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US Pilots Labor Discussion

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I bet youtsmell the same ole arguments..Unions agaisnt management! Sad sad sad...Maybe one day someone will get a clue on how to work together instead of thinking up of stupid names for HQ! Its soooo yesterday!
The problem is not unions against managements. It is managements against employees. Sad, sad,sad,sad. It is really soooo yesterday.
I'm sure like all lawyers they are in in for the long haul.....as long as they are getting paid.

Wow. I guess I should be honored that you value my posts so much as to reach back a year and a half to quote me. Bottom line, my words were true then and they are true now. With the help of those attorneys we have successfully kept the east from rolling over the west and will continue to do so.

When you easties finally realize just how irrelevant ucrapa is in this new merger reality might finally settle in. Nah, scratch that, reality isn't within your grasp.
USAPA President's Message: May 4, 2012

Fellow Pilots,

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. There is no certainty in the results of the American Airlines bankruptcy proceedings, but we have taken our initial steps and will be prepared for every contingency. Part of that preparation is to ensure that USAPA is represented as one cohesive group. That is why, on my first day in office, the day the possibility of a merger was made public, I appointed the following Phoenix-based pilots to USAPA committees. David Braid - Chairman, Membership Services; Jeff Koontz - Vice Chairman, Grievance;Andy Hunt - Ballot Certification, John DeVicq - Business Intelligence; Patrick O'Neill - Scope Monitoring; and Ken Holmes - UOM.

In accordance with the USAPA Constitution and Bylaws, the ultimate decision to support or reject a new CBA produced through cooperative negotiations with USAPA and APA for the New American Airlines will be up to you through membership ratification. It is imperative that we are all represented and all very much informed. That is why, today, I am appointing Phoenix-based pilot Mark Burdick to our Negotiating Advisory Committee. Mark has been a member of our NAC in the past and we look forward to his support once again.

It seems to be consequential, that if you begin your journey of a thousand miles West from Charlotte, or journey a thousand miles East from Phoenix, your paths will intersect very near Dallas. We need not meander or wander about, but need to travel toward our destination with a common resolve. The proposed merger presents many opportunities but just as many challenges. We can only meet those challenges together, and the appointments I have made to date will go a long way to presenting a united front in the weeks and months ahead.

The president's message is utter BS. Ucrapa will not allow west pilot input to travel any further than the round file. He is trying to create the illusion that we are coming together but nothing could be further than the truth.

Truth be told we will NEVER trust the east and will work to make sure the pilots of American know just who they are dealing with in ucrapa. It won't matter, though, because ucrapa is irrelevant and everyone except ucrapa knows it.
The president's message is utter BS. Ucrapa will not allow west pilot input to travel any further than the round file. He is trying to create the illusion that we are coming together but nothing could be further than the truth.

Truth be told we will NEVER trust the east and will work to make sure the pilots of American know just who they are dealing with in ucrapa. It won't matter, though, because ucrapa is irrelevant and everyone except ucrapa knows it.
I'm afraid you appear obsessed and fearful of an organization you vehemently call irrelevant. Maybe you could be a bit more demonstrative in order to get your point across.
All this is is an attempt to show Parker and false united front. As before, the west has no intention of going along for this ride.

I heard McKee was holding court in CLT promising the CoC was a 99% chance go and that PBS was off the table.

I can't wait for this to come crashing down.

This is true and I have verified that he is saying this publicly. COC was a no show in this merger and I do not see how this next merger is different. I believe Doug will be taking over AA and maintaining control of US Airways. And why is he saying 99%? What is that 1% that is giving him doubts? I fear we, as we usually do, will once again overplay our hand. Are the east reps going to use the COC to try to leverage gains above and beyond the term sheets? And the infighting continues with both the east reps fighting each other and Hummel and with the west reps being isolated. We are fighting each other and trying to overpower the west all the while this merger continues without us. I have no confidence in our PHL and CLT reps at all. I do believe this will end up the same way as LOA93 did - thrown on is because we were to busy fighting each other.
Can one of you east boys tell me how this gets you CoC?

Section 1(D) 2

In the event that, through a single transaction or in multi-step related transactions (i) securities which constitute and/or are then-currently exchangeable into, exercisable for, or convertible into 50 percent or more of Denominator Common Stock (as defined below), and/or (ii) 50 percent or more of the value of the assets, of the Company or US Airways Group, and/or (iii) Control of the Company or US Airways Group as defined in Section 1(J) below, are acquired or held by a single purchaser (or a group of purchasers acting in concert) (any such transaction(s) referred to as a "Change in Control"), the Association shall, in addition to all other rights, thereupon have the right in its sole discretion, upon written notice to the Company within 60 days of written notice of such transaction, to extend the duration of the Agreement for one, two or three years at the Association's option, past the amendable date of the Agreement with across-the-board wage increases of four and one half percent (4.5%) on January 2, 2003 and each annual anniversary of the amendable date thereafter (i.e., on January 2, 2004, January 2, 2005, January 2, 2006). For purposes of this Section, Denominator Common Stock is the common stock of US Airways Group then outstanding and the common stock issuable on exchange, exercise, and/or conversion of securities of the Company or US Airways Group which are then currently exchangeable into, exercisable for, or convertible into such common stock.

Section 1(J) Definitions

The following definitions apply to certain terms used in this Section 1.

1. Control. Entity A shall be deemed to "control" Entity B if Entity A, whether directly or indirectly:

a. owns voting securities that constitute or may at any time be exercised,
exchanged or converted for or into fifty percent (50%) or more of Entity B's Denominator Common Stock as defined in Section 1(D)above, or

b. maintains the power, right, privilege or authority -- by contract or
otherwise -- to direct, manage or direct the management of a substantial or greater portion of Entity B's operations; or

c. maintains the power, right or authority to appoint or prevent the
appointment of a majority of Entity B's Board of Directors, or governing body having substantially the powers and duties of a board of directors, or similar governing body.

This definition of "control" shall apply whether through direct relationship or indirectly through intermediate entities. Entity A and Entity B shall be deemed to be under "common control" with each other if any third entity controls both Entity A and Entity B whether directly or indirectly through the control of other entities that control Entity A and Entity B.

If us airways becomes the acquiring career there is no change of control. Parker remain in charge. The BK AMR stock converts to LCC stock where is the change?

Boys keep dreaming. It is irresponsible for usapa to once again spinning hope of something that is never going to happen.

Remember how many of you were convinced that you were going to win LOA93? That usapa send out strong updates saying that it was a win.

Change of control is not going to happen. Parker figured it out. Usapa gave him the answer during the DJ. Those rates are a lottery ticket that you will never cash.
I'm afraid you appear obsessed and fearful of an organization you vehemently call irrelevant. Maybe you could be a bit more demonstrative in order to get your point across.

I admit that I used to be fearful that ucrapa would ruin my career, but am now quite happy that they have become irrelevant.

Don' need to be any more demonstrative than I already have by expressing my utter disgust with every aspect of ucrapa.
Here we go again...now "The Great White Hope" is CoC? For Christ sakes! How many times does USTUPID have to slap it into neutral and floor it? Every single hope/dream/promise has categorically BLOWN UP IN YOUR FACES. This one is the easiest one to spot to boot...which of course simply means that the CLT USTUPID contingent will be speechless, baffled and crestfallen when this most obvious failure...once again, FAILS to materialize.

Thank God the APA is going to wipe USTUPID off the Globe.
Here we go again...now "The Great White Hope" is CoC? For Christ sakes! How many times does USTUPID have to slap it into neutral and floor it? Every single hope/dream/promise has categorically BLOWN UP IN YOUR FACES. This one is the easiest one to spot to boot...which of course simply means that the CLT USTUPID contingent will be speechless, baffled and crestfallen when this most obvious failure...once again, FAILS to materialize.

Thank God the APA is going to wipe USTUPID off the Globe.

Does this surprise anyone?

Once again the galley slave thinks he owns the yacht club!

What a bunch of complete morons...

Well back to your oars usapa..the captain wants to waterski!!
Does this surprise anyone?

Once again the galley slave thinks he owns the yacht club!

What a bunch of complete morons...

Well back to your oars usapa..the captain wants to waterski!!
I shouldn't be, but I am a little surprised. These people are entrusted with thousands of lives every day...and they're THIS stupid? Parker ALREADY SNOOKERED THEM ONCE BEFORE on a deal a fraction of this size. Believe me, the very first thing Parker figured out was how to slip the magic "poison pill".

Funny how proud the idiots are of coc...they can thank ALPA. At least they pretend to be a union.
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