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Twu Asking For Input On Changes From Within

The only thing that will change from within at the twu is when the AMT's demand change from within this useless union and vote in AMFA! This will happen very soon. Funny how little seems to be blaming the afl-cio for the failures of the industrial unions in the airlines. Glad I never voted for little to be the head of the ATD. Oops, that's right NO ONE voted for jimmy. Or sonny or gless or yingst or burchette.
Checking it Out said:
Actually the constitution of the TWU only requires one member willing to file a violation of the TWU constitution. and start the procedures to hold a trial against any member. The key is valid charges.

Under amfa Mr Reis has well over 500 members willing to recall him for violating the constitution and so far it has been swept under the rug!!!! It is virtually impossible to recall someone, and amfa has made it virtually impossible under their constitution and they know it!! But it sounds good when someone is lying to you!!!
CIO are Jim Little, Gary Yingst, Sonny Hall etc. etc. considered members or do they fall into a different catagory.
You sure can tell who lacks the knowledge on these boards?

Plese give some respect, Jim Little is seriously ill and condeming him why he is down shows the me attitude you are famous for!!!!!
Hey CIO, have you people decided on a date for the debate between the TWU and AMFA yet or are the TWU folks going to be cowards???
Checking it Out said:
You sure can tell who lacks the knowledge on these boards?

Plese give some respect, Jim Little is seriously ill and condeming him why he is down shows the me attitude you are famous for!!!!!
I did'nt realise mentioning someones name was disrespectful or condeming especialy when its used in a simple questionary sentence. Sorry

I'll refrase the question. Are Gary Yingst or Sonny Hall considered members in regards to your statement earlier about (holding a trial against any member).

Could my lack of knowledge on this issue be due to the fact that its not covered in our constitution or if I overlooked it could you please post it for me.
While we may wish him a speedy recovery it still does not change what he did.

Over the next five years many AA/TWU members will get ill and some will die, they all will be negatively affected by what Little did. They will suffer more financially because of this contract. They will work more Holidays, have less sick time, less IOD time and less vacation time with their loved ones.

While Little can just worry about his health, those who have to live under the agreement that he put in place who fall victim to a similar malady will have the added burden of their medical bills and lost wages.

It also does not change the fact that we do not want him to represent us any more. His health and his actions as ATD Director are two separate issues.
Sick or not, Jim Litte is still a bum. Like Tom Paine said, I doubt Jimmy will suffer much financially due to his supposes ailment. What's wrong with him anyway? I do hope he does recover for his family's sake. I also want him to recover in time to see the TWU booted out!

That may send him into relapse!

I'll make sure the boys down at the Lodge send him a get well card and Bus Driver Vermont Teddy Bear!

and Norton's a woos..let's not say anything bad about him either..hahahahaha...fellas?..you trolling again there Norton?....hahahahaha