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TWU negotiations.........what?

Exactly my point in another post Chuck. The bigger picture is very clear!!

overspeed and company would rather argue with our own than look at the bigger picture. We are being played! but don't tell TWU informer and Overspeed they will spin it into anti Bob Owens show.
Gee Josh, why are you making yourself look ignorant once again?

The IAM is not a scab union, so try again.

AMR insisted that all labor protection provisions at TW be given up or they would have not purchased TW and they would have went out of business totally.

The seniority dispute arose out of an article in all the CBA's of AA's unions, APA, APFA and the TWU, it went to arbitration, you do know that that is right?

And the arbiter ruled on the issue, not the IAM, not the TWU, APA nor the APFA.

And US Airways filed chapter 11 bankruptcy, the unions had no choice in the matter to negotiate concessions or face abrogation or liquidation.

Dont let the facts get in your way and do you want to post more untruths and make yourself look foolish in the process?

And concessions given in the airline industry started way before US Airways in 2002, so try again.

AA's employees gave concessions outside of bankruptcy in 2003.

Don't you have a fiduciary duty to protect and represent the interests of all members? Many of the CO employees I've spoken to aren't happy about the IAM coming on board, it was only inevitable given union UA had more employees than non-union CO. Either way, you've still lost the CO FAs and NW ACS and ramp functions. IAM condones scabs and it's clear from your post above. Bob Owens has cited the USAir 2002 concession call as the start to all this and has repeatedly posted his intent was to get the AFL CIO onboard so unions can act like unions. IAM sold the members at NWA down the line, and even the UA/CO FAs took less pay for better representation and benefits from AFA. When did you last cross a members picker line?

737823 and 700UW

Why don't you take your issues to some other board?

Most, if not all of your arguements are unrelated to AA
Don't you have a fiduciary duty to protect and represent the interests of all members? Many of the CO employees I've spoken to aren't happy about the IAM coming on board, it was only inevitable given union UA had more employees than non-union CO. Either way, you've still lost the CO FAs and NW ACS and ramp functions. IAM condones scabs and it's clear from your post above. Bob Owens has cited the USAir 2002 concession call as the start to all this and has repeatedly posted his intent was to get the AFL CIO onboard so unions can act like unions. IAM sold the members at NWA down the line, and even the UA/CO FAs took less pay for better representation and benefits from AFA. When did you last cross a members picker line?


If an Industrial Union has a fiduciary duty to protect and represent the interests of all members, then they would not steal the members dues for their political uses.
If an Industrial Union has a fiduciary duty to protect and represent the interests of all members, then they would not steal the members dues for their political uses.
Thats the way the game is these days ,everything is political and its all about the money.When one side is ANTI-UNION their is only one direction to go!
Most Chop shops are non-union,maybe a better option for you.
Thats the way the game is these days ,everything is political and its all about the money.When one side is ANTI-UNION their is only one direction to go!
Most Chop shops are non-union,maybe a better option for you.

How's that working for you?

There is more than one direction to go.

Try NO POLITICS and take your issue to the streets.
How's that working for you?

There is more than one direction to go.

Try NO POLITICS and take your issue to the streets.

that we can agree on.......take it to the streets philosophy seems to be the only way for change. We must start taking ownership to our problems and start doing something instead of blame and excuses like taking the time to challenge the powers that keep pushing us down.
Thats the way the game is these days ,everything is political and its all about the money.When one side is ANTI-UNION their is only one direction to go!
Most Chop shops are non-union,maybe a better option for you.
It would appear that you are labeling me. That's ok because I would rather be so than to have my rights as a citizen of this county determined by the state. You on the other hand would take the principal of freedom from the masses and give it to the state. That is a socialist. That is fine, you have that right.

Your arcane view of unionism has past and it is time to modify into the 21st century. Deregulation of the airline industry is not just for the corporate, but for those representing the employees.
Hmmmm, actually if were masses in the streets, it would be much easier and faster than what we are doing now.
Think about it.

I agree again, Occupy wall street demonstrations made me a believer in large demonstrations having an effect. Forget the politics of the occupy wall street movement, I was there a few times and nothing more empowering is being with 10, 000 people with common causes, lots of press, and a sense that your working towards something. I wish more of us could get that feeling because it is empowering but it takes giving time to a cause that may not give you immediate relief. many of us want change but want someone else to do it.
I agree again, Occupy wall street demonstrations made me a believer in large demonstrations having an effect. Forget the politics of the occupy wall street movement, I was there a few times and nothing more empowering is being with 10, 000 people with common causes, lots of press, and a sense that your working towards something. I wish more of us could get that feeling because it is empowering but it takes giving time to a cause that may not give you immediate relief. many of us want change but want someone else to do it.

Who has the ability to communicate with members, lead the movement, and fund it as well?

Who hasn't the balls to do it though?

Funny they have ability to communicate with me asking me to vote for their sellout stooges via telephone, snail mail, e-mail, and distributions at work, but they do not use that same ability to communicate a movement towards change that would be worthwhile both financially and would create a uniification of organized labor.

In case some are lost, I speak of the AFL-CIO and International Industrial Unions.

Their weakness is why card drives and complaints about change are always evident. But they bury their heads in the sand, and pretend it is some "raider group" from another planet and dismiss the fact that their own failure is the root of the problem. They read history books and see legislation passed to comfort those causing the civil disobience, and they believe politics is the answer. When in fact the politics they see was a desperate response to quell unrest, not cash bought boot licking campaign financing. Yet they continue the same losing strategy year after year, election after election.
And what, so far, did the Occupy movement achieve, Chuck?....

Aside from some overtime for the police and sanitation workers, I still don't see much impact. At least the Tea Partiers got some people elected to Congress...
And what, so far, did the Occupy movement achieve, Chuck?....

Aside from some overtime for the police and sanitation workers, I still don't see much impact. At least the Tea Partiers got some people elected to Congress...

I agree. Organized Labor could create a movement that would dwarf that piss ant movement and rattle some cages though.
They need to leave Politics and Parties out of it, and hit the streets for workers.
And what, so far, did the Occupy movement achieve, Chuck?....

Aside from some overtime for the police and sanitation workers, I still don't see much impact. At least the Tea Partiers got some people elected to Congress...

you missed my whole point.......read it again before posting

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