Us Airways Pilots Call For Removal Of Siegel,cohen

jack mama Posted: Dec 16 2003, 09:50 PM

But what ever the reason, LUV has contracts that have made them profitable for the past 50 consecutive quarters.

Well I'll tell you what the "what ever the reason" is. The reason is that the management of LUV ignores the fact that their workforce is Unionized and treats them like employees! (assets not liabilities)

CLT-Douglas Posted on Dec 16 2003, 11:39 PM

It would be almost comical if new management was brought in, only to hear them say that Siegel was on the right track in a nicer tone to employees. Then what will everyone do, just quit?

Heck no! If there's one thing we the employees have proven, it's that we are busy running an airline here. Luckly, no matter how hard they've tried, they can't kill OUR company yet. Just ignore the greedy children and do your jobs. They will reap what they've sown soon enough.

And oh yes:
jack mama said:
LUV has unions mainly from legacy I'm sure. I don't know for sure. But what ever the reason, LUV has contracts that have made them profitable for the past 50 consecutive quarters. LUV sends mtc on everything higher than a C out, its pilots are paid based on productivity, those who work harder make more, those who chose to work less, make less.

I don't claim to know all the details, but I know they have something figured out in their contracts that we don't....
Quote: "LUV sends mtc on everything higher than a C out"

FWIW, found some more info about WN's heavy mtc:

There are currently 3 structures lines in DAL, the latest opened during summer of 2002. Checks done there are 1/4 D, 1/2 D, "5Y", along with many mods and drop-ins. C-checks are performed in DAL, HOU, PHX.
Mr Planes! While I enjoy my lunch Ill make it clearer so you can understand . He is a good CEO! Has he made mistakes Yes. He obviously has the backing of the people who count . Most of our employees (except handfull on here) most importantly the people who invested heavily in this company. What about that do you not understand. Just because you or I didnt like the cuts and dont like the fact we cant control outside happenings, doesnt make him a bad ceo. You want Greg or Gordon u say ?????????/ Look at the history at cal youll find massive and i do mean massive slashings to get where they are today . WOW People take the blinders off and smell that rehashed burnt coffee your using!
A good CEO would not blantently violate employees contracts I.E. the airbus farmout and a good CEO would not have the employees morale at an all time low.

Even Wall Street says US Airways' problems are inept management not labor costs or its employees.
usfliboi said:
Mr Planes! While I enjoy my lunch Ill make it clearer so you can understand . He is a good CEO! Has he made mistakes Yes. He obviously has the backing of the people who count . Most of our employees (except handfull on here) most importantly the people who invested heavily in this company. What about that do you not understand. Just because you or I didnt like the cuts and dont like the fact we cant control outside happenings, doesnt make him a bad ceo. You want Greg or Gordon u say ?????????/ Look at the history at cal youll find massive and i do mean massive slashings to get where they are today . WOW People take the blinders off and smell that rehashed burnt coffee your using!
I think you're the one who is totally blind and in denial. Some people in Iraq still think Saddam is still the man for the job too...SO WHAT. This guy is a outright liar and you come on here and defend his actions even giving this liar praises! How can someone without the backing of the people, which he brought on himself with his lies and deception calling himself labor friendly and then rapping employees by disregarding contracts he singed in good faith, hope to continue to make it work when the employees have lost all respect and don’t believe one word that comes out his deceitful month? A handful of people on these boards represents 100 fold more who don’t express themselves via this forum, so don’t kid yourself thinking this attitude is limited to the boards and not pervasive system wide in every employee group. This management team has done nothing to raise the employees hopes, to lead and inspire, all they have done is brow beat us to death in weekly doom and gloom messages of if you don’t do this you are finished. This guy is as about as much a leader as bozo the clown.
Usfliboi is completely right about somehow working towards equitable solutions with Dave. The Board of Directors has already expressed their complete support for him, so no new leadership is on the horizon. The clock's ticking away fast to boot...
And the BODs of Delta, American and United gave Mullin, Carty and Goodwin their 100% backing too, where are those three CEOs now?
blueoceans said:
Usfliboi is completely right about somehow working towards equitable solutions with Dave. The Board of Directors has already expressed their complete support for him, so no new leadership is on the horizon. The clock's ticking away fast to boot...
Then I say what we all need to do is collectively stand solid and strong with a labor coalition making it perfectly clear we as labor will absolutely not work with this team, that the only answer is to replace them. What you are forgetting is a handful of BOD members are greatly outnumbered when a solid labor coalition makes a firm stand. Just because the BOD says so doesn't mean squat if we as labor choose otherwise. They are NOT the ultimate power and final authority over our lives, we are through expressed wishes via union solidarity. The very reason for unions is so we don’t have misfits or tyrants affecting our lives. Checks and balances. The way it’s going the only winners will be the very senior people and the already wealthy people and some new wealthy people who will be this management team who will become millionaires on the backs of employees with less then 25 years service.
What, Bonner said “Dave Siegel and his team have had to earn the confidence of investors, government agencies, and the banking and financial community.â€

Is this why Credit Watch downgraded our rating to a “B†status….Stock is down around 6 bucks a share…Major lawsuit with the US 5th Court of Appeals ….Wall Street articles stating our problems…???

I don’t call that confidence…!!! Don’t insult me like that… :angry: :angry:
It's about time ALPA did this.

Heard ALPA MEC Chairman Bill Pollock on the news last

He discussed there are many violations of our contract
by the company.

Similar to the printed article at the beginning of this thread, Pollock
said, that after all the concessions, where are we ?

Better late than never.
anyone notice in bronners message yesterday he claimed dave has earned the respect and confidence of investors on wall street?
somebody want to tell the esteemed Dr.Bronner about our credit rating as of last week?i see how confident they are.
Good to see the plan at work.

Dangle pension restoration and new planes to ALPA, to encourage them to eat their young, and throw everybody else overboard (ain't I the captain? get out of that lifeboat!).

Disseminate FUD - the smokescreen that conceals.

Offer up dave's head on a pike - concessions to be named later.

And a big welcome to the new CEO (let's call him frank) who's first speech begins, "I'm labor-friendly frank...."
Chip Munn said:

He who laughs last, laughs best. You'll see...


I agree.

But unlike you, I don't find any of this to be a laughing matter. You and your fellow employees are in a struggle for your very lives. Out of respect for others in your boat, I wouldn't be making light of it. But that's just me.

As for laughing, many of us have been laughing at you for over a year.

The question remains, when the dust settles will you be big enough to ever admit that you were wrong about anything? Even just once?

I didn't think so. :down:
It was posted on another thread that Siegel cannot habe the full confidence of the BOD with four union seats on there, including ALPA. I will respond here in the interest of keeping it in the correct thread.

Does Bronner not himself have the majority of the board seats through RSA? If so, he is calling the shots, and the four union seats mean very little in the overall scheme of things. For all intent and purpose, US is a sole proprietorship with Bronner as judge, jury, and executioner.

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