This is going to end up as three pilot groups, working under three contracts, with three rates of pay and one paint job.
Not this time. Parker is no dope and he learns from his mistakes.
This is going to end up as three pilot groups, working under three contracts, with three rates of pay and one paint job.
You have been predicting fragmentation for over a year now. When are you going to admit reality and give up on your wrong headed thinking? But tell us smart guy since you know so much. Who is the west going to be sold to? Got to have a buyer if you want to be a seller. Show us all how smart you are.Who you going to sue in a corporate transaction when the "WEST CONTRACTS" are sold as part of this transaction? Sure answers alot of questions, no lawsuits for the corp, no list to transfer(no joint contract no list) , don't need an operating certificate using AA, DOUG already said movin to DALLAS(bye bye PHX), and all that 30% EAST flying now filled by AA pilots and F/a"s and immediate job savings with no furlough's! "the risk is all on your side! MMCLAX!
You have been predicting fragmentation for over a year now. When are you going to admit reality and give up on your wrong headed thinking? But tell us smart guy since you know so much. Who is the west going to be sold to? Got to have a buyer if you want to be a seller. Show us all how smart you are.
Try looking at the facts. In an AA LCC merger PHX is safer than PHL.
Yes, and don't to forget to vote in the illegal redo of the appeals board election.
The demise of the Nic was long ago foretold. Even by ALPA. Then the 9 th affirmed that prediction of the Nic never being ratified. Now the deal is being iced by Parker himself. It won't be long now, the Nic will be a distant memory.
Yes the demise of the Nic was foretold, by a union busting scab lawyer, to his scab faithful who were willing to believe they could renege on binding arbitration and steal from their new found co-workers.
I thought Alpo told you usapo was the quickest way to the Nic, unaltered?
What are the scabs going to do? Are they going to follow their C&BLs and have a runoff between Mitch and AC, then a runoff between AC and Patrick, then a runoff between Patrick and whoever got the 4th greatest amount of votes, or are they showing their true scab colors and doing the entire election over, and if so, how are they going to guarantee any one candidate gets 50%+1 of the vote?
I disagree. With increased productivity, PBS, and training seat locks there will be a sizeable hit.
My guess is they will show "true scab colors". They can't help themselves.
I disagree. With increased productivity, PBS, and training seat locks there will be a sizeable hit.