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US Pilots Labor Discussion

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Purely your opinion, which entirely failed to even address the question = "....So....What has been heard to offer even the slightest doubt that the APA are all salivating over instantly accepting the nic for a US list? I mean really; Why are you now so spring loaded towards the usual "PROMISING TO SUE" bit?"

"I expect not the slightest shred of any honest answer to that." Sadly; that assumption proved correct.

Explain this bit from the vaunted...ummmm..."Army" of leonidas: "We know many of you are wondering what impact this has on the seniority dispute. At this time, the answer is straightforward: nothing. In the not-to-distant future, these events will likely create the “painfully ripe” threshold which Judge Tashima set as a condition for the West pilots to pursue DFR II."

No explanation for that? Well then, how about just this part? "....these events will likely create the “painfully ripe” threshold which Judge Tashima set as a condition for the West pilots to pursue DFR II."

Last question: How could there possibly be any "threshold" crossed, "In the not-to-distant future" if APA's supposedly just fine with the nic?
You do realize you could have used about 50 less words to ask the same questions.
"Interesting". For the benefit of all of us that "missed" it; please cite the portion of the 9th's rulings inclusive of: "...the 9th already said unfavorable non-NIC=DFR=huge damage award to West pilot class."..especially the "huge damage award to West pilot class" part?


The 9th dismissed Addington based on a questionable ruling on ripeness. The Addington trial was a bifurcated trial, of which only the first half was completed. Had the 9th let Addington stand, or if Addington becomes ripe (as the 9th stearnly warned usapa against doing) we would have gone back for the second half of the trial, which would have been nothing more than the damages tally.

So, it goes without saying that the "PAIN' of an "unquestionably ripe DFR" is indeed the dollar amount of damages.

Further, I would consider just the repayment of all dues money extorted from the West in a four year period to reach the threshold of "huge". If the company were stupid enough to abet usapa in the illegal DFR, which there is evidence that they have, the damages from lost wages, out of seniority furloughes etc. would now tally in the hundreds of millions if not over a billion, and that is obviously..."huge".
"Interesting". For the benefit of all of us that "missed" it; please cite the portion of the 9th's rulings inclusive of: "...the 9th already said unfavorable non-NIC=DFR=huge damage award to West pilot class."..especially the "huge damage award to West pilot class" part?
It was at the same time that he was eating a giant marshmallow and woke up with feathers coming out his nostrils.
😱 Oh no, I don't see SEA on there, quick someone call Alaska and tell them to shut down the base! Will PHX shrink after a merger? If the local economy doesn't pick up, combined with the fact it's more efficient for scheduling to have more pilots based east, yes it probably will some, but it's not going anywhere. Give it a rest, I'd be more concerned with PHL shrinkage. Besides, what do you want us to all go back east and bump you out of your seats? I would think not.



Not to mention those SWA powerhouses of OAK...BWI...etc
You do realize you could have used about 50 less words to ask the same questions.

You do realize that you continue to display an almost amazing inability to answer any of them. Would you care to finally try? 😉

The 9th dismissed Addington based on a questionable ruling on ripeness. The Addington trial was a bifurcated trial, of which only the first half was completed. Had the 9th let Addington stand, or if Addington becomes ripe (as the 9th stearnly warned usapa against doing) we would have gone back for the second half of the trial, which would have been nothing more than the damages tally.

So, it goes without saying that the "PAIN' of an "unquestionably ripe DFR" is indeed the dollar amount of damages.

Further, I would consider just the repayment of all dues money extorted from the West in a four year period to reach the threshold of "huge". If the company were stupid enough to abet usapa in the illegal DFR, which there is evidence that they have, the damages from lost wages, out of seniority furloughes etc. would now tally in the hundreds of millions if not over a billion, and that is obviously..."huge".

Umm..Hmm...I see now:

1) ...a "questionable ruling on ripeness". Well...who better to "judge" that than yourself?...and/or AOL's august illuminati?
2) " Had the 9th let Addington stand..." It didn't . "Some" must note that it was dismissed in it's entirety, but no matter, let's move on.
3) "So, it goes without saying that the "PAIN' of an "unquestionably ripe DFR" is indeed the dollar amount of damages." Hardly. All that actually involves is your being able to launch yet another "unquestionably ripe" suit if you don't get your nic...
4) "Further, I would consider..." As you would consider the rulings of a court that's a single step down from the SCOTUS as "questionable", and instead defer to notions forwarded by AOL/etc?.....I think we're done here.
5) "...would now tally in the hundreds of millions if not over a billion, and that is obviously..."huge". Yes, yes indeed..."damages in the billions"...Sigh!....You honestly believe any of that?...What agency can you even imagine paying anything of that sort to you? I'm now certain we're done here.

PS: Learn what the term "scab" actually means.
Umm..Hmm...I see now:

1) ...a "questionable ruling on ripeness". Well...who better to "judge" that than yourself?...and/or AOL's august illuminati?
2) " Had the 9th let Addington stand..." It didn't . "Some" must note that it was dismissed in it's entirety, but no matter, let's move on.
3) "So, it goes without saying that the "PAIN' of an "unquestionably ripe DFR" is indeed the dollar amount of damages." Hardly. All that actually involves is your being able to launch yet another "unquestionably ripe" suit if you don't get your nic...
4) "Further, I would consider..." As you would consider the rulings of a court that's a single step down from the SCOTUS as "questionable", and instead defer to notions forwarded by AOL/etc?.....I think we're done here.
5) "...would now tally in the hundreds of millions if not over a billion, and that is obviously..."huge". Yes, yes indeed..."damages in the billions"...Sigh!....You honestly believe any of that?...What agency can you even imagine paying anything of that sort to you? I'm now certain we're done here.

PS: Learn what the term "scab" actually means.

Yes..."questionable ruling on ripeness"...being that the 9th contradicts themselves in both Tashima's opinion and the fact that the 9th was asked to dissmiss on ripeness during the Addington trial but elected to let it continue.

Yes...Addington was dismissed, and I understand completely what that means. I think you fail to grasp how an "unquestionably ripe" suit would mirror Addington, and that Addington evidence would be permissable, and that the next jury would likely take even less time to deliberate.

#5...so what amount are the TWA pilots seeking from ALPA? Funny how when the disengenuois LOA93 grievence fiasco was being argued by the scab union, all the east posters were certain they were going to get a years of back pay amounting to hundreds of millions, but when the West has a bonafide legitimate "unquestionably ripe DFR" oh there is no "agency" that could possibly pay.

PS: I got my own definition of scab...usapa=scab. Get used to it, if enough people call you a scab.....then you are a scab...just ask the Australia guys.
#5...so what amount are the TWA pilots seeking from ALPA? Funny how when the disengenuois LOA93 grievence fiasco was being argued by the scab union, all the east posters were certain they were going to get a years of back pay amounting to hundreds of millions, but when the West has a bonafide legitimate "unquestionably ripe DFR" oh there is no "agency" that could possibly pay.

PS: I got my own definition of scab...usapa=scab. Get used to it, if enough people call you a scab.....then you are a scab...just ask the Australia guys.

"....I think you fail to grasp how an "unquestionably ripe" suit would mirror Addington, and that Addington evidence would be permissable, and that the next jury would likely take even less time to deliberate." Suppositions only, and, as is always the case with courts, which the west certainly saw with the 9th, there's just never any way of really knowing 'till "the fat lady sings".

"...all the east posters were certain they were going to get a years of back pay amounting to hundreds of millions, but when the West has a bonafide legitimate "unquestionably ripe DFR" oh there is no "agency" that could possibly pay." No argument there. I find both fantasies of damages in the zillions to be equally absurd.

"if enough people call you a scab.....then you are a scab..." Ummm...I see, so; if enough people call you a cab, you morph into a car? 😉

"PS: I got my own definition of scab..." Duly noted. I've got my own definition of cab, but that fails to alter the vehicles in any way, shape or form...Sigh! I MUST keep working on that magical ritual that transforms the world into what I would have it be! 😉

The 9th dismissed Addington based on a questionable ruling on ripeness. The Addington trial was a bifurcated trial, of which only the first half was completed. Had the 9th let Addington stand, or if Addington becomes ripe (as the 9th stearnly warned usapa against doing) we would have gone back for the second half of the trial, which would have been nothing more than the damages tally.

So, it goes without saying that the "PAIN' of an "unquestionably ripe DFR" is indeed the dollar amount of damages.

Further, I would consider just the repayment of all dues money extorted from the West in a four year period to reach the threshold of "huge". If the company were stupid enough to abet usapa in the illegal DFR, which there is evidence that they have, the damages from lost wages, out of seniority furloughes etc. would now tally in the hundreds of millions if not over a billion, and that is obviously..."huge".

"So, it goes without saying that the "PAIN' of an "unquestionably ripe DFR" is indeed the dollar amount of damages.

Further, I would consider just the repayment of all dues money extorted from the West in a four year period to reach the threshold of "huge". If the company were stupid enough to abet usapa in the illegal DFR, which there is evidence that they have, the damages from lost wages, out of seniority furloughes etc. would now tally in the hundreds of millions if not over a billion, and that is obviously..."huge". "

Dear nic4us

Your quest for gaining 17 plus years of major airline seniority by virtue of being with the only regional airline that would hire you is over sir. Your misrepresentation of the 9th circuit courts ruling on ripeness has cost the West pilots wasteful badge backing funds for too long.

The correct 9th circuit court correct quote is as follows;

"The present impasse, in fact, could well be prolonged by prematurely resolving the West Pilots’
claim judicially at this point. Forced to bargain for the Nicolau Award, any
contract USAPA could negotiate would undoubtedly be rejected by its
membership. By deferring judicial intervention, we leave USAPA to bargain
in good faith pursuant to its DFR, with the interests of all members
— both East and West — in mind, under pain of an unquestionably ripe
DFR suit, once a contract is ratified."

The court was not commenting on your law suit value, only the timing. It is not ripe to sue until a CBA is voted on.

You promised and still are "billions of dollars worth of damages" that will never come to pass. Add up the West furloughs who your "West leaders" talked in to not coming back. They will be on the bottom of the list, but will never be called back. That sir, is billions of dollars in emotional loss to the pilots and their families. Have you no decency sir?

Where is it that the east pilots (except for one rep who is clearly deluded) are saying they saved AA? The AA pilots are in no danger of losing their jobs, merely their level of compensation. There is really nothing to save them from, as they will continue to work at AA no matter how AA comes out of bankruptcy.
If you consider him deluded have you signed a recall form yet?
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