neil Cohen

Peaches, I know Hackman likes to blow a lot of wind about the hotel thing but its now just union propaganda. The hotel gig has been over since the first of the year. Then some Scabs went out and got their own hotel rooms but they have also moved into apartments or houses since the Superbowl came to town. In essence there hasn't been any paid for by NWA scab hotels since the first of January. I have also let Hackman continue to shoot off about the Scab hourly pay being thirty two dollars an hour, he just can’t seem to get it right so I just let him continue on with his ignorance post after post. The Scab pay is around twenty-seven an hour. It was the contract houses that were paying thirty-two. I would be careful as to what kind of credit I would give to Hackman, through out this whole ordeal he has been a day late and a dollar short. Be careful quoting his numbers.
Nice moronic flaming 'Cods and...Wow. A scab calling me "a day late and a dollar short". Hoo-wee, that is rich I tell ya. I could give a crap where you live 'Cods. We all know the story of the hotels stiffed by scab air. What I also know is your a 1000 miles from wifey, your puppies, and your redneck pig farm. While I am in my nice house and at my same job before you were done with your milk and cookies after recess.

Your making $27hr scab pittance, and you'd better enjoy it while it lasts 'Cods. Its the most you will ever get in you worthless and fading scab wrench gypsy career...Neil is sharpening the blade right now. I am as happy as pig at the 'Cods pig farm that you scabbed, glad I could assist. Your never ending cocky scab BS is going to be sweet when you swallow a plate of force fed Scab Air cold crow...I'll be here to make sure I shove your face in it when it will be my pleasure. Then its back to the dung pile with you.

I only know of one AMT that has come from another facility that was not part of the original scabs, he is here at top pay. The returning AMFA AMT's are also at top pay. I know of no one that is not making top pay. I don't think anyone would work for less than what the top pay is. To be honest if it were not for Hackman I would not have accepted this job at the current rate. I was really split in my decision to go direct. AA can even breed Scabs across the internet. :lol:
Very happy I could help 'Cods. But in reality, you knew as well as I did its the only way you could ever get on at a major, and for a short time your making the "big bucks".

Too damn funny.....

I wouldn't plan on moving the family just yet. I had the opportunity to speak with some NWA pilots tonight.

It seems I may not have to eat my go-go boots. The pilots have had enough, I think they are going to walk. A shame they didn't support AMFA, but they seem to have a bellyful of Cohen.

I have new-found respect for them. I hope there's a place I can donate money, that I know will go to the striking pilots.

If ever there was a place that needed shutting down, it's NWA. They've treated their employees terribly and they are just flat out using scabs.

Excellent post there DEA. The way that NWA has treated all of their employees is by far the worst, even more so than when USAIR treated us during both of the CH11 cases and when Stephen Wolf and Rakeesh Gangwal were running the airline. PTO wont ever learn anything but scabbing. I'd support the remaining unions and hopefully the unions will strike to show mgmt they arent playing around with the way they are being treated.

I wouldn't plan on moving the family just yet. I had the opportunity to speak with some NWA pilots tonight.

It seems I may not have to eat my go-go boots. The pilots have had enough, I think they are going to walk. A shame they didn't support AMFA, but they seem to have a bellyful of Cohen.

I have new-found respect for them. I hope there's a place I can donate money, that I know will go to the striking pilots.

If ever there was a place that needed shutting down, it's NWA. They've treated their employees terribly and they are just flat out using scabs.

Dea, If you hear of anything we can do or anyplace we can donate money please post so we can support them. I also have spoken to some NW pilots and I am hearing the same thing. It may not be a scientific poll but its starting to heat up.
Regards, Mama

I wouldn't plan on moving the family just yet. I had the opportunity to speak with some NWA pilots tonight.

It seems I may not have to eat my go-go boots. The pilots have had enough, I think they are going to walk. A shame they didn't support AMFA, but they seem to have a bellyful of Cohen.

I have new-found respect for them. I hope there's a place I can donate money, that I know will go to the striking pilots.

I find it odd that you'd want to donate money to guys that have been making close to 3-6 times what you likely make annually. These guys are very wealthy by any standard; much more so then the average management employee. Prior to the pay cuts in Dec-04, these guys made between $120K and $280K per year, with the distribution fairly equal in that range. Thus, the average pay was around $200K per year. With the roughly 35-40% pay cut that they are being asked to take, they will still be making about $120K per year on average ($70K - $170K range).

Do you still want to donate your hard-earned money to these wealthy pilots? They can sell a few of their cars or houses if they run a little short on cash.
I find it odd that you'd want to donate money to guys that have been making close to 3-6 times what you likely make annually. These guys are very wealthy by any standard; much more so then the average management employee. Prior to the pay cuts in Dec-04, these guys made between $120K and $280K per year, with the distribution fairly equal in that range. Thus, the average pay was around $200K per year. With the roughly 35-40% pay cut that they are being asked to take, they will still be making about $120K per year on average ($70K - $170K range).

Do you still want to donate your hard-earned money to these wealthy pilots? They can sell a few of their cars or houses if they run a little short on cash.
Actually, I would like to donate money to their cause and trust me, I do know what they make. A little extra while they walk a picket line and I mean for quite a while would be worth it. Its a solidarity thing. Its putting MY hard earnd money where my mouth is. Fortunately, my other half is not this industry and therefore I can afford it. I know what its like to have several children in braces, emergency romm visits for broken bones, activity fees, college tuition for more than 1 child and the list goes on. My family had some union members and I remember the trauma of not knowing when strikes were going to end and debating whether to continue walking the picket line or look for new employment. Im not talking about "mall money" but putting a fund together for emergency situations for family members. I have given to a lot of good causes and a fund for any union member on strike is a good thing. Do you really think 120,000 dollars to pay a pilot is a lot of money? I realize this is not a popular idea for many but I think strike funds are necessary and if there was great support from ALL of us maybe companies would think twice before slashing wages and benefits to any of their work groups. JMO.
excellent post PineyBob. that sure is the truth something the scum bum scum bag scabs and people like finman will never find out! :eek:
AIR SAFETY MESSAGE (2/14/06) copied from MEC Hotline
The MEC has received reports from several pilots that NWA's Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Neil Cohen, has entered the cockpit and engaged in discussions with the working pilots to promote his views regarding the NWA bankruptcy and pilot concessions. Although these events occurred on the ground at the gate, they were extremely distracting to the crews and had real potential to adversely affect the crews' performance during the ensuing flights.

As in the past, the MEC Air Safety Committee recommends that you make every effort to keep discussions of NWA's current financial problems and our current negotiations out of the cockpit. If any cockpit visitor or jumpseater insists on discussing these issues or if you believe their continued presence would adversely affect safety, ALPA recommends that you have them leave the cockpit. Failure to comply with a flight crew directive constitutes a violation of Federal Aviation Regulations and should be immediately reported.

What a turd..... :down:
I find it odd that you'd want to donate money to guys that have been making close to 3-6 times what you likely make annually. These guys are very wealthy by any standard; much more so then the average management employee. Prior to the pay cuts in Dec-04, these guys made between $120K and $280K per year, with the distribution fairly equal in that range. Thus, the average pay was around $200K per year. With the roughly 35-40% pay cut that they are being asked to take, they will still be making about $120K per year on average ($70K - $170K range).

Do you still want to donate your hard-earned money to these wealthy pilots? They can sell a few of their cars or houses if they run a little short on cash.

A lot of those pilots got there by putting their time in the trenches. There's nothing stopping you from getting your ratings and going for it. Perhaps, after you paid your dues by flying some rattle-trap that leaks oil like a sieve shuttling cancelled checks, subsisting on food stamps in order to build enough time to get your ATP, you'd have a whole different perspective. So now you've gotten your ATP, spent 10K getting a heavy-jet type and you're all ready to start applying.....

But it's not over yet.... Many of the majors are in bankruptcy or...God forbid..on strike. Hmmmm to scab or not to scab???? Behind door #1: Scab??? Don't even think about jumpseating on an ALPA carrier ever again. Brace yourself for the barrage of rotten tomatos... Behind door #2: Don't scab and find yourself unable to compete with the hoards of other pilots out there will several type-ratings along with thousands of hours, Time in Type.

Sell his cars or house? Hell, did that long ago to pay off his training debts.
Sell his cars or house? Hell, did that long ago to pay off his training debts.
A vast majority of the guys at NWA have been here for 15+ years earning the figures I mentioned above. None of them have had to pay for any training since they've been with NWA, we pay for all of that. You're getting the wool pulled over your eyes if you think any of them would be in any sort of hardship during a strike. Save your money for your family, which I'm sure needs the money more than these guys.

Well finman let me take a stab at this. Differences between a pilot and Neil Cohen.
Creative way of taking more shots at Neil Cohen, but utterly irrelevant to this particular conversation. The question people like Dea need to decide is wether or not to give money to pilots or keep her hard earned money for her family. I thought it might be helpful in that decision making process to understand the financial condition of a vast majority of those pilots.
A vast majority of the guys at NWA have been here for 15+ years earning the figures I mentioned above. None of them have had to pay for any training since they've been with NWA, we pay for all of that.

You mean to tell me that at NWA, they can start from nothing, get ALL their Ab Initio training (Private through CIME)???? AND then build up to an ATP and get their type??? Wow!!! What a deal!!!! Guess an ignorant old broad like me never heard of such a deal. <<chuckle>>
You mean to tell me that at NWA, they can start from nothing, get ALL their Ab Initio training (Private through CIME)???? AND then build up to an ATP and get their type??? Wow!!! What a deal!!!! Guess an ignorant old broad like me never heard of such a deal. <<chuckle>>
Re-read my post Peaches "None of them have had to pay for any training since they've been with NWA".

I presume the couple million in salary they've made since they began working for NWA was sufficient to pay for their private training they did prior to joining NWA.
Re-read my post Peaches "None of them have had to pay for any training since they've been with NWA".

I presume the couple million in salary they've made since they began working for NWA was sufficient to pay for their private training they did prior to joining NWA.

Like I said in another thread...Time to trade in the abacus for the whiz wheel.
Like I said in another thread...Time to trade in the abacus for the whiz wheel.
I certainly wish I would have been born about 15 years earlier and pursued a career as a commercial airline pilot. It is a very good living for those guys that have enough seniority to hold on to their job. I feel sorry for the guys that have entered that field in the last 7-8 years or so. Most of them are on furlough, and have limited chance of getting back into a major any time soon. Hopefully NWA will start to grow again and those jobs will come back.

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