Are the east pilots exploiting a labor issue (SLI) to enrichen themselves at the expense of their fellow pilots? That meets the definition of a scab, pure and simple.Now usapa is intentionally flying aircraft that do not belong to them, taking from the West to give to the east, ,,,yep still looks to me that usapa is the bigger scab than the AWA Australia boys.
The Ansett pilots were not on strike (not permitted) so they resigned en masse in protest. They were big boys and knew full well the consequences of their actions. If the AFO's out east were to vent their anger by committing career suicide, any UA or DL pilot hired to staff expansion into that void left by US should do so with a clear conscience.
What should nag at any shred of conscience an east pilot may have remaining, is the knowledge that he supports a union that extorts money from those it refuses to represent and that their support directly affects furloughed west pilots. Those west pilots suffer due to USAPA's delay-strategy that profits the east pilots at the expense of the west.
Perspective EastUS1 - maturity will yield it.