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US IAM Fleet Service labor thread

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I talked to a steward the other night about the attendance policy and he said it's looking bad for us. Arbitration in a few months, which should be happening NOW because people are getting fired left and right, and the company gave them warning that they were changing the policy, but they didn't act sooner to prevent this.

He said that any employees fired under this lame policy won't get their jobs back, unlike past, OAL, situations, and that they had a chance to bargain with the rigidity of the current policy, in which 1 minute late is a half a point, and there's no reward for extended amounts of good behavior.

He said the company would look at each situation, in detail when it comes time. For example, if you are about to get fired for attendance, they will look at your performance as well, and if you've had extended periods of good attendance.

Unfortunately, the AGC's thought the attendance policy was okay the way it was, so they've chosen to do nothing about it!! We are all basically paying our union to do NOTHING for us. STILL.

In the meantime, the company aims to fire 75 people, and not have to give them benefits, as opposed to giving people a voluntary leave, or something with a few benefits to keep their heads over water.

They save money because our union is weak.

And you boys out east, don't think if you get fire, you will have your job back... The union missed that chance, early on, when they chose to sit back and do nothing while the company rear ended us.
Thanks chill

sadly that''s dishearting to hear ... :angry:

oh well , back to square one ...

IT sure sounds like if the employes could sue for this type of DELETED BY MODERATOR. I know of a large number of folks who didnt vote for this contract to begin with because it flat out sucks. And mgmt wonders why SWA folks and their leaders get along and we are practiically at war with ours. What a stark difference there is. This POS contract belongs in the toilet along with the attendance policy. There was no justification for this POS to begin with. If those 75 folks had good time then get fired just for the attendance or being 1 min late to me they got a hell of a lawsuit against the company and the union

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I heard the same thing as Chill Out posted myself. Company is looking to fire people for any reason whatsoever. Everyone watch their step!

DP's quote rings in my ear everyday at work "We don't need a ramp with 20 years experience, indeed we shouldn't"

Thats the big difference with SWA and US. SWA would offer voluntary leaves, buyouts, ect. But US will try and force people under the bus.

Another thing is that I feel the company is very upset that a merger did not happen with United. When the new contract was voted on it was purposely designed to rid of the COC and "giftwrap" the fleetservice for a merger. Now the company is paying what they consider "outrageous" wages to west in where before they were paying cheapest labor possible.
Can someone briefly explain how the point system works? Do you get like 5 points per year before discipline is issued? Curious because UA is talking about going to a point system also. I know Southwest uses it but they also reward the employee quarterly if they don't use any points. Thanks for any info!
as I understand it if you are a minute late, that is 1 point. However if you no show it is atuomatically 3 points or something and a trip to level 2 may be level 3. Howver you do get an intial discussion if you sick out or lateness Its done over a period of 12 months as I have heard hope it helps
Late less than 15 minutes .5 pt
late 15--120 mins 1.0 pt
Late over 120 mins(but employee works with management approval 2.0 pt
sick absence 1.0 pt
absence other thanpersonal illness/injury 2.0 pt

Late call (absence) 2.0

Early Out automatic one disciplinary level

No show automatic two disciplinary levels

a single illness that covers one or more days is one pt

points assigned

4 points in 12 months active service intial discussion
5 points in 12 month period(12 months prior to and after last point Level one

2 points within the Level one period or one no show if not on a level Level two

2 points with in level two period Level three
A few things to add about the sick policy. A no-call no-show, advances you 2 levels from your current level. And also, everyone out there needs to realize that it is 1 point for calling out sick for yourself, but 2 points for calling out for anyone or anything else. So you have to play their game and call out sick for yourself, regardless of the reason. Yes its crazy! And no the company dosent award people for being honest. So everyone out there needs to know that no matter what the reason, just tell them your sick. This is another brilliant idea the company has came up with to show the employees that honesty is not whats best.
Isn't stricter discipline for using sick time to care for an immediate family member illegal?
folks remember... if you have a minimum of 1200 hrs per year. YOU qualify for FMLA.. if you don't have it . It would behoove you to look into it.

the company is basically pushing the employees into to getting so take the time to see if you qualify and get the paperwork in. IF you unsure what to do

check with your Grievance Committee or a shop steward.


Chill. as far as the attendance thing. the Union didn't sell anyone out. they filed a grievance as soon as it went into effect and will be going to arbitration on it
right now they are tied up in arbitration over the insurance premiums the company is trying to change. Sorry things aren't happening as fast as we would like
but I can assure you the UNION is against the new point system and is fighting it.
Got it, man. Thanks.

Remember, what I said came from one of our union guys out west here, this isn't my opinion.

The part that burns me, is that the AGC's were okay with the company putting that policy into place. I don't know how they could have let it happen when it, supposedly, violates our contract.

According to the union rep I talked to, there was some part of the contract that allowed the company to do such a thing. Ill try to look for it and post it so anyone who is interested can discuss.
The union cant stop a company from implementing a policy, that is why there is a grievance procedure.

And its not a CBA violation till the company starts using the new policy and issues discipline under it.

Guess you need to educate yourself on the process under the RLA in regard to major and minor disputes.

Just like we couldnt stop them from outsourcing the airbus to AL, then we filed for a TRO which we got as we won the major dispute in the court, then under appeal it was overturned and sent to arbitration under the CBA and the IAM won it, but it was a hollow victory as they used the Bankruptcy to get around it.

I talked to a steward the other night about the attendance policy and he said it's looking bad for us. Arbitration in a few months, which should be happening NOW because people are getting fired left and right, and the company gave them warning that they were changing the policy, but they didn't act sooner to prevent this.

Unfortunately, the AGC's thought the attendance policy was okay the way it was, so they've chosen to do nothing about it!! We are all basically paying our union to do NOTHING for us. STILL.

Who the hell is they...and what AGC thought the policy was ok?

This whole situation is because of past representation and if you can't see that than UR ignorant. Agreements were signed behind closed doors and notes were not allowed during negotiations. We have now what we didn't know then, but, we won't have this in the future if we have confidence in the New Direction.
It's always harder to undo the injustice but I for one have confidence...........It will come.......
PHX is ready for the attendance arbitration to take place. There is an argument or there isn't. If anybody is interested in our opinion let us know.

P. Rez
Thanks for the info. Do your levels stay for 1 or 2 years? Believe it or not, it sounds more lenient than what we currently have at UA. If you have 2 occurences within 6 months or 3 occurences within 1 year, you are given a level. Our levels stay for 2 years, rolling calendar. 5th level is termination. Late counts as same occurence as being sick.
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