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US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Now usapa is intentionally flying aircraft that do not belong to them, taking from the West to give to the east, ,,,yep still looks to me that usapa is the bigger scab than the AWA Australia boys.
Are the east pilots exploiting a labor issue (SLI) to enrichen themselves at the expense of their fellow pilots? That meets the definition of a scab, pure and simple.

The Ansett pilots were not on strike (not permitted) so they resigned en masse in protest. They were big boys and knew full well the consequences of their actions. If the AFO's out east were to vent their anger by committing career suicide, any UA or DL pilot hired to staff expansion into that void left by US should do so with a clear conscience.

What should nag at any shred of conscience an east pilot may have remaining, is the knowledge that he supports a union that extorts money from those it refuses to represent and that their support directly affects furloughed west pilots. Those west pilots suffer due to USAPA's delay-strategy that profits the east pilots at the expense of the west.

Perspective EastUS1 - maturity will yield it.
Luvn737s: "....should do so with a clear conscience..................................
Perspective EastUS1 - maturity will yield it"

One must first be equipped with some semblance of a conscience. As is the case with "maturity"; do inform all at the very first moment you develop the slightest shred of either.......

Luvn737s: "They were big boys and knew full well the consequences of their actions." Spoken in a manner only possible "if" one is a full blown, utterly worthless opportunist. The Aussie's strategic error lay in failing to plan for people like you.

PS: Ummm....are you guys sure you don't have some of those "way-cool-Dude Integrity Matters" T shirts to spare? 😉
On my CLT trip had to use customs in PHL for our island turn, and the customs agent told said your crew line was shutdown for a week due to a pilot reaching across the counter stamping himself out and trying to walk out, did you ever find out who it was? MM!
Where does Jaime Weidner stand regarding the best interests of the Philadelphia Pilots?

a. Jaime writes: “Eric Ferguson has said there are 30 sections in our contract we only disagree on one. There are 29 other sections we can and must work on together if we are able to be successful. I share his [Eric Ferguson] opinion.” On May 7, 2012 Jamie writes, “President Hummel ran on the position that there was only one issue that we disagreed on with the west and that was seniority”

Why would any signs of progress be a concern? Shouldn't the main objective of the union be to get a contract?
I just finished reading the terms sheet between US Airways and APA. Certainly not good for any of us, east or west. Eastus has been right all along regarding furlough protection as stated on page 8 (Job and Pay Protections): "US Airways shall use its best efforts to negotiate with the US Airlines Pilots Association furlough protection for the US Airways pilots on the effective date of the plan of reorganization".

With ucrapa completly marginalized and the agreement legally only between the company and APA I would say that we are somewhere between a hard place and a very hard place.
I just finished reading the terms sheet between US Airways and APA. Certainly not good for any of us, east or west. Eastus has been right all along regarding furlough protection as stated on page 8 (Job and Pay Protections): "US Airways shall use its best efforts to negotiate with the US Airlines Pilots Association furlough protection for the US Airways pilots on the effective date of the plan of reorganization".

With ucrapa completly marginalized and the agreement legally only between the company and APA I would say that we are somewhere between a hard place and a very hard place.

"US Airways shall use its best efforts to negotiate with the US Airlines Pilots Association furlough protection for the US Airways pilots on the effective date of the plan of reorganization"


"US Airways shall use its best efforts to negotiate with the US Airlines Pilots Association furlough protection for the US Airways pilots on the effective date of the plan of reorganization"



I agree. It's coming. They are going to screw us with a pineapple.
Ames: "I agree. It's coming. They are going to screw us with a pineapple" Sans lube and sideways I'd think. This is one issue I wish we could have our usual disagreement over.....

"US Airways shall use its best efforts to negotiate..." = No effort whatsoever.
Are the east pilots exploiting a labor issue (SLI) to enrichen themselves at the expense of their fellow pilots? That meets the definition of a scab, pure and simple.
Who vociferously voiced their opposition to pay parity? Your reasoning might lead places no East voice has gone, nor will they (and it doesn't even take an integrity matters T-shirt to figure it out :lol: ).
Parker has made usapa irrelevant. Change of control is worthless. The NAC is nothing but an observer. You east guys have been telling us that majority rules. We are going to find out exactly what it means to be it he minority.

If you want furlough protection play nice and don't bother the grown ups. If you want a new contract with the new pay raises shut up and keep your feet off the furniture. Read the term sheet closely. Unless you want to live on loa 93 until you retire don't mess with the seniority integration. What do you think is the faster way to a single implemented list. Using an arbitrated list and the the AA list or three lists and the APA trying negotiate C&R with the company?

Because we will be waiting for a new contract while the seniority fight rages. The APA will have them and we will not.
"US Airways shall use its best efforts to negotiate with the US Airlines Pilots Association furlough protection for the US Airways pilots on the effective date of the plan of reorganization"



With the amount of pilots both side will be retiring (1000 a year for a few years), I have little doubt that there will be no furloughs on the pilots side.
Who vociferously voiced their opposition to pay parity? Your reasoning might lead places no East voice has gone, nor will they (and it doesn't even take an integrity matters T-shirt to figure it out :lol: ).
The west was on board with pay parity right up to the time the east walked out of JNC and screamed separate ops.

Now usapa has been in charge for 4 years. Why have they not gotten you pay parity?

Once again it comes back to the east pilots having no clue or leverage. There will be no pay parity again because of what usapa has done. Parker has completely cut out usapa from the negotiations. This Time pay parity only happens with an implemented seniority list. So keep fighting and retire on Los 93 while the APA boys get paid or accept the result of final and binding arbitration.
The west was on board with pay parity right up to the time the east walked out of JNC and screamed separate ops.

Now usapa has been in charge for 4 years. Why have they not gotten you pay parity?

Once again it comes back to the east pilots having no clue or leverage. There will be no pay parity again because of what usapa has done. Parker has completely cut out usapa from the negotiations. This Time pay parity only happens with an implemented seniority list. So keep fighting and retire on Los 93 while the APA boys get paid or accept the result of final and binding arbitration.

This is going to end up as three pilot groups, working under three contracts, with three rates of pay and one paint job.

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