September 29, 2003
TO: All AA Local Presidents Local 501-590.
RE: Follow-Up to Special Presidents Council Meeting – 9/25/03.
Dear Brothers:
This letter is in follow-up to our Presidents Council Meeting in Pittsburgh. Specifically, the request by President Hall to establish a sub-committee made up of five members of the AA Presidents Council to review and recommend changes within the AA ATD structure within 45 days. The tenets are as follows:
1. Sub-Committee to be established of 5 (Five) AA TWU Presidents of which 2 (two) will be from the 6 (six) Locals 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, and 567 that originally requested the meeting with Sonny on August 21, 2003 regarding changes within the ATD. The other three members will be selected from the Presidents Council by the ATD.
-The Sub-Committee will be tasked with the following:
-Review and recommend changes to the AA Negotiations Policy and Procedures.
-Review and recommend suggestions to Local autonomy.
-Review current policy and practice within the AA-ATD and make recommendations.
The sub-committee will forward a report to Gary Yingst, AA System Coordinator. In turn, Brother Yingst will advise President, S. Hall and ATD Director, J.C. Little of the Committee’s recommendations. G. Yingst will schedule a special meeting within the next 45 days with the AA-Presidents Council to discuss and vote on the recommended changes
Locals 561-567 will notify Brother Yingst no later than Friday, Oct 3rd of the two participants from their group of Locals that will participate on the Committee. The additional three participants will be a cross section of the Council - Local 521 President Jack Madish, Local 513 President Tim Gillespie and Local 514 President Randy McDonald.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
James C. Little
Director Air Transport Division
Intl. Administrative Vice President
Full Story:
Please feel free to contact these Individuals via email or fax at:
Local 521; Jack Madish-Contact at Fax 734-941-7160
Local 513; Tim Gillespie-email at:
Local 514; Randy McDonald-email at:
Sorry I do Not know as of yet the last two Presidents. If you know please post.
If you have any changes you feel need to be addressed, please contact them. This is an important issue and our input should be welcome.