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Twu Atd Restructure Part 3

Drippy Quill said:
Hey Owens...imagine Jim Little responding with " Let's do a wildcat!" and then you post it as you do his other e-mails...can you spell law suit dummie?

I have never seen, or heard of, a savy union leader state. or post, any words of retaliation that would open their union up to lidigation...seems Little knows your ways Booby...he just a bit quicker and smarter than you....HAHAHA!!!

And what are the Flight attendants now suggesting?

A nationwide strike in response to abrogation of the contract through bankruptcy.

Or do you think that the candlelight vigil is as far as it goes. Yea that will really scare them! The vigil is to serve as a warning. We know why you are going, to scam out of work and to try and get lucky!

You are truly pathetic, on one thread were I said the exact same thing, without mentioning Little "We need a General Strike!" your reply was;
Well stated Bob and I agree 300%....Oh mylanta...what just happened?

So are you always so two faced? Or is it that you so lack conviction that you dont even remember what you are saying?
You claim to be union but you are company all the way.

Once again you reveal your ignorance, its clear that from that letter I was calling for a General Strike, not a Wildcat. Wildcat strikes are the result of bad union leadership, leaders that refuse to lead so the members have to do it on their own. Wildcat stikes are a clear indication that the union leadership is incompetant. General Strikes on the other hand are coordinated efforts between many unions.