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US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Anyone want to make a prediction when judge Silver wil rule?

My estimate is she will release her final opinion June 25th.

She will tell the company they don't have to use the Nicolau but they will get sued if they don't and will lose. Not much to appeal on that ruling.

We will be APA and that union will not waste the time or money perusing an appeal. (remember the majority decides what is best for all of the pilots) The APA and company will accept the ruling and we go to arbitration using the Nicolau and AA lists.

I have no idea how or when she will rule, but have noted you prediction, or rather your update. Here's an old one where Ames adds you:


Ames Today, 11:43 AM

cleardirect, on 31 December 2011 - 11:34 AM, said:

I think what the west is saying the seniority fight will be over by April. Once Silver rules that should be the end. The company will point to the court and say the court said. an appeal is not going to matter. Once the company makes up their mind and it will time to move towards a contract or merger. If there is a merger the company is going to say the seniority dispute is over so investors don't worry.

An appeal does not matter. Even if the court says not ripe or you can do something other than the Nicolau They can still stand on the Nicolau. they need to move forward and are not going to wait much longer. So yes the seniority issue will be over by April. The usapa leadership issue should be over by April too.

Well said. I, too, will go on record to say that the seniority fight will be over upon Judge Silver's ruling. There is no doubt the east will continue to stamp their feet, hold their breath, and cry but the fight will be over. Tantrums will continue but they will be totally impotent.[/background]
Been a few days now east and only 2 easties posting. Are you sure you guys didn't miss the memo to stay off the boards?

No breeze, no claxoMM, no Pi, no ngu, and no luvthe9 - all gone.

I'm wondering if they had a Jonestown thing with Cleary passing out the juice and promising everyone that if they had a sip all their DOH dreams would come true.

Aww, have you missed me uhaul? I've been too busy with my other sucessful career as an underwear model to spend my time here.

You have been sucessful. You have run us off.

You're almost there. The westie promised land is right on the horizon. It will be sweet for you guys when APA carves us up and screws the easties without harming the westies.

Yeah, that's it.
Zone and MM:

You're both wrong about being able to tie anything up for 7 years. What's your plan if USAPA appeals to the 9th and they decline to hear the case? File a writ with SCOTUS? And if they refuse to hear the case? You could be done a few months after Silver rules...
Just look at the last trip to the 9th - 2 months from filing to ruling. Another 2-3 months for SCOTUS. You both forgot a small detail - you have to get a hearing to drag it out longer. Since the DJ is basically a contract law case and the 9th would rule on points of law, they would most likely not even hear the case.



Just a FYI.

If the appellate court denies the request for review of the trial court, no petition to the SCOUTS can be made.
How long have you worked for Victoria's Secrets?


Sorry PI, I couldn't resist.

Hey, no problem you got it right. They have started a new line called Vince's Secret. You know the ripped jeans that people pay hundreds of dollars for? They are the inspiration. ;-)
I'm sure the other "Vinces" can't wait to see your annual catalog. LMAO.

Good for you hairPi!

It's going to be big, buy your stock now. They are working on a new line for spring 2013. Larry the Cable Guy: The tattered and stained collection.

Glad to brighten your day. Off to my other runways in Paris and Milan........just a little structural reinforcement and we are good to go!
Ames: "I think there is a LOT going on right now, especially behind the scenes." Agreed, but very little that line pilots have anything to do with...or even know about yet. I'm guessing that the merger will take place, but even that's still uncertain. Methinks most all of this is still anyone's guess.
Pi Brat: "They have started a new line called Vince's Secret. You know the ripped jeans that people pay hundreds of dollars for? They are the inspiration. ;-) "

With Larry the cable guy stuff too?...Sigh!...I just don't understand it! My agent sent in my portfolio..and I still ain't heard nuthin'....You could maybe put in a good word...?
Cleardirect: "Anyone want to make a prediction when judge Silver wil rule?

My estimate is she will release her final opinion June 25th."

Hmmm...was it not also your earlier "estimate" that "the seniority fight" would be over by last month? Patience Grasshopper, what will be, will be....or not.

Clear: "She will tell the company they don't have to use the Nicolau but they will get sued if they don't and will lose."

Hmmm..."will get sued if they don't and will lose"...? Interesting. I wasn't aware that any court rulings included input from clairvoyants......
Anyone want to make a prediction when judge Silver wil rule?

My estimate is she will release her final opinion June 25th.

She will tell the company they don't have to use the Nicolau but they will get sued if they don't and will lose. Not much to appeal on that ruling.

We will be APA and that union will not waste the time or money perusing an appeal. (remember the majority decides what is best for all of the pilots) The APA and company will accept the ruling and we go to arbitration using the Nicolau and AA lists.

The APA and company are not interested in the delay tactics of the Usapians. They obviously want this to happen and will take the path of least resistance.
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