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US Pilot Labor Thread 10/5 to 10/12 KEEP ON TOPIC

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Apparently, you are not comfortable with the notion that we merged with ALL outside funding, primarily by the work of USAirways CEO, Bruce Lakefield.


tuck -

Believe what you wish. But what about this little puzzler: if America West had not come along into the merger, where would you and US Airways (the old version) be today?

Hint: Ever been to Dehli? How about Dubai?
tuck -

Believe what you wish. But what about this little puzzler: if America West had not come along into the merger, where would you and US Airways (the old version) be today?

Hint: Ever been to Dehli? How about Dubai?

Believe what you wish... The old US Airways was proclaimed "dead" countless times in the past, but had somehow... despite all analysts' dire predictions... managed to survive... NOT HOWEVER WITHOUT EXTRACTING EXTREME SACRIFICES FROM THE EMPLOYEES!

It was rumored that even our esteemed grand poo-pah former ALPA President, Duane Woerth told the head of the APA that US Airways was dead... they just didn't know it yet! This was of course at a time that the grand poo-pah was again courting the American pilots to come back to the "mothership"... gotta have those dues dollars....
Believe what you wish... The old US Airways was proclaimed "dead" countless times in the past, but had somehow... despite all analysts' dire predictions... managed to survive... NOT HOWEVER WITHOUT EXTRACTING EXTREME SACRIFICES FROM THE EMPLOYEES!


Well, news flash: Guess what conditions the AWA pilots had been working under since 1983? When I started here, FO's got $22K/year. Period. Oh - minus payroll deductions for their mandatory 20% stock purchase. No single AWA pilot has even gotten close to having what you had to lose in the first place.

Perhaps you should reconsider the sympathy approach when you start talking about "extreme sacrifice." That angle won't carry much water around here.

No, the hammer hadn't fallen yet on you in '05, but it was poised to do some serious pounding and you were right in its sights.

And it won't be long before the hammer comes out again - this time, though, it will be for the usap folks.
Well, news flash: Guess what conditions the AWA pilots had been working under since 1983? When I started here, FO's got $22K/year. Period. Oh - minus payroll deductions for their mandatory 20% stock purchase. No single AWA pilot has even gotten close to having what you had to lose in the first place.

Perhaps you should reconsider the sympathy approach when you start talking about "extreme sacrifice." That angle won't carry much water around here.

No, the hammer hadn't fallen yet on you in '05, but it was poised to do some serious pounding and you were right in its sights.

And it won't be long before the hammer comes out again - this time, though, it will be for the usap folks.
With few exceptions, most employees in this industry have taken a beating and then some... I didn't comment about AWA... my comments were solely related to the old US Airways...

Furthermore... we can all speculate about any and everything til the cows come home... but it doesn't make it factual...
tuck -

Believe what you wish. But what about this little puzzler: if America West had not come along into the merger, where would you and US Airways (the old version) be today?

Hint: Ever been to Dehli? How about Dubai?

How about this one. Where would A&W be?
Did we not already cover the who bought who a coulple of years ago, move on!!!!!
luvthe9...I agree. Dead issue. But I think it is part and parcel to the sense of supreme entitlement that is driving the west...

"where would you be without us..?"

"you had no expectations, therefore we own you..."

Do ya see how this incorrect mindset has affected the west in their attitudes? I've made my point. I saw tazz again refer to "acquistion" (in the context of ownership..which drives their mentality) I provided evidence of the merger and legal structure of the corporation so as keep these improper claims in check.

case closed.

Of course, I expect not for the west.
We all need to get this contract through, I think we are ALL due for a raise!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love it...you guys keep quoting a quack analyst (or ANY analyst for that matter) and compare and contrast it to the 10-Q I quoted...

Take my advice, stop illustrating your "sources" of "facts" as being from an airline analyst.

I note that tazz is at least wise enough to recognize the SEC 10-Q filing, maybe he's checking it for accuracy, but he went silent...smart move, tazz.

TWAflyer, notsomuch.

LSS...interesting, deja-vu.

Tachmuck, I haven't gone silent. I just don't live on these boards much like yourself. Get a life. I didn't bother providing the info that my good friend TWAflyer did as I knew it would fall on deaf ears. God could hand you full documentation and you would not believe it becaues of your inept and myopic mindset. I do forsee you heading for a meltdown in proportion with your good friend eastus. Regards.....

PS, you're still invited to be the pinata at my termination party.
Then quit bringing it up, genius.
Relax, tazzy, I just called you out for once again perpetuating a common untruth out west...thats all. If you think that Kerr's quote makes any difference to the truth, you're mis-informed. Showing the "swallowed up corporation as the acquiring party" is nothing more than accounting hokus-pokus...and we all know it.

I'll let it go, just check your wording in the future and I won't have to correct you all the time.

PS, you're still invited to be the pinata at my termination party.

Hmmm, are you suggesting you'd like to hit me with a stick?

Better throttle-back speedy, you're flirting with a threat of physical violence against a co-worker..

(again with the poor word choices...)
Relax, tazzy, I just called you out for once again perpetuating a common untruth out west...thats all. If you think that Kerr's quote makes any difference to the truth, you're mis-informed. Showing the "swallowed up corporation as the acquiring party" is nothing more than accounting hokus-pokus...and we all know it.

I'll let it go, just check your wording in the future and I won't have to correct you all the time.


Again, you can choose to interpret the facts as you see fit, but the facts are the facts. While the USAirways name survived, HQ was moved from Crystal City to Tempe. Additionally, Al Crellin was the only senior executive to be retained............

But again, does it really matter? USAirways is supposed to have been a "New" entity, with fresh cash and balance sheet. Instead, the ability to complete the full integration has been disrupted by opportunists, at a heavy cost.

Sad. Just my opinion though. You're mileage may vary.

Hmmm, are you suggesting you'd like to hit me with a stick?

Better throttle-back speedy, you're flirting with a threat of physical violence against a co-worker..

(again with the poor word choices...)

Dumb of me to joke with you, Tachmuck, the guy who shivers with ecstasy at the thought of west pilots being terminated. Expecting that call from HR any time now....
Relax, tazzy, I just called you out for once again perpetuating a common untruth out west...thats all. If you think that Kerr's quote makes any difference to the truth, you're mis-informed. Showing the "swallowed up corporation as the acquiring party" is nothing more than accounting hokus-pokus...and we all know it.

I'll let it go, just check your wording in the future and I won't have to correct you all the time.

Hey, TWAflyer...

Care to join me in saying "stupid is as stupid does"?
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