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usfliboi said:
I would offer if everyone wouldn see this as a union brubby or sissy vs big daddy, we also would get some where. This is not an union problem This is an industry problem. People like pitbulls stance works in a wonderful worls and when airlines are making money. Unions are helpless when an industry is in trouble. In fact i would add they hurt the industry further. Im a member of afa. I have a good record therefore never have had to use MY union! In the past couple of years our union has done little good as well . Oh its been a wonderful cat fight to watch and love all the nasty talk , but what do they or better yet CAN they do now? The answer is nothing. We as employees have to make this company work . If the unions want to be guides for us , great! The lead! Dont stand in the way and blow smoke to be re elected. LEAD dont bark !
usfliboi, what you like rolling over and playing dead? Fetch, wag your tail, shake? All this for no Milkbone? Are you man or mutt? Better watch out, that flea collar you have on and have come to underappreciate is courtesy of AFA. Without it, you would be unprotected.
EyeInTheSky said:
usfliboi, what you like rolling over and playing dead? Fetch, wag your tail, shake? All this for no Milkbone? Are you man or mutt? Better watch out, that flea collar you have on and have come to underappreciate is courtesy of AFA. Without it, you would be unprotected.
Unprotected from what ??????? Were in the same boat as every one else industry wide right now..... Im saying that today while the industry is in the shape it is in, unions can do very very very little.
usfliboi said:
I would offer if everyone wouldn see this as a union brubby or sissy vs big daddy, we also would get some where. This is not an union problem This is an industry problem. People like pitbulls stance works in a wonderful worls and when airlines are making money. Unions are helpless when an industry is in trouble. In fact i would add they hurt the industry further. Im a member of afa. I have a good record therefore never have had to use MY union! In the past couple of years our union has done little good as well . Oh its been a wonderful cat fight to watch and love all the nasty talk , but what do they or better yet CAN they do now? The answer is nothing. We as employees have to make this company work . If the unions want to be guides for us , great! The lead! Dont stand in the way and blow smoke to be re elected. LEAD dont bark !
The last time I went after you I was banned and lucky I am even back, that said I am muzzled and I am sure that my fellow posters know exactly my feelings towards your kind. I wish I lived in the 30's, where being politically correct and hate crimes were not even thought of yet by the whiners of this world.

With a world full of your kind in the past it wouldn't be possible today for you to be playing lap dog for corporate America.

I will not to respond to any of your posts from now on because I know a broken spirit when I see one and realize there is no help available, the dark side owns you.
You Go Cav. I will never respone to this ?????? again. It is not worth our time.
usfliboi said:
Unprotected from what ??????? Were in the same boat as every one else industry wide right now..... Im saying that today while the industry is in the shape it is in, unions can do very very very little.
usfliboi, I am not going to bother going down aviation memory lane with you because you obviously don't and won't get it.
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usfliboi said:
I would offer if everyone wouldn see this as a union brubby or sissy vs big daddy, we also would get some where. This is not an union problem This is an industry problem. People like pitbulls stance works in a wonderful worls and when airlines are making money. Unions are helpless when an industry is in trouble. In fact i would add they hurt the industry further. Im a member of afa. I have a good record therefore never have had to use MY union! In the past couple of years our union has done little good as well . Oh its been a wonderful cat fight to watch and love all the nasty talk , but what do they or better yet CAN they do now? The answer is nothing. We as employees have to make this company work . If the unions want to be guides for us , great! The lead! Dont stand in the way and blow smoke to be re elected. LEAD dont bark !

This is the **** that pisses me off!!! Unions haven't done anything for the past couple years???????? **** DO YOU THINK THE VOL FURLOUGH CAME FROM...UNITED???? We did it. IT WAS AFA THAT FIRST PROPOSED A VOLUTNARY FURLOUGH AND IT BECAME A SIDELETTER AFTER 9/11 WITH GANGWAL.

The Voluntary Furlough program was from U MEC, where United got it from and airlines copied it, like they copy every thing from BK to concessions. This is all about preserving a profession NOT A JOB. I have never been against concessions! NEVER! I'm am totally against impoverishing your workers to stabilize a balance sheet. There are 20,000 folks on the street. This isn't about $1.2 Billion from labor these past two concessions, or about the $1.5 billion more they want from less employees. Its about the jobs lost just in 1 airline that translates billions over time.

I'm sorry. There is a greater issue at stake here. Trouble is you will never see past your selfish nose. Never would I want to be in a dug out with you surrounded by the enemy. You would throw me over to save yourself.

U is a microcosism of what is going on in America today. I personally will NOT sanction impoverishing employees across the country for the almighty dollar for the sake of the elitists, and the gamblers on wallstreet.

What U will be coming for is insurmountable. We can't get there without impoverishing our familes and getting sick oursleves. 2 f/as called today and are filing personal BK, both on reserve. Its all around me, and I'm not going to rub my hands of it, like its not real.

There is no "live to fight another day" my friend...that day has arrived. If the members say NO more, we will live with what will ensue.
Ahh, Bill, how come I can't say "crap" now. I thought the S %$# word is what you delete. Why now can't we say "crap"? or Hell?

What else did you delete that was so unorthodox? PM please?
usfliboi has a serious case of "stockholm syndrome". I just try to ignore him. It's not worth getting worked up over. :blink:
oldiebutgoody said:
usfliboi has a serious case of "stockholm syndrome". I just try to ignore him. It's not worth getting worked up over. :blink:
You got that right Oldie !!! :up:
ktflyhome said:
You Go Cav. I will never respone to this ?????? again. It is not worth our time.
Once again they come out of the wood work to bash a felow employee for having a different opinion from theirs. Ms Kitty I dont know who ruffled u but obviously you have admitted and it shows your not aware of what is going on! You said that your self so why make negative comments about someone you know nothing about? Ill leave it there. AOG i expect this type of rhetoric from you. Again my opinion but it is absolutly the truth . What has your union done for you in the last 2 years. Your pay has been cut lost jobs and job description changes. What would be different? I can debate you in a human way . Two people with two different ideas who both have much to lose . Why is it you need to insult bash slam and berate someone who has a different opinion than you????????/ I pay my union dues like you. I have almost 17 years senority . I have as much too lose as you. I can survive with or without this company . I speak my mind and my opinion . Doesnt mean im right or wrong just my opinion.
I can survive with or without this company . I speak my mind and my opinion . Doesnt mean im right or wrong just my opinion.

Those that are out of their mind shouldn't speak if you ask me. Furthermore, I highly suggest a crash course in English and grammar. I guarantee that you won't survive in the 9 to 5 world without it.
EyeInTheSky said:
Those that are out of their mind shouldn't speak if you ask me. Furthermore, I highly suggest a crash course in English and grammar. I guarantee that you won't survive in the 9 to 5 world without it.
I could not agree more on the grammer thing. It makes it hard to read.

But in terms of opinions, we need to protect people's rights to speak their opinion. I may not agree, but I don't want to trash someone's opinion just because I disagree. I would be in favor of less opinions by everyone and more facts submitted by all. But not "twisted" facts. Just heavy hitting facts.

Cav, Delldude, Piney Bob, if every airline union stood up against this, then everyone would stand a chance to save their careers.

That about sums it all up. Very well put - I wish more people felt this way.
Im a member of afa. I have a good record therefore never have had to use MY union! In the past couple of years our union has done little good as well .
i use my union everyday i work because i am my union and my union does not work without my support.unions aren't something put in a closet labeled" for emergency use only "
unions are only as good as their weakest member.to be union you must be union.