Dear nic4us
Your quest for gaining 17 plus years of major airline seniority by virtue of being with the only regional airline that would hire you is over sir. Your misrepresentation of the 9th circuit courts ruling on ripeness has cost the West pilots wasteful badge backing funds for too long.
The correct 9th circuit court correct quote is as follows;
"The present impasse, in fact, could well be prolonged by prematurely resolving the West Pilots’
claim judicially at this point.By deferring judicial intervention, we leave USAPA to bargain
in good faith pursuant to its DFR, with the interests of all members
— both East and West — in mind, under pain of an unquestionably ripe
DFR suit, once a contract is ratified."
The court was not commenting on your law suit value, only the timing. It is not ripe to sue until a CBA is voted on.
You promised and still are "billions of dollars worth of damages" that will never come to pass. Add up the West furloughs who your "West leaders" talked in to not coming back. They will be on the bottom of the list, but will never be called back. That sir, is billions of dollars in emotional loss to the pilots and their families. Have you no decency sir?
Hey Luv...your scab attempt at a put down fell on deaf ears, as I left a job at a major airline to go to work for AWA.
It really does bother you that my "regional airline" ended up buying your shithole of a bankrupt airline that really never made true legacy major status, and that you ended up nothing more than a scab trying to steal my job. Bothers me too!!
My read on the 9th is much closer to reality than the little lawyers or the scab unions.
Yes the 9th was aware that ....
"Forced to bargain for the Nicolau Award, any
contract USAPA could negotiate would undoubtedly be rejected by its
That goes without saying. The 9th says, hey look here, the scabs are in control of the union with majority vote, if it is the Nic, they vote lets not make it...."prolonged by prematurely resolving the West Pilots’
claim judicially at this point." Lets give them another chance to "bargain for all members- both east and West...and if they don't we will add a warning and call it the... "PAIN of an unquestionably ripe DFR"
Further, don't lecture me on decency when it is a direct result of scabs like you and your scab union that West pilots are furloughed out of seniority, you job stealing lowlife CS scab.
Further, any remaining West furloughees have been offered recall, and are therefore bypassing recall and are senior to anyone below them on the Nic, including scab Coello...Get it yet?? You are in no position to make the rules or demands, so just STFU you loser from a loser airline.