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Us Airways Pilots Call For Removal Of Siegel,cohen

Hawk said:
Labor is only looking for someone to blame. We can win as a team and it is time for each labor group to join Dave in fighting the competitors. There are thousands of employees that still have faith in this management team. They understand that everything is on the table and are willing to make the needed sacrifices to save this company.
Dave ne Hawk or whatever your new screen name is.

It looks as though you guys have kicked the cat one time too many. While the rest of the industry improves, our's deteriorates. Then you plead that we all should just get along. We walked a v-e-r-y l-o-n-g way down the get along road. It has landed us in the crapper in more ways than one.

Way before you and crew showed up, we boarded the most pax in the US, now it is SW. We were no. 1 at the largest airports, now we are a shadow of that. These are facts, regardless of what your 'data' says.

There is no plan, other than try to sqeeze the bar lower. That is not an opinion, only an objective look at the current business. Market share, P/L, equity, operations. You lost, get out before it is too late.

You could have declared peace long ago, but you chose war. It looks like Eastern more every day. Good luck to us all.
Yes, Dave could certainly leave the company but I think all of you who call for his ouster miss the point. It still will not solve the fundamental cost problem. Whether you get rid of Dave and/or his X number of VPs, the cost issue will still remain. Alot of things are going on here but ultimately we need to get the cost per mile down to Southwest, JetBlue and Airtran levels (even HP for that matter!). Until that is accomplished we won't make a profit. Part of that is how we distribute our product and what we pay to do that, part of it is fuel, and part of it IS labor. The rate is good, the efficiency is not.
Sales, you are comparing hub and spoke, mature carries to LCCs, that is apples and oranges.

Lets talk comparison, why does Dave make 4Xs or more then Southwest, Airtran or JetBlue's CEO?

We have the lowest labor cost WN employees make more then us, as does AA, UA, DL and NW, but yet they all seem to make money, why not us?

It is the management, in my 15 years I have never seen employee morale as low as it is and yet the employee solidarity is higher then ever, why, cause Dave is a liar and thief and we all now see him for what he really is!
Hawk said:
Dave Siegel also has my full support. :up: There are many employees that do not understand the serious economic reality that we face as a company. Dave is the best person to lead us to profitability. The name calling and bashing of this management team must end. The naysayers are in the minority.
Checked your stock price recently, zippy?
SalesGuyCCY said:
Yes, Dave could certainly leave the company but I think all of you who call for his ouster miss the point. It still will not solve the fundamental cost problem. Whether you get rid of Dave and/or his X number of VPs, the cost issue will still remain. Alot of things are going on here but ultimately we need to get the cost per mile down to Southwest, JetBlue and Airtran levels (even HP for that matter!). Until that is accomplished we won't make a profit. Part of that is how we distribute our product and what we pay to do that, part of it is fuel, and part of it IS labor. The rate is good, the efficiency is not.
When are you sales guys going to address the revenue problem? As long as I have flown US (status for 4/8 last years), advertising, route additions, etc have never been in the proverbial quiver.

US already has addressed the cost issue. WN spends a greater percentage of revenue on labor than US does. You need to start looking in the mirror and change things that management has control over (non labor costs and revenue generation).

It's no longer the costs, stupid--it's the front end.

You should have your head examined, I mean REALLY examined. Your overwhelming support is unhealthy. While it's perfectly okay for you to have your opinions and support Dave Siegel and his team, unfortunately, your support may not be so strong when the doors close due to inept management. The business plan is defective and we need someone who knows how to work with the labor unions, not against them, in order to make any plan effective. Dave has proven he can't be trusted and until someone is brought in that can gain the confidence of the employees, any plan that is in the works will never get off the ground. To be effective, Dave needs to instill a sense of ownership in the employees and he will never be able to do that because of his past miscues.
How many sport franchises would let a loosing team remain in place, how many times do you hear that the general manager was fired because he did not perform. This current team has zero creditable having lost any trust of the employees. Personally, I think the pilots union should be just the beginning and all the unions should join in solidarity pushing for this entire teams removable ASAP. Until that is accomplished don't even show up to the negotiations table for talks of any cuts or job losses period. Hold them to the contacts signed and don't budge until this team is history. Make them listen with a total and complete stand by all of labor.
Hey Dave B.
If the investors have so much faith in DAVE and his business plan,how come our stock price is dropping like a rock? I'm more than willing to work to make this a profitable company.I'm just not willing to give him any more of my check. This isn't about what Dave NEEDS. It's about what Dave WANTS.
I listened to Dave's last daily message.....

It's seems that he has developed a stutter......

Must be nerves.....The end is nearing...David
As an 'at will' employee, the only thing that scares me at this place is the union leadership. This is the worst possible approach to solving any problems. If you don't like the way the company is being run, please find another job or another company to work for. This is a free country, something your union might not want you to believe and there are other jobs out there.

I still cannot understand how anyone thinks a new CEO is the answer. This first thing someone new is going to do when he opens the books is give everyone a haircut!! And how are you going to get anyone to take the job...not by paying them $1.

Just the fact that ALPA says a SWA pilot makes more than a US pilot is enough for me to ask all the union leadership to step down. Its obvious that productivity is the difference, because SWA's costs are way below ours! Why isn't ALPA being proactive and face reality. Those with the money rule. There is nothing we can do about it. Dave is not asking for paycuts, he is asking for productivity enhancements. And that is what the union is there to fight against, productivity.

I think we would all be much better off without the unions. How much money would you save every month if you didn't have to pay union dues? The company will not and can not treat you as bad as they make you think....They couldn't, or no one would work here. The company does what it does to combat the unions, and sometimes I don't think the union leadership represents the voice of the employees.....
hey dave, if you were any kind of decent dude, you'd leave right now as many of our pax that fly in and out of my station do not appreciate you stealing our
jet away, getting rid of excellent fine employees and stuff like that. I have heard from a number of PAX that they would rather choose another airline over us due to you and your incompent mgmt team. Gee I cant really blame them now can I!
I too would and do fly another airline due to very high prices!
Jack,what are you smoking?

He is a thief and a liar, he tried to STEAL the Airbus work, we have a contract and he needs to honor it! Man, you need to wake up, what do you call going to federal court because Dave STOLE from the employees? What do you call the pilots losing their pensions?

Just watch and see what he would do if US broke his employment contract.

Get a clue!

Better off without unions?

Ask the non-union people what happened to them in 1992:

They lost their pension, sick time, vacation time, OJI Protection, 40% were downgraded to part-time, thousands furloghed, hours went to 25 a week and then their insurance went to $300 a month and paycuts on top of it!

Yep go ask the unionized employees if that happened to them.
I agree 100% the airbus work should stay in house. Someone really messed up on that and heads should roll.

What are the chances we could use the line hangar in CLT to do the work? Would the IAM agree to it if they recall mechs to work the checks?
and plus that sounds like what happened anyways to union employees even while your dues went up...
Sorry in 1992, I still had my vacation, sick time, OJI protection, pension, family insurance for FREE, no part time and my dues only went up when I got a raise.

And the IAM does not tell the company how to utilize their facilities or where to place the work.

So try again.

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