Us Airways Pilots Call For Removal Of Siegel,cohen

Too bad we don't live in a perfect world where everyone is treated fairly. Why do unions exist, why did they even come into existence to begin with? Why would not having unions work now when it didn't in the past when employees where exploited, treated unfairly, worked in unsafe environments. Where in many cases workers were nothing more than indentured slaves to the rich. Do you believe that has all changed, we are now all very civilized and no longer require checks and balances? Even the great LUV has unions, why is that?
2 questions for you:
1. Do you honestly think that who ever Bronner hires will not ask for cuts or changes to the work rules first thing?

2. Why can't we do heavy mtc in the CLT line hangar?
They can ask all they won't as PITbull said "Go Pound Sand!"

The company says they can't not the union.

We all ready gave the bank is closed, why don't you ask Dave why he makes 4xs or more then the LCC's CEOs?

And Southwest has the highest % of unionized workers and they make more then US.
LUV has unions mainly from legacy I'm sure. I don't know for sure. But what ever the reason, LUV has contracts that have made them profitable for the past 50 consecutive quarters. LUV sends mtc on everything higher than a C out, its pilots are paid based on productivity, those who work harder make more, those who chose to work less, make less.

I don't claim to know all the details, but I know they have something figured out in their contracts that we don't....
Hawk said:
The time is now for each employee to contact their union representatives advising that they are willing to work together as a team.
Hawk, You are 100% correct. I think I will follow your advise.
IAM, as a Fleet Service Agent, please know that I, beyond a shadow of a doubt, want to be a team-member. I want to be a part of the team which stands together (regardless of their union's name) as we together say over and over..."THE BANK IS CLOSED AND WE NEED NEW LEADERSHIP!!!"
I feel better already, just acknowledging to myself and to everyone... that I AM A TEAM MEMBER! Yeah! I AM a team member!!! Want to join the "team?" :rolleyes:
What a joke...your signature says "Leave me alone! I just want to do my 8 and go home."

Siegel was good at the Bankruptcy thing, I'll give him that.

But now it's NOT about Cost, it's all about the Revenue side of the equation. Siegel has no idea how to generate revenue and thereby run a competitive airline. If there is any chance of survival for US Airways, Siegel either needs to learn how to generate revenue or go away.

Also, if Siegel goes away, can we then stop giving the whole shop away to Mesa, Chautauqua, etc., etc. Since when did rapidly growing any outside lift-provider make long-term sense as a restructuring plan for US Airways?

Bye-Bye Dave. :p
Thats what I would be left alone, to do my 8 and go home. But to show you reality, for the past 2 days, because of the flu hitting hard and the need for the station to continue running....I have put in 12.3 hrs each day. Yes, I will be compensated for it...but I could have done like many others in the station did...say hell the best you can.
I'm willing to do my part to make it work. But I, and this company, need leadership from the top.
I appreciate you going the extra mile...and trying to help.
That is a team player, not one who wants to be left alone.
Leave my pay along. (so I can pay my bills)
Leave my station along (leave it mainline so I can pay my bills)
Leave me along (don't make me wonder daily what you as managment are up to which is going to further disrupt my life and my livelyhood)
I'm gonna leave you along....(gotta get up at 0430 so I can do it again and its now 2215!)
An yes, I'm willing to be part of the team that says "Enough!"
Chip Munn said:
... envision US Airways, through its major investor, the Retirement Systems of Alabama, attempting to cherry-pick some of United's assets, such as gates at Chicago's O'Hare airport or at Denver International Airport. And such a move would give United, which is still in Chapter 11, the funding it needs to emerge from bankruptcy.
You're kidding me, right? First of all the article you posted a link to is 12 days old. That's an eternity in this environment.

Secondly, did you happen to catch the official news about Citigroup and J P Morgan underwriting $2 BILLION for United Airlines, with $400 MILLION of it considered "at risk" ?????????????????

Funny... I don't see any mention of USAir or RSA in there. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Who was the first to say on this board that the hot air you've been blowing about UA being unable to secure exit financing was a bunch of crap???

I find it interesting that someone like yourself who has been so vocal about the affairs of UAL, has been conspicuously silent lately as the good news continues about UA, and the walls around you come crashing down.

Do you still really believe there will be any transaction between our companies while UA steams ahead with it's restructuring, and USAir remains in a "QUAGMIRE" and faces a reshuffling of it's managment and the possible ouster of its CEO???????? :D

Give me a break.

By the way Chip, there are many questions for you on the topic of UA's exit financing that you originally posted here, and was moved to the UA thread. Why don't you go over and browse them. To this day those legitimate questions remain unanswered by you. Why is that? We'd really like to hear what you have to say.

Most people are still wondering when you arew going to admit being DEAD WRONG! :p
Warning 1 and only 1. THIS TOPIC is regarding the removal of Siegel and is NOT to be started as another US/UA thread or it will be closed and we really dont want to do that. If you want to discuss the UA/US info AGAIN, please check out many of the previous threads on the subject or PM each other.
Thanks for everyones cooperation.
Three things come to mind reading this thread:

(1) Since I know CCY people read this thread, if someone have Siegel's ear, I would like to hear him address the recently public numbers where US labor costs are now a lower percentage of total costs than the other majors, and in line with the LCCs. If costs need to be cut, I think that shows they are somewhere else. What specifically does he havein mind other than labor. The employees could get behind it if we some specifics.

(2) Jackmama, WN bringing more work in house. I think they are even running some overhaul now.

(3) In five pages, I cannot believe no one has mentioned this scary quote from ALPA:

"The concession window is closed for this management team," Pollock added.

Just what the hell does that mean? Very scary! Does that mean every new management team gets a free pass on ALPA concessions?
This is interesting news. I will have to pop some popcorn to see how this one plays out. This will be an absolute big moral boost for most employees which is great, but could it only be a short term boost? What if the investors don't like this idea and decide they want out? There are a lot of unanswered questions about bringing in a new CEO and management, and that was just one of them. It would be almost comical if new management was brought in, only to hear them say that Siegel was on the right track in a nicer tone to employees. Then what will everyone do, just quit? I suppose it could go the other way also, and hopefully everyone can be happy and this airline can turn it around quickly. I wish everyone well, good luck!

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