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US IAM Fleet Service labor thread

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Go educate yourself, what you propose is illegal and how do you expect future retirees to be paid benefits if there is no pension?

I cant say what I really want too cause the mods would ban me.

Truly amazing.

I've said it before and I will again it's frightening this person has access to the cargo bin of an aircraft
for once had enough is making sense ...

security issues should not be discussed here ...
Why not? We can't even discuss it? Security is a major facet of our job and we can't even talk about it in general terms?

Say, freedom, is this where you get most of your information from? I only ask because the similarities between it and your username/pic and also the billboards advertising it along I-10.

In the meantime you might want to give the Panic Button a little rest.
As far as security goes, I am glad I dont have to go through the TSA checkpoint to get to work! What a waste of time and pain it must be for you PHX guys (and others). We all pass the same security background check that the pilots go through, so why should they be exempt.

And for the vests, HP was never a vest airline as far as I know (or at least it was never enforced). I fail to understand how a vest is going to keep me safe from a 150,000 lb airplane. I see it as one more reason for a shift manager to get write up happy and make them feel important by writing ESON's and threatening performance levels for repeat "offenders". Gee, I wonder how it was never a problem for the longest time and all of a sudden the vest is a sacred thing??? Who knows.
The irony here is that if the company were to ever stop issuing vests or refused to do so we'd be up in arms about that too.

I only ever wear mine when a plane is coming in or being pushed out; I do it because it's a job requirement and there's really no harm in wearing one. Having to wear it for the entire duration of your shift would be pretty silly though.
I myself would love to go back to "no vests" and I'm sure most people would aswell. The safety thing can only be pushed so far. AWA was around since 83 and there was never a safety related incident from not wearing them.
HP began requiring vests before the merger. It wasn't enforced in all stations, but the rule was there. Post merger the policy was carried over, though it was modified some. Personally I think vests are a waste of money. If you're not seen on the ramp a vest isn't goign to change that, especially now that the uniforms all have reflective material. That as it is, I don't see a problem with them either. I don't have difficulty working while wearing one. There is a small question of saftey of vests around belt loaders, but since you don't need to wear them unless you're bringing in a plane that's not an issue.

Freedom, you have acknowledged that what you propose with the pensions is illegal, but you still think it's a good idea (within the confines of the law). Think about what you're proposing though. If monies were taken out of the fund and disbursed early there wouldn't be the funds for later. You and I wouldn't have our pension 40 years from now because you gave it away in 2009.

TSA can burn in hell. I'd say what I really think but the mods wouldn't allow it. They have failed, after 7 years, to meet their Congressional mandate of TRANSPORTATION security. They only focus on airlines and pay a token notice of road and train security. The Light Aircraft Security Program proposal is a joke. When LASP got shot down the rumors now are that they want to implement airline security at a a majority of general aviation airports. Because it's a SD Congerrs doesn't get a say int he matter, and thus can't shoot it down. There's far more detail here, but I've got to split.
Why not? We can't even discuss it? Security is a major facet of our job and we can't even talk about it in general terms?

Say, freedom, is this where you get most of your information from? I only ask because the similarities between it and your username/pic and also the billboards advertising it along I-10.

In the meantime you might want to give the Panic Button a little rest.

I think you just exposed his website :up: :up: :up: :up:
I just saw Doug Parker coming through PHL. I couldn't
get near him as he was surrounded by all the uppers'.
They pulled agents from other duty assignments to offload
his CDG inbound to make it look as if we have 8 people on
a daily basis to work a/c. What a joke. They went through the
whole route Parker would have to walk and cleaned up the
whole route. God forbid he should see what the PAYING psgrs.
see every day. He was in 1st of course CDG-PHL-PHX along with
Kirby and some other big wig. The outbound had extra agents
and picture perfect wing walkers (in vests).

About TSA, what a waste of $$. I recently worked right along
side them for three hours at the ticket counter and I had to go
back and forth from the counter to the office, which is only
card accessed. When we were done we all walked into the back
and I followed the four ahead of me. Each one of us swiped and
when I entered they asked to see my ID and physically searched
me. I thought they were kiddin'....wrong. They worked with me for
over three hours, talking and assisting each other and the walk
through the door we became TSA vs. Public. Mind you I went through
this door all day with them right there. Look at these people, thier
not quite right. They never had to walk to the bus stops as kids.
I believe the bus came to them (window lickers).

700 we know that. This is something that was started in CLT that all Fleet Service agents have to wear the vest when on the ramp. They tried to pull the safety issue, but me thinks there's much more to it.

I agree with you HC. This has been made into a “CLT only†safety issue! Can’t wait for those beautiful CLT August afternoons wearing another layer all day on the ramp. PHX, just hope this “safety†policy doesn’t find it’s way west of CLT, 115+ degrees wearing an extra layer…but it’s a dry heat!
Personally I think vests are a waste of money. If you're not seen on the ramp a vest isn't goign to change that, especially now that the uniforms all have reflective material.

We have to wear them at NW as well, and they're pretty much universally reviled as well.

As far as a waste of money goes, we get to order a new one every 6 mos. They then Fed Ex them to our homes, as opposed to just sending them via COMAT to the station. With shipping, each order costs ~$30.00. WTF?!

Our old uniform shirts/jackets had reflective striping on them, so I don't really see the need to have added an extra layer. On top of that, these actually get caught in belt loaders, and I have seen at least 2 incidents of them catching on/breaking off the static wicks on the CRJ-200's...
700 ..

illegal or not our union needs to get cash in the hands of our pensioners ....

Look i consider it my duty as a union memeber to warn our other union memebers that things in this world are unstable ... i think it's imporant that we give our people choices rather than chain them to something that might go down ... we don't have to get rid of the fund completely , but perhaps we could give people an opt out ... you know if you've put in 40 years you have the option of getting out of the fund completely by taking a check for 100 K or something like that , there would still be money left in the fund for anyone who wishes to continue ...

You have got to be kidding right... “Your dutyâ€￾?

Your duty as a Union Member should be to first and foremost practice Unionism!

I don’t think we need any additional advice regarding the financial condition of the Global Economy... I’ll assure you that you have absolutely nothing to add to this forum that is not already common knowledge...â€￾Weâ€￾ can.... and do read the major financial publications!
You have got to be kidding right... “Your dutyâ€￾?

Your duty as a Union Member should be to first and foremost practice Unionism!

I don’t think we need any additional advice regarding the financial condition of the Global Economy... I’ll assure you that you have absolutely nothing to add to this forum that is not already common knowledge...â€￾Weâ€￾ can.... and do read the major financial publications!

your right , i'm not adding COMMON knowlege , i'm telling you about things that ARE NOT COMMON ....

Do you want to wait UNTIL the barbains are at our pension doors so to speak 😱 , or would you rather get advanced notice several months out giving you time to prepare ? 😛h34r:
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