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Us Airways Pilots Call For Removal Of Siegel,cohen

Hawk (who has clearly been eating too much fermented roadkill lately) wrote:
Dr. Bronner clearly states that management and labor must work together.

Sort of like if the kids on the playground would just hand over their lunch money at the beginning of the day, the playground bully could bypass the poundings.

If people would just send their valuables and jewelry directly to muggers and burglars, it would avoid a lot of acrimonious dark alley encounters and broken windows/locks, etc...

See what we can accomplish when we work together!!!!

C'mon folks! Let's pull together as a team!!!!



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Hawk said:
1) The naysayers are in the minority.

2)Labor is only looking for someone to blame. We can win as a team and it is time for each labor group to join Dave in fighting the competitors.
1) You must not get out of the cubicle much because thats not what I've been hearing around the water cooler.

2) Since you conveniently forgot (or missed) the question to the same rah rah speech on another thread, I'll post it here again for you to answer.

And please state some specifics on how management proposes these changes occur and what they shall be. The same old rhetoric without examples and suggestions does nothing to further our effort. We want to help management and together beat the competition, but we're without guidance and direction. Please enlighten us on what exactly management (or you) consider to be inefficient and outdated work rules and how management (or you) would propose it be changed. Eagerly awaiting your reply.
why do labor need to work with this incompetent mgmt team that has stolen just about everything from us and all of the lies they told us?? All this incompetent mgmt team did was and are is breaking everything in the contract and probably even the federal law by deny folks the FMLA ACT. Also, my friend even settled with the company for a serious back injury two yrs ago. He is suppose to receive $200 instead of $600 and has eveny yet to see a penny. So if your asking us to work with mgmt, I got news: It Will Not Happen Until This INCOMPETENT MGMT
team is out of the way!
its not Siegel that alpa should asked to be removed..ALpa and the rest of union representatives on the BOD should ask to remove all the VP and middle management that are redundant since a lot of revenues goes to these jokers salaries.

A lot that siegel set out to do has been accomplished such as the Star ALliance and ordering RJ's
madders said:
its not Siegel that alpa should asked to be removed..ALpa and the rest of union representatives on the BOD should ask to remove all the VP and middle management that are redundant since a lot of revenues goes to these jokers salaries.

A lot that siegel set out to do has been accomplished such as the Star ALliance and ordering RJ's
..and this has changed things for the better how?

To date...We have RJ orders coming out of our ears , yet the execution date of this wonderous plan has been delayed how many times now?

The RJ invaision has still not cooled Seigels need to ask for more from labor...nor has it impressed the investment community to the point that our stock value is rising....seems as if his big moves aren't mustering up to their lofty billing , Huh?

The Star Alliance is the only thing that has had some tangible long range impact..and that has yet to mature to the point that it increases the bottom line yields at present. This was a positive move in terms of obtaining greater expanse for our customers in the future....yet many fear that its also going to serve as a reason to not expand the U Mainline itself...kind of a double edged sword.

The new rumor of increasing U Mainlne by 60 Acft tends to contradict that last statement...but until we are loading passengers , bags and freight on to those 60 Acft...My positon is one of being guarded until I see it happening.

U does not support its current fleet of 279 in a manner that is beneficial or even practical...so again I'm apprehensive about what an added 60 un-named Acft will do to an already stretched thin logistical support base?

Seigel has done some things that make sense here and there..yet most if not all of it was obtained while under Chapter 11 protection...as it's been pointed out countless times , anyone in business can dodge some bullets while in Chapter 11...it's whats not being done in the POST BK world that un-nerves the rank and file...and obviously the Wall Street investment community as well.
For all intent and purpose, US is a sole proprietorship with Bronner as judge, jury, and executioner.
With that being said even if Siegel were to be replaced which in all likelihood isn’t going to happen, he would be replaced by another one of Bronner's cronies!

This is my opinion and my opinion only.
Dave Siegel thinks he's doing what’s necessary to make this the "airline of choice" and Bronner concurs. Knowing Bronner pretty much controls U's destiny we as a company don’t have a chance. U is still losing money and management hasn’t shown us a thing other than they can only run an airline while its in bankruptcy and with WN going into Philly its just a matter of time till U files for Chapter 7 liquidation.

Ive been with this company for 16 years and for the past 14 years all I’ve seen this company do is close stations and lay off its employees. Now were at a point that management is STILL telling is the only way we can survive is if we change what they refer to as "our outdated work rules". Changing our work rules only means more people out on the streets, that stratagy hasnt worked yet what makes anyone on this board think its going to work now?

This excerpt was taken from a speech Dave Siegel gave to the Wings Club of New York on November 13, 2002;
"Responsible management must develop the plan, articulate the vision, communicate the goals, debate the merits, and hopefully convince the stakeholders – including employees. It may not be easy or fun. But if successful, it will be meaningful."

No where in that quote does he use the words like force or intimidate while if fact thats all that Dave and Dave have done!

You tell me, has Dave been "responsible"?

tug_slug said:
You tell me, has Dave been "responsible"?

If you call “responsibleâ€￾ the actions he has taken since stepping on the property, then that mind set is the let him stay crowd. I think he has been very irresponsible and in so doing brought on the wrath of the employees wishes for his departure upon himself, with no one’s help. First he wants to shrink ML down to nothing and now all of a sudden we are hearing that 60 more A/C are being considered. Anyone can make snap decisions based on which way the wind is blowing in any given hour of the day, but to have true vision means not having to chase your tail like it sure seems this management team is doing.
cavalier said:
tug_slug said:
You tell me, has Dave been "responsible"?

If you call “responsibleâ€￾ the actions he has taken since stepping on the property, then that mind set is the let him stay crowd. I think he has been very irresponsible and in so doing brought on the wrath of the employees wishes for his departure upon himself, with no one’s help. First he wants to shrink ML down to nothing and now all of a sudden we are hearing that 60 more A/C are being considered. Anyone can make snap decisions based on which way the wind is blowing in any given hour of the day, but to have true vision means not having to chase your tail like it sure seems this management team is doing.

I fear that the rumor of 60 added Acft will be another attempt at busting our contract. I can see it now...You give me (Dave) the right to outsource any future work on newly obtained Acft...and I'll run out and lease them.

This can also be viewed as a stop-gap measure to off-set the current rate of burn on our current Airbus fleet that is timing out at the rate of 2 per month....Seigel is not simply going to admit defeat over the Airbus issue...regardless if the court in PHL rules in our favor yet again.

I have heard from a few sources that when conversation has taken place with Seigel over this issue...and the talk turned to a post Philly Court loss for him...he met that with the expressed threat of carrying it to yet a higher court. He's prepared to throw all his/our assets at waging a legal battle against labor..So any future planes will likely be tied to un-favorable agreements for the IAM membership.

In light of the current Airbus fleet timing out....any future leased Acft will in essence be "Scabs" over a horrible wound. :down:

Don't assume for a moment that a promise of additional Acft won't come without strings attached...and it's in all probability a ploy to make happy with the ALPA group thats joined the call for Seigels head on a stick.....should this make happy with ALPA attempt work?...it will also create a Rift between the Pilots and the IAM membership....which they would in turn see as a victory. They fear a Unified labor force as much as anything...it works to their favor by keeping us divided in spirit.
AOG-N-IT said:
The fear a Unified labor force as much as anything...it works to their favor by keeping us divided in spirit
You comments are well spoken and I believe very accurate. On this comment of united labor force: that is exactly what I have been calling for in several other threads because I absolutely believe united we stand and that’s why he wants us divided at any cost!
:up: Thanks ALPA! Now if the rest of the Unions will get on board maybe we could get him out and the rest his band of merry men. Good luck to all and have a great Holiday....Have a drink and try not to think about this S#!$. PS. I miss Tom Davis, thats what we need true leadership.Gordon would have been a great replacement but he worked for the other airline. He knew we were headed down the wrong flight path. B)
cavalier said:
You comments are well spoken and I believe very accurate. On this comment of united labor force: that is exactly what I have been calling for in several other threads because I absolutely believe united we stand and that’s why he wants us divided at any cost!
A United Labor Force is the only way to combat what we are dealing with...no truer words can be spoken !!

I have had some time to do some added thinking about this 60 added Acft subject...and not seeing anything actually linked to increasing the fleet...who's to say that these planes will not be used as replacements for what we currently have...and have binding agreements to service.

I believe when we saw Chip and a few others say "60"...and a few PM's I've gotten from Management Shills...its was purely an assumption that "60" meant 60 more than whats on the property at present. Keep in mind...it's 60 What exactly???

60 Acft...with no specifics implied at present , could easily shed us of current Acft that require immediate work beyond the Airbus fleet that's currently in dispute...thus creating an enviroment for fewer AMT's and the alike for at least a couple of years...more of a delaying action strategy , as opposed to a marked progressive leap forward.

60 Acft could easily be translated to ridding ourselves of B757's , B767's or a portion of the B737-300/400 Fleet. With PIT's future kinda hanging in the balance at present...the loss of the B737 fleet and the work linked to them, this could become academic rather quickly.

Be very watchfull of how this is worded when and if an official announcement comes to pass. What sounds like a winner..could be a lightning bolt out of the clear blue sky.
This has been said prior but, Is Dave S. really running this company or Dave B.?
Who ever is running this ship needs to understand one thing....and that is MORALE is so low that what ever they do, they have already LOST most of the employees and more then likey will not get them back. It has NEVER been this bad here and looks more and more like Eastern and TWA everyday.
Hey, wait a minute! jetBlue has 60 airplanes.

Now there is one for the rumour mill!
Smartest Loser said:
What, Bonner said “Dave Siegel and his team have had to earn the confidence of investors, government agencies, and the banking and financial community.â€

Is this why Credit Watch downgraded our rating to a “B†status….Stock is down around 6 bucks a share…Major lawsuit with the US 5th Court of Appeals ….Wall Street articles stating our problems…???

I don’t call that confidence…!!! Don’t insult me like that… :angry: :angry:
It was downgraded simply because of our COST and ou continued face to face comp with llc What about that do you not understand? BUISNESS 101
According to the money section of USA Today, it does say a little about the 60 more aircraft to be added to the fleet as well as something about increasing the domestic service. may be someone can elaborate more on this subject.

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