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US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I see the CAL Scab James Ray isn't allowing the PHX reps to communicate with their pilots without his own personal censorship. Big surprise. Of course CLT is free to send out insane updates filled with wild, unfounded conspiracy theories denigrating the new leadership. That's fine. But honest, factual communications can't be allowed.

Oh well, These scab MF'ers days are numbered...in more ways than one. Karma will always win in the end.

Perhaps you should elucidate the rest of us on your charges before we make certain you walk crooked for the rest of your life. I mean, charges should be verified by facts, right?

Go for it, little boy.
You're going to club me as well as baby seals?! :lol: :lol: Funny. Such a tough guy. I bet you have a sweet Mustache to back it up too? Why don't you pick up the phone and call your Scab buddy yourself. You can inform him that the uncensored information is making it's way to the PHX pilots anyway so he's basically his efforts are pointless. If I spent a career in a DC-9 flying to Elmira and other US Air S-holes, I'd walk crooked...but alas. My career choices have been vastly superior to yours.

Better bring something a bigger than a club Scab.
Sorry, sir. My neighbor, a 9th Circuit judge, told me that you are in fantasy land. But, as we on the west (PSA) advocate, go with what makes you feel good.
Sorry, sir. My neighbor, a 9th Circuit judge, told me that you are in fantasy land. But, as we on the west (PSA) advocate, go with what makes you feel good.

I seriously doubt an FO on LOA 93 wages can afford to live near a federal judge. Just in case you do, wish that judge good luck in getting appointed to the Supreme Court by Romney. We don't need any more liberals in DC.
A jury has already found usapa guilty of DFR by not using the Nicolau. The ninth circuit said usapa MIGHT find a seniority list that is not the Nicolau IF it does not cause the harm the west fears. Anything other than the Nicolau harms the west.

So Judge Silver can say with certainty that IF the company uses anything other than the Nicolau in her opinion would harm the west and be a DFR. Follows the ninth's opinion of not ripe. As soon as usapa got something other than the nicolau passed it would be ripe and it would harm the west.

But the APA majority is not going to get involved with that DFR danger.
USAPA objects to and moves to strike Plaintiff’s statements of fact that relate to
the jury and court findings in Addington v. USAPA, (“Addington I”), in that the vacatur
by the Ninth Circuit results in the vacating ab initio of all substantive findings and rulings
in Addington I, as if it never occurred. As observed by Judge Wake, “the substantive
rulings in Addington have been vacated pursuant to mandate, and both cases would now
write on clean slates if there were anything to write in Addington, which there is not.”
2010 WL 4117616, at *2 (D.Ariz. Oct. 19, 2010). The Ninth Circuit’s reversal
“effectively annuls or sets aside the lower court's decision for all purposes.
Consequently, any issue implicated by the reversal must be readjudicated as if the
appealed judgment or order never occurred.” C. Goelz & M. Watts, Rutter’s California
Practice Guide: Federal Ninth Circuit Civil Appellate Practice § 10:231 (emphasis in
Karma will always win in the end.

I will admit that in the last few months I have just been scanning these pages, so I apologize if you have covered this before, but since we are all US pilots can you tell me how karma can bXXXX slap the east pilots while leaving the west pilots unscathed?
Sorry, sir. My neighbor, a 9th Circuit judge, told me that you are in fantasy land. But, as we on the west (PSA) advocate, go with what makes you feel good.

Sealbeater living next to a Circuit Judge?!?!

Let me guess, you have a highly successful second job and you just fly for fun. LMAO.

Oh, my neighbor - a Supreme Court Justice, says your Circuit Judge is wrong.
USTUPID is totally impotent. The fact that Parker couldn't be bothered to send them so much as a text message that they closed contract talks with 55k employees of ANOTHER airline ought to be proof enough. The April timeline was a best guess from the Lawyers...as always, they cautioned it could take longer. I have to think that the Merger Mess may kick things into gear a little bit. Maybe not. I also believe that the Federal courts don't really put this too high on the priority list. I know I wouldn't if I had death penalty cases to deal with every day. So what if some Idiots on the East coast want to commit financial suicide for absolutely no reason what so ever for year after year? Go ahead. But then again, If I was Silver I would have tossed this whole thing out and told Parker in no uncertain terms that I the Courts aren't here to help you run your company. He knows what he has to do. He always has...from day 1. The proof is in the Record. He just is either a coward or a cold opportunist with no moral compass. I used to respect the guy on some level, now I'll never forget the fact that he refused to Man Up and willfully shirked his leadership responsibilities enabling and tacitly approving of, USCABA to terrorize the West unchecked.

In the end it wont matter much, USCABA is nothing but organized crime and the Law will eventually crush them with or without AA.

WWWWaaaaaaaaaaa,, you are such a whiner ..you man up and stop whining like a baby......no one promised you a damn thing either. Maybe you should have gone to work for someone else......oh yea....there was no one else. Your career expectation changed the day Parker made the deal....anythig else is just you lamentng your now 15 year upgrade. Just found out that Hummel is discussing giving the 1700 AMR furloughees credit for their time. The east is all for it...what about you whiner???

And Judge Silver's reply, MM.....

Your the "self proclaimed legal expert" take it for a ride tell us where it goes? MM! Again sorry about the turnout from your fellow employee's at your retirement party, we were celebrating at a dfferent venue! MM!
Hey, you posted it so what was the result? Did Silver throw out any part of AOL's statement of facts? Or is this just your standard nonsense and you have no idea what it even means...
The western division is now back on it s original certificate. Wonder why.? Doug Parker and Franke Air have the hole card to deal the NICOLAU Entitled Generation if need be.
Look the western in the eye and ask them to honestly answer if America West aka Franke Air was their first choice of employment. They will shift uncomfortably in their seats.
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