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US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I read the president's update, ok not bad. Next I read the NAC update, actually one of the best updates from them I've seen. Just when I'm starting to think USAPA is turning a corner I read the COC e-mail. :wacko:

I read the president's update, ok not bad. Next I read the NAC update, actually one of the best updates from them I've seen. Just when I'm starting to think USAPA is turning a corner I read the COC e-mail. :wacko:

Steve Bradford is the VP....you thought it was possible USTUPID was turning a corner?....LOL!
Move2CLT: "OK east, your problem has been obvious..."

Sigh! If you're honestly just too plain stupid to understand that I was agreeing with the idea that no COC issues would be involved....then there's simply no hope for you. Even attempted conversation with the proverbial sea sponge would be less a complete waste of time.

Is that sufficiently succint?

Man that's sad.

An eastie who obviously sees the lie coming out of USAPA yet continues to follow them off a cliff.

You go lemming.

You go.
Well Move2CLT...at least your response removes any questions on the unhappy observation: "If you're honestly just too plain stupid to understand that I was agreeing with the idea that no COC issues would be involved..." You really did NOT understand that...unbelievable...well...if one had no previous knowledge of your postings, that is.

A moment's reflection on an old adage would serve you well: ''Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool....than to speak and remove all doubt."
I don't see how USAIRWAYS GROUP d.b.a. American Airlines triggers CoC. Same stupid stuff from the same stupid people (CLT reps).

The eastern and their friends are watching the western division realize what is coming down. You appear to be frightened about the potential merger.

Quite the opposite. We see this as the end of ucrapa, and the end of you.
A moment's reflection on an old adage would serve you well: ''Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool....than to speak and remove all doubt."

Yet, word for word, you speak more than most anyone else on this board. (and say less)
A moment's reflection on an old adage would serve you well: ''Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool....than to speak and remove all doubt."

Captain Verbosity lecturing on remaining silent? LMAO.

Next you should tell all of us how important it is to honor the agreements one makes.

Heed your own own advice.

A320 Driver: "I don't see how USAIRWAYS GROUP d.b.a. American Airlines triggers CoC." Nor do I. There are just too many ways I can see for getting around it.

For Move2CLT and Ames?....Feel perfectly at ease in continuing argument with an adversary agreeing with your "thoughts" on this point. After all; such behavior is the hallmark of true genius. 😉

Since you believe that CoC will not be triggered and, I'm assuming, you've see the recent legal update put out by USAPA, I ask you the following question:

Why do you let your reps continue with their obviously false claim that CoC will triggered? With no CoC, don't you agree that the leverage you reps claim they have is, in fact, a lie?

Do you plan to call them out on it?
"Why do you let your reps continue with their obviously false claim that CoC will triggered?" Simple (so as to best suit the apparent audience here); I could be wrong. I've less perfect assurance than "some" here that my opinion constitutes fact.
"Why do you let your reps continue with their obviously false claim that CoC will triggered?" Simple (so as to best suit the apparent audience here); I could be wrong. I've less perfect assurance than "some" here that my opinion constitutes fact.

You can't, after reading the rules governing a CoC, call your reps and challenge them on their logic?

Sounds like you before to be led around by the nose rather than suffer the effort of actually holding their feet to the fire.

LOA 93 ring a bell?
A320 Driver: "I don't see how USAIRWAYS GROUP d.b.a. American Airlines triggers CoC." Nor do I. There are just too many ways I can see for getting around it.

For Move2CLT and Ames?....Feel perfectly at ease in continuing argument with an adversary agreeing with your "thoughts" on this point. After all; such behavior is the hallmark of true genius. 😉

I didn't argue that point, simply brought to light that you are more verbose than most advising everyone on the wisdom of silence. Struck me funny.
Steve Bradford is the VP....you thought it was possible USTUPID was turning a corner?....LOL!

Yeah, yeah, I know, silly me.

I didn't know much about Hummel, but when the east voted in Bradford, I was like, "what the $%#%?" It’s like seeing a sub captain promoted after running one aground or a CEO who tanks a company hired to run another one. Does the majority of the east like failure?

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