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Executive Compensation Filing

whatkindoffreshhell said:
Are you frickin looney tunes??

Siegel/Cohen took advantage of the deal, so did Wolf and all those before.

So did you and Pitbull and everyone who enjoyed way-above market wages for years and years.

And the public paid your outrageous 'industry-leading' packages because we had no other choice.

Now we have a choice.

Lose the attitude buddy. How long did you think the ride would last?

Go pound it.... d*&% head!!!!

This company gave no one a FREE ride! We earned our wages and negotiated fairly in the past. Period.

you said above ..."WE had no other choice"...who the hell is "WE"????????

You said above, "Free Ride"??? What free ride?

FYI, as senior management, here is your future... your concession is suppose to be the average of the LCC, or its the highway for you if you decide you don't want to change your contract, according to the company side negotiators told AFA neg. committee.

"Get ready to ride on down the compensation scale, pal"!

And we as LABOR we'll make sure there is PROOF of your concession, rest assured!!!!

I'll make it my main business to know and report out.
PITbull said:

Go pound it.... d*&% head!!!!

This company gave no one a FREE ride! We earned our wages and negotiated fairly in the past. Period.

you said above ..."WE had no other choice"...who the hell is "WE"????????

You said above, "Free Ride"??? What free ride?

FYI, as senior management, here is your future... your concession is suppose to be the average of the LCC, or its the highway for you if you decide you don't want to change your contract, according to the company side negotiators told AFA neg. committee.

"Get ready to ride on down the compensation scale, pal"!

And we as LABOR we'll make sure there is PROOF of your concession, rest assured!!!!

I'll make it my main business to know and report out.
Jeez, at least quote me correctly -- read my original post again.

"We" the paying pax, not "we" the airline employees.

Also I never said "free" ride. You're adding words to my post, please stop.

US continued to charge ridiculous fares right up to the moment when WN entered PHL. The flying public applauded the choice of lower fares.

Westcoastguy -- WN wages are higher now because of their productivity and revenue. I challenge you to name me one US employee who voluntarily left USAir pre 911 to take a job with WN and I can wait for an answer.

Now everyone wants to work for WN or cite their payscales. Few would've chose their work rules before 911.

You chose to stick with an unfair seniority system.
of course you are most likely to be working in a station that is classified as a mainline city and not have your city turned into the mainline express city. and the list will probably grow as my manager told us today that there are at least 20 emb jets with about 2 a week coming online.
whatkindoffreshhell said:
You chose to stick with an unfair seniority system.
I'm sorry, but when did Southwest Airlines stop using the seniority system? :blink: :huh:
whatkindoffreshhell said:
Westcoastguy -- WN wages are higher now because of their productivity and revenue. I challenge you to name me one US employee who voluntarily left USAir pre 911 to take a job with WN and I can wait for an answer.
Actually I can name a lot of employees who left prior to 9/11...way prior and up to and including 2004. When US turned tail and ran out of every west coast market that was served when they purchased, and then decimated, from PSA, WN jumped in and now dominates the west coast. Many, many, US employees we offered and accepted jobs. They never looked back and never regretted the move. So you are wrong there. I am still friends with many of them.
whatkindoffreshhell said:
Westcoastguy -- WN wages are higher now because of their productivity and revenue. I challenge you to name me one US employee who voluntarily left USAir pre 911 to take a job with WN and I can wait for an answer.
Actually I can name a lot of employees who left prior to 9/11...way prior and up to and including 2004. When US turned tail and ran out of every west coast market that was served when they purchased, and then decimated, from PSA, WN jumped in and now dominates the west coast. Many, many, US employees we offered and accepted jobs. They never looked back and never regretted the move. So you are wrong there. I am still friends with many of them.
whatkindoffreshhell said:
Jeez, at least quote me correctly -- read my original post again.

"We" the paying pax, not "we" the airline employees.

Also I never said "free" ride. You're adding words to my post, please stop.

US continued to charge ridiculous fares right up to the moment when WN entered PHL. The flying public applauded the choice of lower fares.

Hey Hell,

Don't start mixing sentiment and raising cane with me by mentioning me in your quote....you implied we were taking advantage OF THE PAX??????

For heavens sake, you want us to turn around and give you service and pay for your ride?????

What? I'm to give up my pension, a livable wage, so that you can fly for free and then COLLECT frequent flying miles???? And that's ok? And fuel prices are the highest in aviation history, and you want low fares. Every delivery service has added a fuel charge to their business, accept the aviation business. The fuel prices are killing us literally with no relief, and you won't be happy until employees come to work for FREE, so you can fly for pennies on a buck!!!! :angry:

You need to stay out of this "fray", and stick with pax issues. I won't bother you about us subsidizing your tickets, if you stay out of our business of how we earn our wage!! :angry:
whatkindoffreshhell said:
Are you frickin looney tunes??

Siegel/Cohen took advantage of the deal, so did Wolf and all those before.

So did you and Pitbull and everyone who enjoyed way-above market wages for years and years.

And the public paid your outrageous 'industry-leading' packages because we had no other choice.

Now we have a choice.

Lose the attitude buddy. How long did you think the ride would last?
I am wondering what kind of "outrageous wages" your earning that I may be paying for, considering that I am "the public" as well. Care to divulge? On a daily basis I am told that I make too much money; however, my contract didn't include a golden parachute that was able to withstand bankruptcy to the tune of 4.7 mil plus stock options.

I guess your attitude dictates that I should call my local municipality and demand the janitors and garbage men get paid less because they make more than I do and $35 dollars every three months is way too much to pay. Your fare was determined by what they could get away with more than what we were making. I would bet my last dollar on that. So don't complain to us about fares. Ask CCY why they can't work with record breaking concessions and bring non labor costs down.

Corporate America is throwing the scale off balance and "the public" is paying for the golden parachutes in many different arenas. Isn't it time that there is an end to it? Why accept something wrong simply because "that's the way it is"? Change can be a good thing, so let's start at the top.

BTW, there are few CEOs who have "earned" 4.7 million, only because corporate culture is just full of political BS. In other words, most of the time it's not what you know it's who you know. You can't convince me otherwise when you are implying that at under $12 hr I make too much. YOu can't replace 29,000 employees in a week but you sure as hell can replace one employee in a matter of days. That has already been proven.

Piney, if someone offered me 4.7 million, I would take it but not at the expense of others. Call me stupid or just say it like it is. I am a person where the almighty dollar does not rule plus I have a conscience and a heart. Imagine that!!!!!!!!!!!!
Light Years said:
I'm sorry, but when did Southwest Airlines stop using the seniority system? :blink: :huh:
Okay, I'll say it -- the seniority system linked to union rules. WN has productivity requirements that US employees would never have jumped to voluntarily and the west coast US employees were forced to make a change.

Pitbull -- nobody expects to fly for free and of course labor costs are not the only issue. But certainly the airline business if first and foremost a pax issue.

I can comment on any issue, sorry if you don't like my opinions. These US boards are full of one-sided whiners.

Speaking as a non-airline employee who always pays for tix, I happen to like a good and fair deal for airline tickets. Most of the time the US employees here have forgotten this business is about attracting adequate revenue to support a wage system.

Reread my posts, I never said anything about pax wanting to fly for free.

Every business is about the customer, not just the airline business...but guess what? You forgot to put the employee into your equation as a MUST, otherwise, their is NO product produced FOR the customer.

See the balance there...or not?

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