On tuesday JUNE 5 JAMIE will be the ARMY's speacial guest in PHX! Congrats to JAMIE! For his vote on the 16th of putting ERIC F on the NAC! Where does Jaime Weidner stand?
Where does Jaime Weidner stand regarding the best interests of the Philadelphia Pilots?
The answer is found in his posts on Allied Union Services posts and his voting record.
Allied Union Services Posts:
1) Monday February 14, 2011, Jamie Weidner’s position on pilot productivity:
a. Jamie proffers a question the pilot group, “How are we going to deal with the new flight/duty time regulations?” Jamie answers his own question with this response. “My opinion is, if we do not make our pilot group the most productive in the industry, we have missed a great opportunity to embolden our careers and quality of life.”
2) Thursday March 29, 2012, Jamie Weidner’s position and voting record with PHX and DCA on matters regarding Committee Staffing and an audit of the Pension Investigation Committee finances.
a. Committee Staffing Jamie writes: “The PHX and DCA representatives have agreed with me on a few issues. One being a resolution on committee staffing, which I wrote the rough draft on a deadhead from SJU to PHL on Christmas morning. I believe as they do [PHX and DCA] that we should advertise, interview and then appoint for certain committee positions.”
b. Pension investigation Committee finances Jamie writes: Another resolution which the PHX and DCA representatives agreed with me on was my vote against the Pension Investigation Committee Funds Audit.
3) Wednesday April 4, 2012, Jaime Weidner’s position on the contract negotiations per PHX pilot and Representative Eric Ferguson’s point of view and in his post of Monday May 7, 2012 Jamie Weidner attributes the Ferguson point of view as a Gary Hummel position.
a. Jaime writes: “Eric Ferguson has said there are 30 sections in our contract we only disagree on one. There are 29 other sections we can and must work on together if we are able to be successful. I share his [Eric Ferguson] opinion.” On May 7, 2012 Jamie writes, “President Hummel ran on the position that there was only one issue that we disagreed on with the west and that was seniority”
As can be seen from above, here are four examples from three Allied Union Services posts penned by candidate Jamie Weidner expressing in his own words his view on:
1) Productivity
2) Siding with the PHX and DCA representatives on the issues of staffing of committees,
3) Siding with the PHX and DCA representatives and voting against the audit of the Pension Investigation Committee funds
4) Sharing the opinion of Eric Ferguson, PHX pilot, representative and founder of the Army of Leonidas, AOL, the leader and key advocate for the implementation of the NIC award.
At this point the question becomes simple. Are these articulated positions of candidate Jamie Weidner in the best interests of the Philadelphia Pilots that he claims he would like to represent?
The short answer is no; Jamie Weidner does not have the best interests of the Philadelphia pilots as his core value and guiding principle.
Regarding these issues:
1) Productivity. We are already the most productive pilot group in the industry. To give more productivity that is not needed will result in furloughs, career stagnation and financial bonuses to management employees. Why would Jamie advocate this productivity increase for the pilots he claims to represent? Who will gain and who will lose with this political philosophy?
2) Staffing of committees. We just had several major committee appointments as part of the new USAPA Officer decisions and there was no advertisement or interviews conducted for any of the recent committee appointments. Where was Jaime when it came time to keep his campaign pledge and stand for what he told us he would stand for? Jamie did not keep his campaign promise. In fact, per his Allied Union Services post of May 7, 2012 Jamie Weidner declares that he will support two PHX pilot appointments to the Negotiating Advisory Committee. Jamie says, “To that end, I will be supporting the two West pilots appointed to the Committee, Mark Burdick and Lee Fife.” Jaime, when will you stand up and demand the advertisement and interviews for these posts that you told the PHL pilot membership you would support?
3) Voting against the audit of the Pension Investigation Committee funds: During the BPR telephonic meeting of January 24, 2012 DDR Jamie Weidner voted against the audit of the PIC funds siding with the PHX and DCA representatives. On March 28, 2012 at the BPR meeting in Charlotte DDR Weidner flip/flopped his position and voted for the audit of the PIC funds again siding with the PHX and DCA representative in a unanimous vote for the audit. So, what happened in the two month period between meetings? Here is what happened: On February 21, 2012 the Ballot Certification Committee announced the PHL Vice Chairman Special Election. Considering that the work of the Pension Investigation Committee is critical to any chance that we may restore or recapture any previously earned pension benefits and this affects every pilot in the PHL base as well as all other pilots at Usairways except for the PHX pilots and a few newly hired pilots, why would any PHL representative vote against this initiative? Further, why would you Jamie Weidner change your vote in this matter and why would PHX representatives vote in the affirmative for an audit and simply not abstain from a matter that does not affect them as the normally do? There is only one answer to why you would flip/flop your vote with PHX support. You are in an election cycle, you want to remain in office and that influenced your vote.
4) Co-opting the opinion of Eric Ferguson and claiming this opinion is in fact a Gary Hummel campaign position is absolutely and completely deceptive in its application, but a clear an undeniable reflection of the intent and motivation of Jamie Weidner.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of the contradictions, misrepresentations and that are Jamie Weidner. This is not what the PHL pilots need to represent their interests in any venue.
1) Giving away productivity and the loss of jobs and advancement while creating a fertile management bonus environment; that’s naïve and lacks insight and that’s not in the best interests of any PHL pilot.
2) Informing the pilots that you want advertisement and interviews prior to staffing committee positions and then ignoring your own words. That’s hypocrisy plain and simple and that is not in the best interest of any PHL pilot.
3) Voting against and then for the PIC audit is nothing more than a campaign driven transparent political flip/flop driven by the specter of an election cycle in an effort to claim the high ground for votes and that is not in the best interests of the PHL pilot.
4) Co-opting a pro Nicolau, pro PHX pilots view on the contract and negotiations and then attributing this sentiment to Gary Hummel as a campaign issue and plank, with absolutely no reference at any time by Gary Hummel in any official Allied Union Services campaign literature during his run for the USAPA presidency is irresponsible, misleading and an out and out lie. The pilots of Usairways don’t need that kind of representation at any level and that ploy by you Jamie Weidner is not in the best interests of the PHL pilots.
There you have it, in Jamie Weidner’s own words and voting record. Does Jamie Weidner stand for the PHL pilots as an advocate for each and every pilot? The short answer is; no he does not. Jamie Weidner draws his support from the Compass Correction Coalition. As most pilots have come to realize, the CCC has their own agenda with Jamie Weidner picked as their candidate to promote that agenda and that agenda does not include every PHL pilot. If you have not been asked to join and support the Compass Correction Coalition you can bet your career that their agenda is not in your best interest! MM!