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Twu Asking For Input On Changes From Within

Checking it Out said:
September 29, 2003

TO: All AA Local Presidents Local 501-590.

RE: Follow-Up to Special Presidents Council Meeting – 9/25/03.

Dear Brothers:

This letter is in follow-up to our Presidents Council Meeting in Pittsburgh. Specifically, the request by President Hall to establish a sub-committee made up of five members of the AA Presidents Council to review and recommend changes within the AA ATD structure within 45 days. The tenets are as follows:

1. Sub-Committee to be established of 5 (Five) AA TWU Presidents of which 2 (two) will be from the 6 (six) Locals 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, and 567 that originally requested the meeting with Sonny on August 21, 2003 regarding changes within the ATD. The other three members will be selected from the Presidents Council by the ATD.

-The Sub-Committee will be tasked with the following:

-Review and recommend changes to the AA Negotiations Policy and Procedures.
-Review and recommend suggestions to Local autonomy.
-Review current policy and practice within the AA-ATD and make recommendations.

The sub-committee will forward a report to Gary Yingst, AA System Coordinator. In turn, Brother Yingst will advise President, S. Hall and ATD Director, J.C. Little of the Committee’s recommendations. G. Yingst will schedule a special meeting within the next 45 days with the AA-Presidents Council to discuss and vote on the recommended changes

Locals 561-567 will notify Brother Yingst no later than Friday, Oct 3rd of the two participants from their group of Locals that will participate on the Committee. The additional three participants will be a cross section of the Council - Local 521 President Jack Madish, Local 513 President Tim Gillespie and Local 514 President Randy McDonald.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
James C. Little
Director Air Transport Division
Intl. Administrative Vice President

Full Story: TWU

Please feel free to contact these Individuals via email or fax at:

Local 521; Jack Madish-Contact at Fax 734-941-7160

Local 513; Tim Gillespie-email at: twu5131@yahoo.com

Local 514; Randy McDonald-email at: k_green@twu514.org

Sorry I do Not know as of yet the last two Presidents. If you know please post.

If you have any changes you feel need to be addressed, please contact them. This is an important issue and our input should be welcome.
I believe Mr. Robert Owens has been trying to Promote change from "within" for a very long time... The response from Mr. Hall and Company was....? To remove Mr. Owens and a few others from Office!
Now the International is asking for input to improve the TWU/ATD.
Too little too late,
Don't swallow the bate guys (and gals of course)!!!
sign a card and lets decide ASAP. :up:
Checking it Out said:
Dave you have the same song and dance, you will fall short of the required numbers to call for an election again!!!!

7 months and counting!!! You know the stats, you are short of your goal you need to be at during this time frame!!!!
Falling short of the goal??? with little more than 5 months to go all that is needed is a little over 11 cards a day! The average is about 40+ cards a day including weekends. About 150 days remain on this drive...150 x11= 1650. 1650+8190=9840. The goal is ABOUT 10,000 cards. ABOUT!! Well I guess you're right CIO. If it's short just 160 cards it's short... Don't convince yourself it isn't going to happen. I'm confident an election is just around the corner.
Well I hope I don't sound too mean spirited and don't hurt any one's feelings out there, especially any TWA people. But in regards to CIO's posting....





:down: :down: :down: :down:

Checking it Out said:
I would like to see change's to where everyone is elected at large from the Negotiating committee, communication officer on up to the President of the ATD by the members at large.
-All members who are running need to be nominated with a minimum of 25 signatures on a petition requsting to run.
-A max of 1000 words written by the candidate stating why they want to run and experiences. To be mail to all members 30 days in advance of elections on a regular newsletter.

increase the number of representatives as determined by the presidents council.

A set number of seats available for Members to attend negotiations. And hold a drawing for members who would like to attend 10 days in advance or when time is of the essence draw names and contact members as far in advance as possible.


Your watching to much Letterman, you've got the makings of a good top ten list of reasons why we should'nt leave the TWU. The three biggest lies ever told should be on your list just to give it some validity.

It seems the TWU is going to turn this into an ugly divorce, it would be nice if they could have just stood on their own merits to prove their case. Why is it only now after the membership has spoken that you guys are finely hereing what the've been saying. Its obvious to everyone there is no real sincerity on the TWU's part about change or they would'nt be offering it up under duress. The memberships well acquainted with this behavior though. We also have to be careful about how we vote if any of these issues ever came up. I dont know about the other locals but 514 has pulled some real fast ones in the past on voting. There was the (negative solicitation vote) once back in the late 80's early 90's which meant that if you didnt show up to vote it was counted as a no vote. So many people came down to vote we could'nt all fit inside the union hall, they tried not to count the votes outside the door and damn near caused a riot. Then there was the one worded so confusing that if you voted no it meant yes and if you voted yes it meant no, this one still gets a good laugh at the break table. I think that vote was to have seperate negotiations from fleet service.

I'm starting to wonder since the TWU's starting to act like a jilted lover if their last act of defiance will be to threaten the membership with ALIMONY
Checking it Out said:
Dave you have the same song and dance, you will fall short of the required numbers to call for an election again!!!!

7 months and counting!!! You know the stats, you are short of your goal you need to be at during this time frame!!!!
CIO, ARE YOU WATCHING? :up: :shock:
Superside said:
Checking it Out said:
Dave you have the same song and dance, you will fall short of the required numbers to call for an election again!!!!

7 months and counting!!! You know the stats, you are short of your goal you need to be at during this time frame!!!!
Falling short of the goal??? with little more than 5 months to go all that is needed is a little over 11 cards a day! The average is about 40+ cards a day including weekends. About 150 days remain on this drive...150 x11= 1650. 1650+8190=9840. The goal is ABOUT 10,000 cards. ABOUT!! Well I guess you're right CIO. If it's short just 160 cards it's short... Don't convince yourself it isn't going to happen. I'm confident an election is just around the corner.
9.23 cards a day is the correct calculation to obtain 9,728 cards which is from the seniority list dated February 2003. That list is old and many have since retired and many more will retire by years end. 9,728 is the 60% mark. We are at 8,222 which is 50.8%. Watch and see what the updated numbers are in three to five months. We are probably closer to 52% if not more. Numbers don't lie if you make the right calculations. 😉
Change from within?

Lets see you have Jack Madish, Tim Gillespie and Randy McDonald, basically three puppets against two people who may really want change. The odds are stacked already. Three lame duck Presidents who are not likely to get re-elected who will do exactly what the International tells them to do. Three puppets so the International can claim that they "put this to a committee that the line Locals were a part of and this is what your representatives came up with". This is a sham. The committee is a complete waste of time. They stacked the deck with a majority who do not want change and are hoping to get International positions.

Sonny Hall will not change.

If we are to get change we must first get rid of Hall, Little, Yingst and Gless. Right now there is only one way to do that.
Bob Owens said:
Change from within?

Lets see you have Jack Madish, Tim Gillespie and Randy McDonald, basically three puppets against two people who may really want change. The odds are stacked already. Three lame duck Presidents who are not likely to get re-elected who will do exactly what the International tells them to do. Three puppets so the International can claim that they "put this to a committee that the line Locals were a part of and this is what your representatives came up with". This is a sham. The committee is a complete waste of time. They stacked the deck with a majority who do not want change and are hoping to get International positions.

Sonny Hall will not change.

If we are to get change we must first get rid of Hall, Little, Yingst and Gless. Right now there is only one way to do that.

You are correct, but there is good news.

These actions are a demonstration of what is wrong with the TWU.

Thus, the TWU activity becomes our greatest organizing tool. I used to think Burchette was our best AMFA Organizer. Without question Jim Little, and Sonny Hall are superior organizers for AMFA.

Carry on Dictators, we enjoy the card signing material. :shock:
I think that "changes from within" have been tried.

Didnt the line Presidents demand that Sonny Hall remove Little, Yingst and Gless but Sonny said NO?

So instead he makes a committee and stacks the deck with three lackys to ensure that whatever comes out of the committee is exactly what Sonny wants.

The fact is that Little and company have to go but Hal says NO.

Imagine that! Sonny has no problem saying NO to the members or their elected representatives but always says Yes to the company.

$610 million in concessions? Yes you got it.

Take away vacation from last year? Yes you got it.

Take away sick time and gut the contract? Yes, by all means we aim to please. You know that the TWU always get employers the best deal.

Accountability? NO

Choose your own leaders? NO WAY.

Complete self determination? No way.

Vote on changes to your contract? No, its not your contract, you just work under it, its MY contract and the Judge said so. Dont like it leave.

Whats that AMFA has 8000 cards? Er ah, what were you asking for?

(psst, get out the smoke and mirrors)
1AA said:
Superside said:
Checking it Out said:
Dave you have the same song and dance, you will fall short of the required numbers to call for an election again!!!!

7 months and counting!!! You know the stats, you are short of your goal you need to be at during this time frame!!!!
Falling short of the goal??? with little more than 5 months to go all that is needed is a little over 11 cards a day! The average is about 40+ cards a day including weekends. About 150 days remain on this drive...150 x11= 1650. 1650+8190=9840. The goal is ABOUT 10,000 cards. ABOUT!! Well I guess you're right CIO. If it's short just 160 cards it's short... Don't convince yourself it isn't going to happen. I'm confident an election is just around the corner.
9.23 cards a day is the correct calculation to obtain 9,728 cards which is from the seniority list dated February 2003. That list is old and many have since retired and many more will retire by years end. 9,728 is the 60% mark. We are at 8,222 which is 50.8%. Watch and see what the updated numbers are in three to five months. We are probably closer to 52% if not more. Numbers don't lie if you make the right calculations. 😉
I stand corrected, although I used numbers from the current Card Count Wed site, I like the numbers 1AA posted. As it appears We are closer than I expected.
Again I stand corrected. Thanks for the good news 1AA. 😀 :up:
CIO let us not forget that we got this 51% without any help from AMFA, now that AMFA is in this with us the last 10% will come I can assure you of that, we have many more cards to play, now that we have support from the National, so just hang on and wait to see what are next move will be, I am sure you will be impressed.
I am betting we will have no problem getting the cards we need signed, legally we only need 51% and we are allready there, but ofcourse we want more than that just in case the TWU trys to add non Union members to the eligibility list.

AMFA will submit for a vote at the end of February you can bet on it.

want to bet CIO ? I am sure there will be many takers
Checking it Out said:
Now wait just a damn minute! These are all things AMFA has, open negitiations? Elected and accoutable officers? NO WAY!
Next you'll be saying the members should vote on constitutional ammendments. How about the right to recall Sonny Hall? NO WAY, NO WAY. THE MIGHTY TWU CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT TRY TO BECOME AMFA.
What would Mike Quill think?

I take it you have not educated yourself on the constitution of both AMFA and the TWU? If you had you would not be telling half-truths!!!
OK, I'll bite. What half truths? Tell us please oh mega-intellegent CIO, what half truths?
Actually the constitution of the TWU only requires one member willing to file a violation of the TWU constitution. and start the procedures to hold a trial against any member. The key is valid charges.

Under amfa Mr Reis has well over 500 members willing to recall him for violating the constitution and so far it has been swept under the rug!!!! It is virtually impossible to recall someone, and amfa has made it virtually impossible under their constitution and they know it!! But it sounds good when someone is lying to you!!!
The final two on the committee is, Paul McCormick and Todd Woodward.

Feel free to contact thes 5 individuals to suggest changes, I know members have passed along information to these Brothers.
Don't fall for the "WE WILL CHANGE SCAM"! At BRANIFF/DALFORT, the TEAMSTERS said they would change their ways. They said this over and over before our AMFA election there. After the election was over(The IBT narrowly won),
nothing changed one bit! It took almost 15 years for the mechanics at SOUTHWEST
(we had the same local,LOCAL 19) to finally see the light and throw the IBT out!

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