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TWU negotiations.........what?

do you realize that the PBGC was instrumental in pressuring AA to keep pension? The PBGC placed lien of 91 million dollars against assets of american airlines in south america. I repeat assets in south america, if they could place a lien of 91 million dollars against assets, how much is actually down there and abroad? Maybe there is money on the table, just not the negotiating table!

Oh joy, there is more money on the table. When do you think we will see it in our pockets?
The PBGC was instrumental because they are broke or AA's pension obligations would have broke them. The president does not want any kind of a major labor dispute during an election year.

Why are we not on the same page, because we believe in unionism in a different way. As I have said before, there is the labor struggle depicted by the latest IBEW video, where one industrial union supports another, however we as a union under the TWU have different views. The money left on the table needs to be used for our members and not dispersed to other social industrialists.
The PBGC was instrumental because they are broke or AA's pension obligations would have broke them. The president does not want any kind of a major labor dispute during an election year.

Why are we not on the same page, because we believe in unionism in a different way. As I have said before, there is the labor struggle depicted by the latest IBEW video, where one industrial union supports another, however we as a union under the TWU have different views. The money left on the table needs to be used for our members and not dispersed to other social industrialists.
PBGC would own a piece of AMR if they take over Pensions !Just like the Government owns part of auto industry for the bailout ,as of now the Gov made a pretty good profit on that deal.
We are being manipulated by the company and maybe some of our own into thinking to be submissive and just take what they are willing to offer, not you personally. History has demonstrated that the way the TWU negotiates is concessionary and submissive. We need to try another approach thats what I believe. Nothing comes easy dealing with corporate america and the government. Like Bob Owens has said in the past " it takes 10lbs of effort to get 1lb of gain". We are offering zero pound of effort which produces zero amount of gain! We say we are a union but we act like a local club. We are a membership of 12,000 in M&R nationwide and we lay dormant waiting for the slaughter. I dont get that? there is no reason we all should not be on the same page with this.

Chuck, I would also be interested in more specifics regarding who, what, where and when should be done as an plan of strategy.

It is easy to say "We need to try another approach ", but what exactly does that mean, and are we even close to prepared for that plan, and will it work?

Does anyone even have a plan?
Or is all of this talk more bluff on our part because the company reads these forums and BS'ing them is all we have?

I would be interested in hearing a detailed plan of action, but I have yet to hear one.
This is about the TWU, not the IBEW.

Now dont you have some old lady to kick out of her house today?

Doesn't your scab union have more members to strip of their seniority like you engineered for the TWA FAs? As Bob has said before, the IAM brought on the concessions train starting with USAir in 2002.

Gee Josh, why are you making yourself look ignorant once again?

The IAM is not a scab union, so try again.

AMR insisted that all labor protection provisions at TW be given up or they would have not purchased TW and they would have went out of business totally.

The seniority dispute arose out of an article in all the CBA's of AA's unions, APA, APFA and the TWU, it went to arbitration, you do know that that is right?

And the arbiter ruled on the issue, not the IAM, not the TWU, APA nor the APFA.

And US Airways filed chapter 11 bankruptcy, the unions had no choice in the matter to negotiate concessions or face abrogation or liquidation.

Dont let the facts get in your way and do you want to post more untruths and make yourself look foolish in the process?

And concessions given in the airline industry started way before US Airways in 2002, so try again.

AA's employees gave concessions outside of bankruptcy in 2003.
Doesn't your scab union have more members to strip of their seniority like you engineered for the TWA FAs? As Bob has said before, the IAM brought on the concessions train starting with USAir in 2002.


I do not know about the industry as a whole, but AA/TWU. started the concessions in 1983 with the B scale
Gee another poster showing how wrong the banker is.

And the FEDS should have forced concessions for any company taking TARP money.
Nobody is crying before the punch. But since you used the fight analogy, most of us rational people feel like Bob ran out of the BK Bar and said, "We can take this AMR guy inside there and kick his butt and take his money. So we walked in to the BK Bar and we see all these mechanic guys wearing NWA, UAL, US, and DL hats laying all over the floor with their wallets emptied. At the bar is the AMR guy surrounded by some other guys called UA/CO, DL/NW, and US/HP and they look at us up and down sizing us up. Bob keeps yelling in the back, "We can take him! Those other guys didn't know how to fight like I do! Ignore them! Take a swing at AMR guy." Now we are in the BK Bar and we realize we are going to get our butts handed to us and Bob is still out in the parking lot saying,"You can take him!!!"
Leave it to the TWU lacky to use the "Bar" analogy at last call time. :lol:
Gee Josh, why are you making yourself look ignorant once again?

The IAM is not a scab union, so try again.

AMR insisted that all labor protection provisions at TW be given up or they would have not purchased TW and they would have went out of business totally.

The seniority dispute arose out of an article in all the CBA's of AA's unions, APA, APFA and the TWU, it went to arbitration, you do know that that is right?

And the arbiter ruled on the issue, not the IAM, not the TWU, APA nor the APFA.

Sorry, but the IAM is a scab union. They stole Northwest Airlines mechanic work when they were on strike. On example is aircraft pushbacks.

And US Airways filed chapter 11 bankruptcy, the unions had no choice in the matter to negotiate concessions or face abrogation or liquidation.

Dont let the facts get in your way and do you want to post more untruths and make yourself look foolish in the process?

And concessions given in the airline industry started way before US Airways in 2002, so try again.

AA's employees gave concessions outside of bankruptcy in 2003.
Gee Josh, why are you making yourself look ignorant once again?

The IAM is not a scab union, so try again.

AMR insisted that all labor protection provisions at TW be given up or they would have not purchased TW and they would have went out of business totally.

The seniority dispute arose out of an article in all the CBA's of AA's unions, APA, APFA and the TWU, it went to arbitration, you do know that that is right?

And the arbiter ruled on the issue, not the IAM, not the TWU, APA nor the APFA.

Sorry, but the IAM is a scab union. They stole Northwest Airlines mechanic work when they were on strike. On example is aircraft pushbacks.

And US Airways filed chapter 11 bankruptcy, the unions had no choice in the matter to negotiate concessions or face abrogation or liquidation.

Dont let the facts get in your way and do you want to post more untruths and make yourself look foolish in the process?

And concessions given in the airline industry started way before US Airways in 2002, so try again.

AA's employees gave concessions outside of bankruptcy in 2003.
Doesn't your scab union have more members to strip of their seniority like you engineered for the TWA FAs? As Bob has said before, the IAM brought on the concessions train starting with USAir in 2002.


AMR Chief Racing Against the Clock

AMR last week backed off a controversial labor concession it had been insisting on, agreeing to freeze three of American's four underfunded employee pension plans. It had planned to terminate all four.

Mr. Horton said Thursday that the about-face was a response to its creditors committee, which includes three unions, the federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., Boeing and banks representing bondholders.

Creditors didn't want their claims to be diluted by the PBGC, which would take on a $9 billion liability in assuming the four plans and become AMR's largest creditor.
Mr. Horton said AMR isn't interested in merger opportunities while it is in bankruptcy-court protection. "Contemplating a merger in the middle of a complex restructuring is like running a marathon with a backpack on. You just wouldn't do it."

But once the airline emerges in good health, he said, "I think there are ample opportunities to consider combinations, and we would not dismiss that. Consolidation has been good for the industry."

so i get it, squeeze the employees and then consolidate and management reaps the rewards for a job well done! This may not be about making the company profitable as much as attractive with new contracts in place! Again must i reiterate the term manipulation!
Mr. Horton said AMR isn't interested in merger opportunities while it is in bankruptcy-court protection. "Contemplating a merger in the middle of a complex restructuring is like running a marathon with a backpack on. You just wouldn't do it."

But once the airline emerges in good health, he said, "I think there are ample opportunities to consider combinations, and we would not dismiss that. Consolidation has been good for the industry."

so i get it, squeeze the employees and then consolidate and management reaps the rewards for a job well done! This may not be about making the company profitable as much as attractive with new contracts in place! Again must i reiterate the term manipulation!
Exactly my point in another post Chuck. The bigger picture is very clear!!

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