneys can be prepared for arbitration;
immediately providing the Grievance Committee with all Company-proposed grievance settlements so that they can undergo legal review.
As detailed in the attached letters, I received a carefully documented report from the Grievance Committee that two domicile representatives were persistently disregarding every one of the basic protocols referenced above.""

Chalk it up to idiotic, illegal action #10,544 issued the impotent Kim jong cleary. The nmb is investigating...again.
So it seems that usapa in less than 3 shirt years had become everything you hated about ALPA and worse. At least at ALPA your PHL guys got dues process. King Cleary got to decide all on his own. So much for the more democratic usapa.

My shirts last three years so that would be nine years to me.

This was not a receivership, you overreact as usual.
My shirts last three years so that would be nine years to me.

This was not a receivership, you overreact as usual.

You need to learn your terms Nos my child! Receivership is a court ordered process by which property in question is protected. This is trusteeship and it was a really boneheaded move on the part of Cleary but hey one comes to expected boneheaded from a bone head.

You need to learn your terms Nos my child! Receivership is a court ordered process by which property in question is protected. This is trusteeship and it was a really boneheaded move on the part of Cleary but hey one comes to expected boneheaded from a bone head.

Your ignorant friend, direct but not so clear mentioned an article about receivership, you replied to my answer to him and blew that out of proportion, which makes you ignorant also, birds of a feather.

Your "loyal" USAPA rep Eric is still there,

"During the suspension, however, all
investigation, discipline, and grievance-related correspondence received by you must be immediately forwarded
to both PHX Domicile Representative Eric Ferguson and Captain Parrella."
My shirts last three years so that would be nine years to me.

This was not a receivership, you overreact as usual.
Try reading it this time

, the imposition of trusteeship of one of our councils by the national union,

The timing of the trusteeship is a direct assault by a national union on one of their locals, and one should assume that there are many more plays in the national playbook. Every single US Airways pilot should be outraged at the timing of this action.

Talk about overreacting. He was right your were wrong. Admit your mistake.
Your ignorant friend, direct but not so clear mentioned an article about receivership, you replied to my answer to him and blew that out of proportion, which makes you ignorant also, birds of a feather.

Your "loyal" USAPA rep Eric is still there,

"During the suspension, however, all
investigation, discipline, and grievance-related correspondence received by you must be immediately forwarded
to both PHX Domicile Representative Eric Ferguson and Captain Parrella."
Try reading it this time. No mention of receivership. The word is trusteeship.

, the imposition of trusteeship of one of our councils by the national union,

The timing of the trusteeship is a direct assault by a national union on one of their locals, and one should assume that there are many more plays in the national playbook. Every single US Airways pilot should be outraged at the timing of this action.

Talk about overreacting. He was right your were wrong. Admit your mistake.

We all know that F/O Parrella has the west interest in mind. NOT!!!!
Try reading it this time

Talk about overreacting. He was right your were wrong. Admit your mistake.

You are trying to divert attention to my wit. The point is you have west reps sleeping with the company. You spun this like a top as an all out assault to PHX, when in actuality, you west guys cause your own problems. Eric is left, which is like having the fox watching the hens. Add this to the america west pilot legacy.

Don't get your three "shirts" in an approar.
First Officer D Br..??
Mesa, AZ 85203
Re: Representation
Dear David:
Please be advised that, effective immediately, you are hereby suspended from all representational activities
under Sections 18-20 of the West collective bargaining agreement until such time as you have completed
remedial investigation, discipline, and grievance representation training with Grievance Committee Chairman
Captain Tracy Parrella, as well as provide copies of the previously requested documents. Captain Parrella has
agreed to make herself available to conduct the necessary remedial training on January 3, 2011, the day prior to
the Board of Pilot Representatives’ meeting scheduled to commence on January 4, 2011. Any standard
expenses arising from your attendance at this training will be absorbed by the Association.
I am compelled to take this action in order to protect the interests of the Association and the members it
The deficiencies in your investigation, discipline, and grievance handling giving rise to this suspension have
been addressed to you previously via telephone, email, and certified mail. These deficiencies include, but are
not limited to, the following:
the failure to prepare pilot-grievants prior to Company-conducted Section 19 hearings;
the failure to take notes concerning your meetings with pilot-grievants and witnesses;
the failure to take notes, and/or the deliberate withholding of such notes, at Section 19 Company conducted
the failure to advise the USAPA Grievance Committee of Section 19 hearings;
the failure to advise the USAPA Grievance Committee of the content of discussions between
yourself and Company representatives, as well as failing to take notes during those conversations;
the failure to advise the USAPA Grievance Committee of Company-proposed settlements;
your approval of Company-proposed settlements without authorization of the USAPA and/or the
USAPA Grievance Committee.

These deficiencies are in derogation of the investigation, discipline, and grievance representation training you
have previously received and present the potential for imminent harm to the Association and its members.
In view of Captain Parrella’s agreement to make herself immediately available for the requisite remedial
training, we are hopeful that this suspension will be of brief duration. During the suspension, however, all
investigation, discipline, and grievance-related correspondence received by you must be immediately forwarded
to both PHX Domicile Representative Eric Ferguson and Captain Parrella.
Captain Michael Cleary
President, US Airline Pilots Association
cc: USAPA Officers
Board of Pilots Representatives
Grievance Committee
Your ignorant friend, direct but not so clear mentioned an article about receivership, you replied to my answer to him and blew that out of proportion, which makes you ignorant also, birds of a feather.

Your "loyal" USAPA rep Eric is still there,

"During the suspension, however, all
investigation, discipline, and grievance-related correspondence received by you must be immediately forwarded
to both PHX Domicile Representative Eric Ferguson and Captain Parrella."
Is that all you have Nos, insults?? I guess when one lacks the ability to state whats on their mind then resort to insults and swearing. Its ok though my child as I understand what it is you can not articulate. Attack away because thats all you have left and when usapa is done playing you and you see that date on the LOA 93 case ask yourself why the union you've been blowing hasn't even offer you a reach around. When you think of ignorant think of that and remember that you now and will continue to work under bankruptcy wages and rules...

Is that all you have Nos, insults?? I guess when one lacks the ability to state whats on their mind then resort to insults and swearing. Its ok though my child as I understand what it is you can not articulate. Attack away because thats all you have left and when usapa is done playing you and you see that date on the LOA 93 case ask yourself why the union you've been blowing hasn't even offer you a reach around. When you think of ignorant think of that and remember that you now and will continue to work under bankruptcy wages and rules...


Loa 93, which was authored by alpa, will be decided in the companies favor, I have said this all along. alpa national "legal, contract experts, esquires, r and r committee, blah blah blah, experts" wrote the language. You will spin this as a USAPA failure, but alpa was the author.

The companies frivolous declaratory lawsuit will be dismissed and appealed by the company, you will spin this as a USAPA loss, but it is a company stall tactic.

USAPA hopefully will be released for legal self help this spring.
wit - wrong infinite times.

Your quote sir

"The Empire pilots had better.....///////////////blahblah,, than the west pilots."

The former Empire pilots are so lucky you put them on the bottom of your list, with lifetime f 28 (no hush kits possible rights, Syracuse rights.)

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