US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Is that what it is? ahhh shoot I should have brought my controller. :rolleyes: LOA93 loss announcement just days away. Get your popcorn ready.

And so is tax season, new years , valentines day, SPEED WEEK, Daytona 500, Superbowl, if I missed any on your X-BOX pause feel free to add some, just days away events! JAMIE, JJ, JG, MM!
Dude, you need some good old fashion NASCAR in your analysis long as we lead the last lap!!


The USAPA Taurus (SHO?) may well lead the last lap, but will blow an engine or run out of gas before the checkered flag is waved.

NASCAR-Non Athletic Sport Catering to All Rednecks. More wrecks than the Dukes of Hazzard!
Is the company ready?? Ahhh YEAH!!! As usual with the east mindset you fail to read the tea leaves. We in the west are now overstaffed for Jan with 200 plus res. They know you lost that and infact you know it too but you would rather believe in the usapa mantra that has failed at almost every turn. CLUE, you had no snap back provision in your agreement and just want one does not a snap back make!!

I say do your little job action on east and watch just how quickly LCC responds. I know you wont because you guys in the east are all just bullies that scream but dont do jack!! Here let me already write your (Usapa) response to the loa93 loss. "we the members of the BPR had anticipated this loss to the arbitration. The arbitrator is a senile old person that doesnt understand that we in the east are GODS and things must go our way. We fully plan to put a blue ribbon panel together to investigate this loss and we will not honor it. There will be an appeal of this decision and we will let you all know the decison of that loss uhh I mean appeal. Until fly safe and follow the contract or dont".

Loss after loss after loss and this one I cant wait for.

Honestly you west pilots are about the dumbest group, why would you want us to lose the LOA 93 arbitration, don't you want a raise too? I'm sure we :D will fight to bring you westies up to pairity with us.
The USAPA Taurus (SHO?) may well lead the last lap, but will blow an engine or run out of gas before the checkered flag is waved.

NASCAR-Non Athletic Sport Catering to All Rednecks. More wrecks than the Dukes of Hazzard.
I don"t think she likes NASCAR very much.
The bigger question is the company ready? And even more important, are the west pilots ready? If it goes the East pilots way, you have just lost any and all leverage for a contract and the Nic. It will be over in that department.
Is the company ready for what? An illegal job action when they win?

Is the company ready to shift flying to the now cheaper west id they lose?

Is the company ready to ask the NMB to get involved if usapa walks away from the table?

What do you think the company needs to be ready for?

Is usapa ready to have CIRP on the phones for all the crying when you lose?

Are the east pilots ready to retire on LOA 93?
Honestly you west pilots are about the dumbest group, why would you want us to lose the LOA 93 arbitration, don't you a want raise to. I'm sure will fight to bring you westies up to pairity with us.

Why, because the east pilots word is worth so much? You all have lived up to your other agreements?

usapa has had almost 3 years to get the east to parity with the west and have been unable to do it. What makes you think we would believe the east would or could do it for the west?

You know when a dishonest person tells me something I don't believe it.
Is the company ready?? Ahhh YEAH!!! As usual with the east mindset you fail to read the tea leaves. We in the west are now overstaffed for Jan with 200 plus res. They know you lost that and infact you know it too but you would rather believe in the usapa mantra that has failed at almost every turn. CLUE, you had no snap back provision in your agreement and just want one does not a snap back make!!

I say do your little job action on east and watch just how quickly LCC responds. I know you wont because you guys in the east are all just bullies that scream but dont do jack!! Here let me already write your (Usapa) response to the loa93 loss. "we the members of the BPR had anticipated this loss to the arbitration. The arbitrator is a senile old person that doesnt understand that we in the east are GODS and things must go our way. We fully plan to put a blue ribbon panel together to investigate this loss and we will not honor it. There will be an appeal of this decision and we will let you all know the decison of that loss uhh I mean appeal. Until fly safe and follow the contract or dont".

Loss after loss after loss and this one I cant wait for.

Nobody on the East side says we won it. We are smart enough to know NOBODY knows yet, especially your stellar management team.

Be proactive, stern and most importantly uncompromising when dealing with crew schedulers and Chief Pilots concerning the enforcement of our Contract.

Captain Tracy L. Parrella
Grievance Chairman

Hey, BTW, who the hell does this DUDE think he is? It has no authority to be telling the pilots what to do. If a pilots wants to do the company a favor and assist his paying passengers who the hell is "Billie Jean King" to dictate their behavior? Someone needs to tell it to shove a sock in it.
This has been discussed here before. USAirways East is the only major airline I know of that doesn't have a no-fly list It's viewed as a safety and convenience issue, a win-win scenario for all. An Eastie argued it's a violation of seniority. In a minor way it is yet most all major airlines feel the benefit is worth it. As an added bonus when certain captains have so many FOs no-fly them that it's hard to build them a schedule they get called in for counseling and can even be terminated. Life's too short to be stuck in the cockpit with some. The East needs to get with the program.
Yes we do. Called avoid bid. Right in the bid page 15. Also, your bidding system is in no way, shape or form superior to the east system. We do the initial bid, get the results. Then we SAP Sched. Adj. Period. This is a second opportunity to completely re do your line, picking up and dropping trips that are available in vacation, training, or outright drops. You can drop holidays if you fall into a certain percentage. I have on occasion, completely re done my line. Then there is the final chance two days out from your trip. Bid sheet. You can take a completely different trip if you have the seniority and the other trip is open. Your west system does not even come close to it. That is why we will never take PBS. As far as the LOA 93 grievance being a loss? Why does it take a guy over a yr. to say an easy NO if it is that simple? There is more coming on this than you think. Kasher is probably very busy structuring a system which the company has to use to pay the$$$$ back pay as we speak.
Is the company ready for what? An illegal job action when they win?

Is the company ready to shift flying to the now cheaper west id they lose?

Is the company ready to ask the NMB to get involved if usapa walks away from the table?

What do you think the company needs to be ready for?

Is usapa ready to have CIRP on the phones for all the crying when you lose?

Are the east pilots ready to retire on LOA 93?
They better be damn ready to pay up when Kasher drives the point home. That simple. You can cry till the cows come home.
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