Aside from that, and, likely I misunderstood, but, did not the Empire pilots gain some sort of PI retirement, a sort of trading seniority for retirement, unlike with the Shuttle dudes, with respect to the US retirement, who started from integration date? (Notwithstanding the thought out there that the biggest boosters - GJ comes to mind - to terminate the US retirement were former Shuttle dudes -- gaining themselves the PBGC, gaining (full) access to a plan they, at best, would only have had limited access to)
If they were to realign the lists, would the Empire dudes be forced to give back their retirement? If the Shuttle dudes got their Eastern DOH, would I be able to regain mine? After all, they did sign away their Eastern seniority, did they not? What would that do to past furloughs? What would one do with former EAL people who would be blockholding Captains instead of being furloughed?
BTW, a court filing in the early 90's about that same thing (Empire) was dismissed because of a statute of limitations kind of thing.
This sounds to me like a few ALPA deadenders are going out of their way to try to create issues they can use to "leverage" themselves into a cushy job again. Why would I not be surprised?
Sorry, but I had to giggle a bit at your post. The Empire pilots did indeed take on a substantial pay raise, a much improved benefits package (including the Piedmont retirement plan...they had no retirement plan supplied by Empire,) and better schedules. The effectively lost their DOH in the process.
And the giggle part (it's sad really) is that ALL of that stuff that they traded (without their consent, mind you) is GONE. And this brings us to the current argument as to why DOH needs to be sacrosanct. About the only thing that management has not been able to grab from us is our DOH seniority system. They took pensions, benefits, schedules, vacation, pay and just about everything but our firstborn child (although we do have some of those working here, too.)
Before bankruptcy one, the pilots gave back a boatload of pay, benefits, working conditions on the tacit agreement that it would save our pensions. The pensions left in bankruptcy one, but did we get back all the other stuff we gave up to save it? HA! Instead, we got a house-of-cards, Davey-dollars defined contribution plan that was supposed to make us up to 95% whole on the lost defined benefit plan. THAT lasted all of about four months when the company realized it would have been cheaper to keep the defined benefit plan. So, in bankruptcy two, they took away almost all of the "replacement" plan, but did we get the old plan back? HA!
This is why pilots tend to go bonkers when DOH is totally ignored. The (old) Piedmont MEC justified their unconscionable actions based on the Empire pilots getting all that stuff that is now worth ZIP to them. We all lived through two bankruptcies where we were raped at the hands of greedy management and pissing-in-their-panties MEC members. That's why Prater's promises to our f/o's of $30K payraises fell on deaf ears. We already know that even our contract cannot protect pay and benefits, so why give up the only thing you have to get something that may not last more than a few months?
BTW, if Al Sheldon was a PIT CP or 767 Check Airman, that's probably why I never heard of him. I didn't travel in either of those circles.