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IAM Fleet Service topic 2/1- (MERGED TOPICS)

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I think you got the numbers right there Jester, but the static itself is wrong. "Full employment" is an overall employment figure of population. It has nothing to do with education. The 3.8% of educated workers is part of the overall unemployment rate, which is something well over 6% now. Those with BSs and BAs just added to the unskilled labor that made up the 3.5% and all the unskilled persons that have increased that number as well.

The concept of full employment can be subdivided into sectors because it defines that ideal point of where people are willing and able to work at the prevailing rate have jobs. The remaining people within that segment who are unemployed are considered to be frictionally unemployed who are in-between jobs within an inefficient labor market of instant employment in a perfect market. If the unemployment rate falls below the full employment rate, then there becomes wage inflation as people demand more for their services.

Yes, it is true that the 3.8% unemployment for those with bachelor degrees are part of the overall unemployment rate which in some states are in excess of 10%, but consider if those with bachelor degrees are excluded from the overall unemployment rate means those without a bachelor degree would be that much higher rate. My overall point to My Respected Dear Friend, Mr. Roability, would be that based upon the unemployment figures, those with a bachelors degree would be better able to handle economic downturns versus him looking for government intervention.

So Clarifies Jester.
P.S. I visited your Carolina style BBQ at CLT and that vinegar rub needs to be mixed with a helping of tomato sauce, worcestershire, molasses, garlic, onion, black pepper, and don't drink all the bourbon first before adding it to the mix.

If this is referring to the BBQ establishment located inside the main atrium of the terminal in CLT you have been mislead. It is a very poor example of true Carolina BBQ. Have Roabilly hook you up with some "Lexington" style eastern Carolina BBQ.
If this is referring to the BBQ establishment located inside the main atrium of the terminal in CLT you have been mislead. It is a very poor example of true Carolina BBQ. Have Roabilly hook you up with some "Lexington" style eastern Carolina BBQ.

My Dear Mister Dirt,

I have had the opportunity to experience of the eastern Carolina BBQ while in my travels through both Raleigh and Smithfield, prehaps they were not "eastern" enough for your liking, but I did not see a material difference in taste between those establishments than that of CLT.

However, I shall accept the BBQ advice of the Gentle Mister Roability for a recommendation as to his favorite pig picking establishment.

So Appreciates Jester.
If you are looking for validity, consider the following factoid... the current unemployment rate for those with a bachelors degree is only 3.8%, even during this terrible economic downturn. Typically speaking most economists place "full employment" at around 3.5%. Those with a decent education and skill set are not the ones being hammered during these times. Point being, My Gentle Roabilly, is for you not to look for government or even a labor union help during these and future uncertain times, but rather to improve your own job skills and education, as the reality is that mashing bags need not require much in the way of an education or a skill set.

So Advises Jester.

P.S. I visited your Carolina style BBQ at CLT and that vinegar rub needs to be mixed with a helping of tomato sauce, worcestershire, molasses, garlic, onion, black pepper, and don't drink all the bourbon first before adding it to the mix.

It's kinda of hard for the working poor to send there kids and or themselves to a school of higher
learning to get such degrees when the cost is skyrocketed and out of reach so many HARD WORKING
Americans. I just watched a news program a week or two ago about getting a college degree and the cost
entailed to get one really is not paying off for all the post grads with degree .Unless of course your entering
a medical or law field . Which then of course those types are not in the middle class range.

As far as the BBQ debate . I would suggest you take Dirts advice and get a tasting of REAL BBQ from the
Lexington area. After all they were chosen a few years ago along with Texas / Kansas City and I believe
California in a BBQ cook off for the Best BBQ in America.
Mr. Jester…

With all due respect… from an Aviation Union perspective… I find your convoluted response to be generally unsupported by today’s educated and professional assessments of the “Global Economic Catastropheâ€.

You have once again expressively projected… an ideology …that I would like to question… and illustrate as being based solely upon a “Limbaughish†perception… that is laden with the delusions of a bygone era.

The overwhelming consensus in this country today is… that we are in this “Horrible Economic Crisis†primarily due to corporate greed... lax governmental regulatory decree… and the evaporation of consumer spending initiatives that have consequently resulted from these indiscretions.

Now… to address your assumption… as you have so fluently declared... all “Fleet Service Bag Masher’s†should simply lower their expectations, and seek an education in a field that would be more closely aligned with the hourly wage that they are currently accustomed to.

My personal challenge to you… Mr. Jester… is to submit into this open forum… a comprehensive explanation regarding the exact “career fields†that you suggest, and personally endorse.

These suggestions should be viable alternatives to the current socio-economics status of all Legacy Carrier Union Workers, and must be considered as a realistic corridor… that these said workers may pursue with absolute confidence in their educational investments.

Your suggestions should be realistically equivalent in monetary compensation to the current economic status of all applicable Industry Standard Airline Union Employees, and devoid of the probability of… “off-shoringâ€â€¦â€œout-sourcingâ€â€¦and… otherwise all other dispensable domestic occupational endeavors that otherwise may be at a total elimination risk.

The ball is in your court…

So faithfully submits…


P.S. Yer "Q" is gettin' cold!
Look out LAS and PHX. The axe may be coming down. LTFO. It's coming.
Look The F*** Out, presumably.

I've heard rumors, and wouldn't be surprised if PHX fleet service was soon facing a 10% cut.
Look The F*** Out, presumably.

I've heard rumors, and wouldn't be surprised if PHX fleet service was soon facing a 10% cut.

Less than 6 months after the proposal passed (most with
the backing of phx) and we see the direction of this mgt.
The point system thrown at us, with in my opinion, because
we kicked Canale out and this is an FU form AH and AC. We
got rid of thier boy. The talks of cuts in PHX are very real and
that says ''thanks'' now see ya. Canale insured that this proposal
got in before he left and used PHX to ''get r done''. Everyone had
a vote yet some listened to thier mgt. instead of thier brothers and
sisters who've traveled this road and continue to do so. Please
listen to us or at least talk to us when you have questions. We
will not mislead you. You are us and we you. Why would we lead
you down the wrong path.
Canale insured that this proposal got in before he left and used PHX to ''get r done''. Everyone had a vote yet some listened to thier mgt. instead of thier brothers and sisters who've traveled this road and continue to do so. Please listen to us or at least talk to us when you have questions. We will not mislead you. You are us and we you. Why would we lead you down the wrong path.

My blinders never fit me so well as when I listen to another person who appears to ignore my own problems for their own benefit. Sorry, your thread worn rant about how horrible it was for PHX to support the T.A. while ignoring the sizable wage increase benefit just belies your own insincerity about how you and others wouldn't lead us "down the wrong path." Do you HONESTLY think under this current economic conditions, not only of the nation, but this company, the West would have done better, and if so, how many years later? Keep in mind that Parker strongly suggested the company flirted with a bankruptcy filing in his December meeting with the pilots group.

So Chastises Jester.

P.S. To My Dear Mister Roabilly, I have not forgotten your impertinent self and I promise to reply to your challenge at the appropriate time.
Less than 6 months after the proposal passed (most with
the backing of phx) and we see the direction of this mgt.
The point system thrown at us, with in my opinion, because
we kicked Canale out and this is an FU form AH and AC. We
got rid of thier boy. The talks of cuts in PHX are very real and
that says ''thanks'' now see ya. Canale insured that this proposal
got in before he left and used PHX to ''get r done''.

I don't think there was any surprise that PHX overwhelmingly supported the TA, given that what most people here were concerned with was the sizable wage increase that was going to going to come with pay parity with our East Coast counterparts, though since PHX was the largest voting station for YES it seems to get most of the "blame". Maybe you should appeal instead and look towards those stations that helped you shoot down the previous TA but supported this one?

Also one would be wise to realize that when it comes to things like serious staff reductions in a troubled economy decisions such as how many get the boot and where are typically made with hard numbers in mind (in terms of traffic, savings, etc.) and not merely the kind of schoolyard animosity and pettiness that seems to permeate a lot of union attitudes and opinions.

Everyone had
a vote yet some listened to thier mgt. instead of thier brothers and
sisters who've traveled this road and continue to do so.
you down the wrong path.

I always get a kick out of how a lot of those people who voted against the TA shake their heads slowly and say with confident wisdom "if only you listened to us and held out for a real contract", as if all the ills that are befalling fleet service since the passage of the TA would have been alleviated if everyone had voted no.

A "no" vote would have guaranteed no layoffs. A "no" vote would have guaranteed a sizable raise for all. A "no" vote would have guaranteed 365 vacation days a year and 26 paid holidays. A "no" vote would have entitled each fleet service agent a magical rainbow unicorn that poops ice cream. Because, let's face it, the period directly following the passage of the TA was really a prime time to hold contract negotiations, what with $147 bbl oil, the collapse of the United merger and now skyrocketing unemployment, we'd have really had those management goons tight in our grip and lo, we'd have reached the ramper promised land! But alas and alack, the unlearned rabble in a state of innocence bent their heads and lent their ears to the serpent, and that serpent was management, and they did vote "Yes", and CLT wept.

Please. The choice in PHX came down to either what was written in the TA or the fanciful vapor promises of what the East wanted us to linger under a derelict contract and hold out for. It was an easy decision.

listen to us or at least talk to us when you have questions. We
will not mislead you. You are us and we you. Why would we lead
you down the wrong path.

🙄 There y'all go with the Messiah talk again...the East is the all-knowing unshakable authority of what is right and good for ALL fleet service. Okay.
Black Tuesday for the rampers 50 in LAS , 49 in PIT , TUS farmed out to express , also SJC ,OAK ,MIA and AUS with smaller numbers.This is only the beginning !
''Please. The choice in PHX came down to either what was written in the TA or the fanciful vapor promises of what the East wanted us to linger under a derelict contract and hold out for. It was an easy decision.''..........CJ

Not the East ''CJ'' but your Union Brothers and Sisters.
We'll never move forward while you still see sides.
Maybe thats' a problem. I know PHX and
we were sold a bad bill of goods.
You need to see the whole and not the sides..........

That's all right phx you will get an influx of some East employees on your ramp come April , maybe they can teach you guys how to grow a pair of nuts and stand up to the company.
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