Actually it wasn't. Their pre-merger expectations were really no different than yours at DL, maybe just a little shakier the longer you looked out. You know why I'm right? It turned out that they didn't lose their jobs, so anyone that said that was what they were looking at turned out to be wrong. What difference does it make if the merger saved the east jobs? There are pretty good odds that it saved the west too. No one knows what would have happened absent it to either side, so it should not have been a factor for either, period! How long does it take to cancel orders and go from hiring to furloughs? We did it pretty darn quick a few years ago. This business it too whacky to predict anything too far out and Parker is on tape saying AWA's future was bleak without a merger. That is why he was trying to peddle it to everybody and their brother. I wonder how that AWA-ATA would have worked out?
I agree with a lot of what you say in the rest of your post, I just don't assign all the blame east. The Nic award just wasn't going to fly at the time. It was too much for a pilot group that had already given up so much to keep thier company afloat to take. The west was told this but didn't listen. They could have tried to soften the blow, but they didn't. They didn't have too, but they are also paying the price for their stance. They may win in the end, but at what price? Will it be worth it to either side? We will see, but no amount of chatter on here will change anyone's mind.
You never answered my question-why do you care? Why are you so passionate about this? What is your attachment to US Airways?