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US Pilot Labor Thread for the week 6/6 to 6/13

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Where in YOUR WORLD do you see THAT? There is NOTHING that says the company has to process all at once. NOWHERE. Not even in YOUR CONTRACT.

If you find it written somewhere, let me know.

Might they fire 20 people a month, instead of furloughing? Hmm. I never was a good gambler. I'll pass on that bet.
Where in YOUR WORLD do you see THAT? There is NOTHING that says the company has to process all at once. NOWHERE. Not even in YOUR CONTRACT.

If you find it written somewhere, let me know.

It's probably right there in the "we can single out our enemies" section in the upcoming USAPA contract. Sorry to have to remind you we are a country of laws, not a country of men. The company could call USAPA's bluff and see if a court would compel them to summarily fire 40% of the pilot force. Something tells me that USAPA could spend alot of precious money barking up the wrong tree. But hey, USAPA is telling it's contract negotiators to do whatever is necessary to get the company to bite on a DOH list, so maybe the company feels they'll owe them one.

Yeah, that's it. :up:
It's probably right there in the "we can single out our enemies" section in the upcoming USAPA contract. Sorry to have to remind you we are a country of laws, not a country of men. The company could call USAPA's bluff and see if a court would compel them to summarily fire 40% of the pilot force. Something tells me that USAPA could spend alot of precious money barking up the wrong tree. But hey, USAPA is telling it's contract negotiators to do whatever is necessary to get the company to bite on a DOH list, so maybe the company feels they'll owe them one.

Yeah, that's it. :up:
Yup, we are a country of laws. Show me where the law says ANYTHING like your saying. IT DOESN'T. And, the LAW says that agency fees ARE legal, even in "right-to-work" states. Also, the contracts (WEST AND EAST) say you MUST be terminated. Doesn't say "if we want to", or "has to happen all at once", but it does say you MUST BE TERMINATED if you don't pay up. There is a process, and I would think that before it progressed too far that most, if not all, of the holdouts will payup. If not, oh well. Better luck at your next place of employment.

June 12, 2008

Fellow pilots,

Today we received notification from the Company that they will implement a “Business Model Transformation,â€￾ one that includes the furlough of a reported 300 pilots, 125 East pilots and 175 West pilots. We recognize the severity of these actions and how they will affect employees and their families.

Having just received the details of the Company’s “Business Model Transformation,â€￾ we are in the process of analyzing the information and specifically how it affects our pilots. We will be discussing with the Company our contractual and legal protections to ensure that all due protections are afforded to the US Airways pilots.

As the collective bargaining agent for all US Airways pilots, you may be certain that we will aggressively defend both those contractual rights that flow from the Working Agreements and those rights that flow from the Transition Agreement, as they may affect all US Airways pilots, both East and West. This includes, but is not limited to, both minimum aircraft and minimum block hour guarantees. I want to assure both our East and West pilots alike that you may be certain that USAPA will aggressively defend the contractual rights of all US Airways pilots.

I realize the anxiety caused by the uncertainty of the future. To the greatest degree possible, you can be sure that USAPA will work to mitigate the effects the Company’s plan on the entire pilot group.

We will pass along information as it becomes available. For now, please remain focused and fly safely.

The bottom line here is that pilots who were employed and brought a job to this merger will be on the street while east pilots who were furloughed, with no chance of a recall, will now have that west pilot's job. Sounds like a scab to me.

You wouldn't know a scab if one walked up and spit in your face.

i think your anger belies your true feelings. If the shoe fits...
The only anger I see is from you. Just too bad for you it doesn't fit, except only in your mind.

(ua767fo @ Jun 12 2008, 11:04 PM)
You wouldn't know a scab if one walked up and spit in your face.

Very good point sir. :up:
A scab by definition is one who takes employment away from another. i think your anger belies your true feelings. If the shoe fits...

Time to get the fungus off the brain...

Main Entry: 1scab
Pronunciation: \ˈskab\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Swedish skabbr scab; akin to Old English sceabb scab, Latin scabere to scratch — more at shave
Date: 13th century
1: scabies of domestic animals
2: a crust of hardened blood and serum over a wound
3 a: a contemptible person b (1): a worker who refuses to join a labor union (2): a union member who refuses to strike or returns to work before a strike has ended (3): a worker who accepts employment or replaces a union worker during a strike (4): one who works for less than union wages or on nonunion terms
4: any of various bacterial or fungus diseases of plants characterized by crustaceous spots; also : one of the spots

Agency fees ARE legal, and you CAN be fired for not paying them, even in "right-to-work" states.

Better check with your lawyer before you take a stand.
Right to work (for less) laws at the state level do not apply to unionized workers under the RLA which is Federal, there is no Federal Right to work (for less) Laws.

Hey, EastUS, I thought you told us the transition agreement was dead?

June 12, 2008

Fellow pilots,

Today we received notification from the Company that they will implement a “Business Model Transformation,” one that includes the furlough of a reported 300 pilots, 125 East pilots and 175 West pilots. We recognize the severity of these actions and how they will affect employees and their families.

Having just received the details of the Company’s “Business Model Transformation,” we are in the process of analyzing the information and specifically how it affects our pilots. We will be discussing with the Company our contractual and legal protections to ensure that all due protections are afforded to the US Airways pilots.

As the collective bargaining agent for all US Airways pilots, you may be certain that we will aggressively defend both those contractual rights that flow from the Working Agreements and those rights that flow from the Transition Agreement, as they may affect all US Airways pilots, both East and West. This includes, but is not limited to, both minimum aircraft and minimum block hour guarantees. I want to assure both our East and West pilots alike that you may be certain that USAPA will aggressively defend the contractual rights of all US Airways pilots.

I realize the anxiety caused by the uncertainty of the future. To the greatest degree possible, you can be sure that USAPA will work to mitigate the effects the Company’s plan on the entire pilot group.
We will pass along information as it becomes available. For now, please remain focused and fly safely.
Can't we get along?

I'm just a spouse, a former f/a. I've been lurking on here, and reading everyone's comments, as well as watching all the U-Tube drama. I'm sure most us would like to go back and have things the way they were before the merger, we thought morale was low then. My husband would always come home and say "It's getting ugly out there!" I took his comments lightly because the man is a complete pessimist. He is constantly telling me we will soon be moving to a trailer with no air-conditioning in the middle of the desert. Now I am starting to believe him.
It's evident that things are not getting better and the hatred is growing. I don't know how you will ever resolve this. My first suggestion would for all sides to replace their spokespeople and officers. Start fresh, hopefully with some lighter personalities. (Chris Behl types.) Those guys in the USAPA U-Tube videos have to go first. Sorry guys, but you're just unlikable. No one from the West will ever like anything you have to say. The lawyer has to go too. He's probably praying to be replaced.
Because no one is willing to give at all, you are all losing. You are not helping this company make it through these tough economic times with your bickering.
NO ONE is going to have a job left unless you grow up. No one is going to win this thing, let's get over it and try to save the jobs that are left.
Can't we get along?

My husband would always come home and say "It's getting ugly out there!"

Well for god's sake woman when he comes home meet him at the door in your sexiest Wal-Mart-Gretchen-Wilson lingerie with a beer in your hand. He'll forget about all those nasty Easties.

Yup, we are a country of laws.

There is a process, and I would think that before it progressed too far that most, if not all, of the holdouts will payup. If not, oh well. Better luck at your next place of employment.
Hmmm... So now we are a country of laws and due process?

Kinda like the due process of negotiation - mediation - arbitration and the law that says binding arbitration is final and, well... BINDING. Right?

I guess then we can say "So sorry. Pay up and better luck at the next arbitration."

Or are the laws only applicable selectively?
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