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Us Airways Pilots Call For Removal Of Siegel,cohen

That is why you fail... 🙄 [/quote]

Please read again. You have taken that statement out of context.
BoeingBoy said:
We're in agreement on transplanting the LUV contract - even if the minutia could be worked out we're still a downsized, senior, hub/spoke airline.

You are probably right about LGA - there might be possibilities but it would probably mean taking some of those RJ slots and converting them to p to p. Maybe EWR would work better. JBLU and Song are adding p to p to BOS - why we haven't done more of that I'll never know.

Suppose US really pushed point to point in the larger markets wherever it could be supported, and used a somewhat down-sized hub and spoke model primarily to maintain service to smaller markets. Would there be enough pressure off of the hubs to eliminate one of them? This seems like a logical (and competitive) approach to me, but there seems to be little talk of it.
I am shallow. I think right now a leader that is charismatic and dynamic is just as important to US as one that has a good head on his shoulders. The charismatic and dynamic part would probably not apply to Siegel. 😉
Pit Bull You believe your own words? Theres more than enough blame to toss around with every past management including this one. ! You amaze me !
How about Jack from Jack in the Box? 😀 I could just see his big head at the roadshows... it wouldnt fit in an RJ door!
PITbull said:
BoeingBoy said:


Boeing Boy,

I don't believe SW business model will work in PHL And, I am surprised that LUV decided to come to PHL now. The traffic is emense in PHL All airlines have this problem, unless somehow PHL airport officials are doing something special for SW, which would be illegal I would think. None the less, PHL is problematic to all airlines, and it will be no different with SW.
The SWA people take the ATC people pizzas on a regular basis. That $10 pizza or Krispy Kreme dozen can save thousands. IF a SWA 737 and a U A319 are tied on the arrival at an incoming fix, who do you think the ATC controller will put first? This is a technique used in sales every day. This is just a small example of why SWA is cleaning U 's clock. Oh yea, remember how we heard that SWA would never make it in the Northeast. The people would never put up with the lack of first class or assigned seating. And how SWA would never make it in the Northeast snow. They will do just fine in PHL. Herb has already masterminded his plan. Just watch them use that crossing runway on a regular basis for arrivals. Before long, ATC will ask them if they can take it and start to sequence them in at a much faster rate than U. There will be things that U has never thought about..."outside the box" thinking. They'll do just fine in PHL.
mbmbbost said:
Suppose US really pushed point to point in the larger markets wherever it could be supported, and used a somewhat down-sized hub and spoke model primarily to maintain service to smaller markets.
Point-to-point markets like what?

BOS-LAX (or any other transcon)? AA and UA would defend those high-yield markets to the death.

BWI-LAS? BDL-MCO? Oops, too much LCC presence on those routes driving down fares too far to be profitable for high-cost U.

PIT-DFW (or something comparable)? How much O/D traffic is there on routes like this with no feed on either end? Certainly not enough to support multiple departures per day which the business traveller requires-- at least not on mainline-sized aircraft.
Bear96 said:
Point-to-point markets like what?
I only know Boston well, but I also know that New York has little point to point. These come to my mind:

BOS/LAX a maybe..with the codeshare it doesn't seem so important..regardless what the others do, there are still enough loyal US customers in BOS I think. Not for much longer though.

BOS to MIA/FLL/MCO/ATL, maybe LAS (I know that's been talked about), ORD, and some of the same type flying from LGA. Yes, I know there's already competition on those routes (low yield and all that..) ...but my thought was to create a network that serves more of the people most of the time, without pushing so much traffic through hubs. I don't buy that people will always go to whoever is the absolute cheapest airline. There's still some loyalty, and also a desire for some convenient service (which you can't get from most of the cities I mentioned). Over the long term, that seems like it would make sense. I just can't see how US can run from LCC's in the big markets forever.
question why did Selling and General ADMINISTRATIVE costs DOUBLE if the workforce was almost halved???

PERIOD ENDING 31-Dec-02 31-Mar-02 31-Dec-01 30-Sep-01
Total Revenue 1,614,000 1,709,000 1,565,000 1,989,000
Cost of Revenue 872,000 1,494,000 1,438,000 1,629,000

Gross Profit 742,000 215,000 127,000 360,000

Operating Expenses
Research Development - - - -
Selling General and Administrative 955,000 507,000 514,000 637,000


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