PHX Domicile Update: May 7, 2012
The PHX Reps are hopeful that this update will go out from the Communications Committee. We are including the below Joint CLT/PHL update from April 22, 2012 to allow you to see an update from other Domiciles. We encourage you to read the other domicile updates via the USAPA website.
We do apologize for lack of PHX updates; it has not been for a lack of trying.
TA-10 Remedy
The New Grievance Committee members are reviewing the TA-10 payout remedy for corrections and will be sending us an update soon.
Appeal Board Election invalidation
We have expressed our major dissatisfaction over how the entire Appeal Board Election process was run. Major issues of interpretation were brought to attention by PHX pilots during the campaign that were dispelled, only to resurface after the election results to be used in an appeal that causes the election to be re-run. The only answer we have been given is that the C&BL’s are poorly written and changes need to be addressed. The PHX pilots have known this since April 18[sup]th[/sup], 2008.
Committee Appointees
There are few additional PHX based pilots that have been appointed to committees that will be partaking this week with APA in Dallas, TX.
Negotiation Advisory Committee, Mark Burdick and Lee Fife
Business Intelligence Committee, Johan Devicq
Scope Committee, Patrick O’Neill
Thank you for your assistance in helping these committees.
John Scherff
PHX Chairman
David Simmons
Roger Velez