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US Pilots Labor Discussion

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This is going to end up as three pilot groups, working under three contracts, with three rates of pay and one paint job.

If that is how you guys want to retire.AA making 172, west making 141, and the east making 125. So be it.

Follow those junior guys all the way to your last day. BTW. The current T/A would go away because APA will be our bargaining agent. The block hours would be shifted away from us to the APA. No furlough protection.

That separate ops will not look so good.

A question. If the APA is the bargaining agent for all us airways pilots, the west has a separate contract. What is to stop the west from voting for the new contract and leaving you easties on loa 93? We integrated using the Nicolau list except the east pilots don't occupy those spots until you agree to the new contract?
If that is how you guys want to retire.AA making 172, west making 141, and the east making 125. So be it.

Follow those junior guys all the way to your last day. BTW. The current T/A would go away because APA will be our bargaining agent. The block hours would be shifted away from us to the APA. No furlough protection.

That separate ops will not look so good.

Nothing about this merger is go to look good for us. The only thing I feel certain about is that I will be screwed every bit as bad by this merger as by the last three or four!

Some things just never change.

This is going to end up as three pilot groups, working under three contracts, with three rates of pay and one paint job.

Prepare to be castigated for introducing negative vibes while Dave is floating out bushels of harmony karma, honey suckle flowers, and mistletoe.
Something just struck me and I have to laugh.

How nice it is going be able to say. "USAPA the former bargaining agent"
This is going to end up as three pilot groups, working under three contracts, with three rates of pay and one paint job.

Absolutely. The western division still doesn't understand the concept of having to have a joint contract to make the Nic a reality. The times have moved far beyond that one, and Parker wants to move along with AA. You can't have a divorce without a marriage, and this nasty little marriage never was consummated with a contract. And that is what it takes to get the Nic. The desperation is palpable.
As an aside, passed by Leonidas HQ recently, things are not looking great as you can see from the photo.......
I agree. It's coming. They are going to screw us with a pineapple.

Somebody better get 767Jetzz back on the property before he gets put behind all those AA guys. Or did he take the UAL recall? Either way, he needs to get back soon!
The one that thwarted the Nicolau. Even APA thanks USAPA for that.
Yep the APA will thank usapa with a boot in the ass out the door.

Has judge Silver ruled yet? The Nicolau is alive and well. BTW. Have you thought beyond the next minute? If judge Silver rules in favor of the west. Merger happens. We become APA very quickly. Who is going to appeal her ruling? Usapa will be the former bargaining agent with no money, no legal authority to represent anyone and no way to collect taxes I mean dues.

Who will file it and who will pay for it? In addition any delay, delays the pay raises? Willing to wait a year or two for the ninth to throw it out? Oh that's right you don't work here so it does not matter to you.
Yep the APA will thank usapa with a boot in the ass out the door.

Has judge Silver ruled yet? The Nicolau is alive and well. BTW. Have you thought beyond the next minute? If judge Silver rules in favor of the west. Merger happens. We become APA very quickly. Who is going to appeal her ruling? Usapa will be the former bargaining agent with no money, no legal authority to represent anyone and no way to collect taxes I mean dues.

Who will file it and who will pay for it? In addition any delay, delays the pay raises? Willing to wait a year or two for the ninth to throw it out? Oh that's right you don't work here so it does not matter to you.

If Silver is stupid enough to do what the other Arizona judge was stupid enough to do, she will get taken to the 9th faster than a shot. With the same results. There still is no Nicolau, because it takes a joint contract to make it so, and now there never will be if the merger happens. Hats off to Michael Cleary. He prevented the Nicolau and now the merger takes it all away. Brilliant. No wonder you hate him and USAPA so, they completely thwarted the Nicolau. Understandable.
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