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US Pilot Labor Thread 10/5 to 10/12 KEEP ON TOPIC

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Nope..Don't know that I've ever met the Lady....and I'd think that her husband wouldn't be much thrilled at even the suggestion. 😉

Whatever you say, Masked Man 😛h34r:
Whatever you say, Masked Man 😛h34r:

Just a personal note = Do NOT even insuniate any untruth on my part, without your being fully ready and willing to answer for your BS. I cannot STAND all these internet scumbags that hide behind cyber walls. Hell..I even offered lunch..and even a pathetic (at least on my part) round of golf. man up or get lost 😉 I'm not whoever you think I am, nor do I even know those posters you mentioned. You were about as correct on that as you were when you were creaming your pants over NiceLandingCaptain's fantasized, and wholly BS, made up "heroics"....
Just a personal note = Do NOT even insuniate any untruth on my part, without your being fully ready and willing to answer for your BS. I cannot STAND all these internet scumbags that hide behind cyber walls. Hell..I even offered lunch..and even a pathetic (at least on my part) round of golf. man up or get lost 😉 I'm not whoever you think I am, nor do I even know those posters you mentioned. You were about as correct on that as you were when you were creaming your pants over NiceLandingCaptain's fantasized, and wholly BS, made up "heroics"....

I guess I'll never know for sure as long as these cyber walls are in place.

I don't play golf and I'll respectfully decline your invitation for lunch.

Happy Flying.
So the company tells usapa that "we already have a seniority list" and leave the list on the table as they walk away, and no comments from the usapa supporters?
I guess I'll never know for sure as long as these cyber walls are in place.

I don't play golf and I'll respectfully decline your invitation for lunch.

Happy Flying.

Aww..BS..send me a PM! 😉 Otherwise..take care and clear skies to yourself as well sir 😉
So the company tells usapa that "we already have a seniority list" and leave the list on the table as they walk away, and no comments from the usapa supporters?

BS. Call us when the contract's done, since any seniority list is established by such, otherwise?..How about just shut up and go away :lol: Do you even have any idea of how much anti-westie-mosquitoe spray costs? 😉 "West Nile Virus" has an entirely new meaning with you sorry people.... 😉

Come on folks..You should certainly have some ferocious westie "warriors" available at this early hour out there? NiceLandingCaptain will naturally be hiding under the nearest rock of course, and awaiting some "safe" time to again surface... but hey...aren't there more, ready and willing to state exactly why they're so very "special" as to be engaged in the moronic and pointless antics that they are out west?...just curious 😉
There was a strong anti ALPA undercurrent on this property before the Nic award. It simply lacked the critical mass which the award provided.

APA was the first legacy pilot group to break away from ALPA, was it not? As I recall, one of the central issues was the two man crew. No less self serving than USAPA protecting it's own.

Yeah Two man crew.... The underlying theme was ALPA National being ALPA National. from their own words of history that I've read appeared to me to boil down to ALPA National strong-arming and threatening them if they didn't obey the will of the ALPA gods, for the benefit of the ALPA gods.

Other than "Marshall Law" being a common theme between the two, anyone is "foolish" to think there was any similarity at all. :lol:

Who can doubt that Marshal and Lance take pride in that they fought until the end, even though their refusal to follow the bylaws (with ALPA national's assistance) helped to cement ALPA's present status.

Frankly, other than Marshal Law being THE thing in common between the two breakaways, what else is needed? Is someone attempting to suggest that USAPA lacks a sufficient cause to exist?

Quick, notify the NMB! :lol:
How very "interesting"..two of my posts have "disappeared"..not "deleted by moderator" but entirely gone now, without a trace? ...

Wait to see what life is like a year or two after the election.]
Wait to see what life is like a year or two after the election.]

Well..I was almost fine when it was limited to "deleted by moderator"..But..I'm damned if I'll go with wholesale "politically correct" editing, by way of having postings just entirely "disapppear" and be replaced by others......That's not even a small excuse for any "dialog"..that's just total BS...Period. I think it best just to then leave this place to the fake westie "war heros"........😉 I've a son with two Iraq tours now..I lost a friend in '91 in the Sandbox Games, when we were there...and I'm damned if I'll have some "moderator" remove my posts indicative of proper digust for the likes of NLC's, entirely fantasized, totally BS "heroics"..or those of any such lying con artist, pretending to have "fought"..but is naught but hot air and fantasy....such pathetic creatures merely shame all who've actually served...period...Nor will, nor can I ever be expected to tolerate any such scum...PERIOD...If it's "incorrect" or a "personal attack" to properly call some smarmy, lying, complete jerkoff on his utter BS... and full-fledged cowardice..I'm done wasting time here......

I bid all a fine and joyous life and a good night.

For the utterly pathetic likes of NiceLandingCaptain..and all of you out west who so eagerly support his/your "INTEGRITY MATTERS" Fantasy?...Kiss my arse.
Other than "Marshall Law" being a common theme between the two, anyone is "foolish" to think there was any similarity at all. :lol:
Too funny.

I would think when one's franchisee, ALPA, pretty much allows extreme hacking of one's compensation, benefits and retirement, that when the one issue for which pilots stayed, DOH, is threatened, it was (past) time to turn out the lights on those lounge lizards.

About APA. I don't suppose there were other issues APA was upset about with ALPA, in order to allow some to think USAPA is an outlier and therefore "bad boys". New history. <sigh>
Wait to see what life is like a year or two after the election.
With the "Patriot Act", your anonymity is already gone. The Feds can demand your records/posts (IP numbers, etc.) from the "boys" that run this place and they cannot even legally tell you. (and to think one's data is "safe" from corporations/public with the rampant incompetency displayed with the present administration....)

The fact that no one has ever been found to be a "terrorist" based on such monitoring, outside of Hollywood scripts, seems to be lost on the proponents.

That said, I believe there is a place in a healthy society for a well-moderated, semi-anonymous forum like this (where are those disappeared posts? :unsure: )

BTW, does anyone know what books Palin had in mind when she asked about removing literature from her local library as the writer going by the handle of yore, Mark Twain, is a favorite of such "re-inventories"?
Yeah Two man crew....boil down to ALPA National strong-arming and threatening them if they didn't obey the will of the ALPA gods, for the benefit of the ALPA gods.
Other than "Marshall Law" being a common theme between the two, anyone is "foolish" to think there was any similarity at all. :lol: Who can doubt that Marshal and Lance take pride in that they fought until the end, even though their refusal to follow the bylaws (with ALPA national's assistance) helped to cement ALPA's present status.

Frankly, other than Marshal Law being THE thing in common between the two breakaways, what else is needed? Is someone attempting to suggest that USAPA lacks a sufficient cause to exist?

Quick, notify the NMB! :lol:

Better notify someone! but their reward in ALPO Heaven is their above and beyond plaque, suitable for framing and signed by Prater himself. As bad as Marshal Law was, that was a CLT side-show. what convinced me ALPO had to go was the treatment of our PHL Reps, throwing them out because they wouldnt take the ALPO loyalty oath, so Joe McCarthy. and putting in two ALPO suck-ups was the last straw for the fence-sitters here.

USAPAs barely been in power for six months and no matter what happens, theyve still got a min of 18 months to go ans nothing the west can do.

BTW, a couple of oldies from nicelanding. some guys never give up the attacks. "Its all about ME!"

Posted on: Nov 24 2007, 05:27 PM
I feel it will be a pretty fair representation of the reaction following USAPA defeat.

Posted on: Jan 18 2008, 08:23 PM
Too funny to see the desperate acts going on, since not enough legitimate cards were sent in.

Posted on: Mar 14 2008, 09:18 AM
p.s. - noticed any of those ALPA lanyards roaming around in PHL and CLT lately? Don't let your bloomers fall off when the votes are tallied.....

Posted on: Feb 29 2008, 10:47 PM
Nosty, et al - Speaking of bazookas, looks like you and your fellow usapians just showed up at a gunfight armed with squirt guns.

just a couple blasts from the past, snooper
How very "interesting"..two of my posts have "disappeared"..not "deleted by moderator" but entirely gone now, without a trace? Amusing.

Moderators?...I don't flatter myself that I'm of any great benefit towards enhancing your readership numbers..but..since you've the notions of having my postings become not merely "deleted by moderator" ..but entirely "disappear"at your slightest whim instead?...Go F yourselves...we're done here. Have a good one. 😉..."and I question any that'd cloak or protect such cowardly and utterly despicable behavior" 😉..With all proper and due disrespect for those that would simply pretend that something wasn't ever said...much akin to Stalinists "purging" people from pictures. my last posting was number 111, (and there's now a "new" number 111) which I did print the "real" 111, and have a copy of, having noted a prior "disappearance"... should any wonder at the truth of it...no matter I suppose,....have fun All and take care in life 😉

PS Folks..don't be surprised if this too..just disappears 😉

Amazing, I was once threatened by the moderators for even questioning something yet this clown can get away with telling them to F.... themselves. Is this not an east leaning web site or what?
USAPA was formed to prevent the last vestige of why pilots are here from being taken from them. You know, seniority, something you profited from your entire career. Now, sitting on the sidelines you jibe at those attempting to retain the only thing left that constituted "your" career. Shame on you.

APA was formed because certain ALPA "policies" were not in alignment with the AA pilots. So, too, USAPA.

You are now part of the peanut gallery. Thank you for your service.

Yeah, that's why east pilots who were furloughed when the acquisition occurred are placed senior to AWA captains with more actual service to the company on the usapa "dream list" . And that's why pilots hired a year ago are still working while west pilots with four years seniority/service are in the unemployment line. Good one, I'm still laughing.
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