Dave ne Hawk or whatever your new screen name is.Hawk said:Labor is only looking for someone to blame. We can win as a team and it is time for each labor group to join Dave in fighting the competitors. There are thousands of employees that still have faith in this management team. They understand that everything is on the table and are willing to make the needed sacrifices to save this company.
It looks as though you guys have kicked the cat one time too many. While the rest of the industry improves, our's deteriorates. Then you plead that we all should just get along. We walked a v-e-r-y l-o-n-g way down the get along road. It has landed us in the crapper in more ways than one.
Way before you and crew showed up, we boarded the most pax in the US, now it is SW. We were no. 1 at the largest airports, now we are a shadow of that. These are facts, regardless of what your 'data' says.
There is no plan, other than try to sqeeze the bar lower. That is not an opinion, only an objective look at the current business. Market share, P/L, equity, operations. You lost, get out before it is too late.
You could have declared peace long ago, but you chose war. It looks like Eastern more every day. Good luck to us all.