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neil Cohen


Did you copy that picture from Princess? Looks familiar.
Ive always thought he a crush on her. Maybe thats why he chooses to be away from his family. I hope someone doesnt steal his at "job" at home.
I understand that you are not here at DTW, but if at all possible can you expalin to me what their attitude is all about? I would certainly think that they were also worried about the future of the company that will continue to cut their paychecks. You would think they would be pulling their weight trying to make this thing work.

The rampers at Grand Rapids didn't have the attitudes that the clowns here have.
PTO, just about any Michigander knows of the TREMENDOUS difference in attitudes between east and west Michigan. Its like night and day. If you draw a line from lansing south to the state line, and another east to Port Huron, you have just isolated one of the nations most violent, corrupt, racist, crime-ridden localities. Head west, on the other hand, and you will find some of the best fresh water beaches in the world, generally friendly people, outstanding school districts, low crime, and terrific sunsets.
Dont get me wrong..I'm proud of being a Detroit native. Detroiters are arguably some of the toughest people around, and I still catch a Tiger game when they are in town, but I would seriously advise you to move your family further west and make the commute.
Let me know, and I can put ya in touch with some good realtors, and safe family places to visit.
..I'm proud of being a Detroit native. Detroiters are arguably some of the toughest people around,
Well I don't think you can count yourself among those proud Union Detroiters, and I would venture to guess that the Vast majority in Motor city would view your actions as Weak.

"It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt!"
-- Mark Twain
Thanks CSAR but I have yet to move my family up here. NWA isn't stable enough yet for me to take that step. I am going to play it out six months at a time to see where this project goes.

Good idea. You realize, of course, that once this strike blows over, things could change drastically. Although you are getting a good deal now (i.e. $35/hr and hotel), NWA could (and a good chance that they will) cut your wages back to $15-$18/hr without hotel. Since I have family that lives in MSP, I know for a fact how exhorbitant the housing costs are there.
Peaches, I know Hackman likes to blow a lot of wind about the hotel thing but its now just union propaganda. The hotel gig has been over since the first of the year. Then some Scabs went out and got their own hotel rooms but they have also moved into apartments or houses since the Superbowl came to town. In essence there hasn't been any paid for by NWA scab hotels since the first of January. I have also let Hackman continue to shoot off about the Scab hourly pay being thirty two dollars an hour, he just can’t seem to get it right so I just let him continue on with his ignorance post after post. The Scab pay is around twenty-seven an hour. It was the contract houses that were paying thirty-two. I would be careful as to what kind of credit I would give to Hackman, through out this whole ordeal he has been a day late and a dollar short. Be careful quoting his numbers.
The Scab pay is around twenty-seven an hour.

Which is interesting, since the NWA imposed terms on the AMT group shows wages starting at $15.92, with a top out of $22.95 (not including a max of $3.58 for any license premiums). So are you saying they put you all at top of scale right away?
Yes that is correct. Very good Kev. You are indeed on top of things. My number does indeed include premiums. Everyone is at the top of the scale as far as I know. That is why I believe this scale to be short term.
Yes that is correct. Very good Kev. You are indeed on top of things. My number does indeed include premiums. Everyone is at the top of the scale as far as I know. That is why I believe this scale to be short term.

Thanks for the corrections PTO. My point was to not expect it to stay that way which you understand. And you are in DTW, not MSP but my point still stands. Still, I'd think hard about staying there.
Thanks CSAR but I have yet to move my family up here. NWA isn't stable enough yet for me to take that step. I am going to play it out six months at a time to see where this project goes.
Its not stable enough or you're not stable enough.
Yes that is correct. Very good Kev. You are indeed on top of things. My number does indeed include premiums. Everyone is at the top of the scale as far as I know. That is why I believe this scale to be short term.

Everyone that started when you did, or also those that have been hired since then?

I wouldn't plan on moving the family just yet. I had the opportunity to speak with some NWA pilots tonight.

It seems I may not have to eat my go-go boots. The pilots have had enough, I think they are going to walk. A shame they didn't support AMFA, but they seem to have a bellyful of Cohen.

I have new-found respect for them. I hope there's a place I can donate money, that I know will go to the striking pilots.

If ever there was a place that needed shutting down, it's NWA. They've treated their employees terribly and they are just flat out using scabs.

Everyone that started when you did, or also those that have been hired since then?
I only know of one AMT that has come from another facility that was not part of the original scabs, he is here at top pay. The returning AMFA AMT's are also at top pay. I know of no one that is not making top pay. I don't think anyone would work for less than what the top pay is. To be honest if it were not for Hackman I would not have accepted this job at the current rate. I was really split in my decision to go direct. AA can even breed Scabs across the internet. :lol:

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