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US Pilots Labor Discussion 8/11- STAY ON TOPIC AND OBSERVE THE RULES

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Whats even funnier is you spent 2mill plus to make that point! So DOH with CRs is bad for a better contract why?

You find it funny that Seham has cost this pilot group over 5 million in direct litigation cost, and 100s of millions in lost wages? I fail to see the humor in that.

DOH is bad for a contract because it will never be ratified. The company will not agree to DOH. If by some quirk of fate the company misreads a future court declaration and concedes to a DOH contract and it gets voted on, it will never be implemented.

Ever heard the term, "final and binding"?

DOH is a non-starter. It is the Nic or nothing, and usapa's desire to force nothing is becoming ever more indicative of another breach of their DFR. hhmmm, when would that become ripe?, or are we already past the SOL.
Oh and, Uhmmm...how 'bout those that are slated to be in the top 10% for the last 10 yrs or so of our career???

Oh and, Uhmmm.....how about those that were in the top 10% for the last 10 years, they had 517 put on top of them and if usapa gets their way they will not get back to anywhere close to that seniority before they retire.

As to the rest of your post it is little more than fear mongering.

I truley suspect the east pilot group is starting to question the path they have chosen. For instance, east pilots have to be questioning why the company would need to file its request to the court, when their brilliant lawyer says usapa is free to negotiate seniority "like a crew meal". Or, they have to be questioning, where is that mandate from the 9th, usapa legal promised by the end of last week? Or, could they be asking themselves, if the 9ths opinion gets overturned or vacated, does that mean we go back to judge Wake's injunction, and more importantly, would that not mean the second half of the bifurcated trial would get scheduled? Many more questions than I have ever seen usapa legal answere or even bother to consider must be going through their thoughts.

I further suspect that certain east posters on this board are starting to feel the abandonment of their position from their fellow pilots who simply are not buying it anymore.
So the greed of ALL of you have kept ALL of us from gaining anything? Let me get this straight your recent posts about USEAST LOA 93 for retirement is GREED! Man PHX law school is accepting APPS it would suit your needs! MM! That truly is the most laughable thing ever posted. That even tops "CONTRADICTION" in webster! To make money? And AWE was your CAREER CHOICE?
So let me get this straight.

It was the east pilots that walked out of the JNC in Oct 2007. It was the east pilots that kicked ALPA off the property without a NC in place so we had to wait 6 months before usapa was ready to negotiate again. It is the east pilots that are in charge of the NAC. We are 28 months into usapa rule without a contract.

There are 22 sections left to go. Section 22 seniority is but one of them. What about the other 21 section that have nothing to do with litigation? Whose fault is that.

But you blame the west pilots for the delay. I guess you guys never met a rationalization that you could not come up with. You never think that anything is your fault.
By the way...had a SW guy on the jump the other day. Almost fell out of the seat when I told him that new hires were put above a 17 year never furloughed guy.


Please name the 17 year, never furloughed, east pilot put behind a AWA newhire or quit spreading lies.
I further suspect that certain east posters on this board are starting to feel the abandonment of their position from their fellow pilots who simply are not buying it anymore.

Suspicion confirmed.

Just read a CLT rep update.

Allow me to give the translation to this "our West pilots are not our enemies – they are our much needed allies."

If the West pilots do not go along with our DOH cramdown, we will never attain it, and F/O Cleary really wants to keep his $191,000 job driving the Taurus, so please be nice to the West pilots so we can see if we can talk enough of them into buying our load of manure.
Oh and, Uhmmm...how 'bout those that are slated to be in the top 10% for the last 10 yrs or so of our career??? Guess those positions should goto the '05 hire at AWA......Yup....sounds fair...

Fret not, your position a few hundred numbers by Dave is safe and secure.
So let me get this straight.

It was the east pilots that walked out of the JNC in Oct 2007. It was the east pilots that kicked ALPA off the property without a NC in place so we had to wait 6 months before usapa was ready to negotiate again. It is the east pilots that are in charge of the NAC. We are 28 months into usapa rule without a contract.

There are 22 sections left to go. Section 22 seniority is but one of them. What about the other 21 section that have nothing to do with litigation? Whose fault is that

But you blame the west pilots for the delay. I guess you guys never met a rationalization that you could not come up with. You never think that anything is your fault.

"The airline ratified a new collective bargaining agreement with ALPA on December 30 after more than four years of negotiations."

Your last union for America West pilots took four years.
Suspicion confirmed.

F/O Cleary really wants to keep his $191,000 job driving the Taurus, so please be nice to the West pilots so we can see if we can talk enough of them into buying our load of manure.
Mike Cleary, president of USAPA could easily hold a Captains position if he decided to return to the line.
"The award mixes US pilots with approximately 17 years of active service and no furlough
time with AW new hires, who were still in initial ground school at the time of the announcement
of the merger."

US Airways MEC Presentation to ALPA Executive Council May 21, 2007 \

Uhhhhhh.... you are aware that you used the US Air MEC presentation on the unfairness of the Nicolau Award to make your point :blink: ?? Not exactly Fox News (fair & balanced, you know). Why don't you include some of Ted Reeds articles while you are at it? The pilot south of AWA pilot O'dell may have had 17 years since DOH, but I believe he DID NOT HAVE 17 years LOS.
Uhhhhhh.... you are aware that you used the US Air MEC presentation on the unfairness of the Nicolau Award to make your point :blink: ?? Not exactly Fox News (fair & balanced, you know). Why don't you include some of Ted Reeds articles while you are at it? The pilot south of AWA pilot O'dell may have had 17 years since DOH, but I believe he DID NOT HAVE 17 years LOS.
It would be helpful if you would point out the inconsistencies in the ALPA MEC presentation that you allege sir. Being specific would be greatly appreciated.
Please name the 17 year, never furloughed, east pilot put behind a AWA newhire or quit spreading lies.

Go read the bottom of the NIC list...what?? have you been in a cave this whole time.
The bottom of the list is our 17 year guys with your new hires.....you getting it yet!!!

Uhhhhhh.... you are aware that you used the US Air MEC presentation on the unfairness of the Nicolau Award to make your point :blink: ?? Not exactly Fox News (fair & balanced, you know). Why don't you include some of Ted Reeds articles while you are at it? The pilot south of AWA pilot O'dell may have had 17 years since DOH, but I believe he DID NOT HAVE 17 years LOS.

You are correct sir he did not have 17 years LOS .....ONLY 16.4,
but who's counting!!! Ha!!!! And 4 above Odell ??..... AWA Boyd
at 0.1 LOS versus U Conrad at 16.8 LOS, no furlough, and.....wait for it....wait for it
....here it comes..... Boyd is 19 years younger than Conrad but is senior to him
and you wonder what all the fuss is about!!.....thanks NIC may we have another
....and another....and another.....

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