TWU negotiations.........what?

<_< -------- I'm starting to realize that more everyday! :down:

I do know this.

There wasn't a very large group of 15+ years of service guys organizing a replacement for the company union for lack of reason. These fine professionals were not abducted by aliens and brainwashed in their beliefs, no it was through years of experiencing your type of pain.

And take heed another TWU boning is forthcoming. The first clue is "secret" negotiations, the second clue will be a "T/A".
I do know this.

There wasn't a very large group of 15+ years of service guys organizing a replacement for the company union for lack of reason. These fine professionals were not abducted by aliens and brainwashed in their beliefs, no it was through years of experiencing your type of pain.

And take heed another TWU boning is forthcoming. The first clue is "secret" negotiations, the second clue will be a "T/A".
<_< informer------- You may well be right! I was told that a T/A should be on the table in the next few weeks.------ Now that seems a might "too quick" for my liking! With talk of there being a round of mergers ahead of us, I can see where AA might want to get it's labor act together as soon as possible! You'd think the Unions could use this to get back some of the things it gave away? --------Now I'm being naive!!!! :down:
<_< informer------- You may well be right! I was told that a T/A should be on the table in the next few weeks.------ Now that seems a might "too quick" for my liking! With talk of there being a round of mergers ahead of us, I can see where AA might want to get it's labor act together as soon as possible! You'd think the Unions could use this to get back some of the things it gave away? --------Now I'm being naive!!!! :down:


You will one day soon hear the infamous "We'll Get 'em Next Time"

You will one day soon hear the infamous "We'll Get 'em Next Time"

MIster Informer, I'll direct my comment to you as you and I have had a few words about what happened and what didn't the last time AMFA cards were passed out at TULE.

One thing I heard from many considering a change of representation a few years ago was the fear that AMFA would hose those not classified as a mechanic (wrench turner) for a bit better deal. That's what turned many off from the idea (or so I was told).


Yes - Tulsa has a very loud voice. If you people want AMFA to have a chance of representing AA mechs, make sure anyone making negative statements re: those not in the actual mechanic trade is put down quickly, either figuratively or, if the need be, literally.

Everyone keeps bitching and whining, with good reason, about the piss-poor representation of the T(otally) W(orthless) U(nion, yet the last time cards were passed out, a very few loud-mouthed individuals ruined it for everyone.

I want to be the first to assure you I will not vote for, if it ever comes to that, any organization that wishes to make 2nd class citizens of some of its membership.
MIster Informer, I'll direct my comment to you as you and I have had a few words about what happened and what didn't the last time AMFA cards were passed out at TULE.

One thing I heard from many considering a change of representation a few years ago was the fear that AMFA would hose those not classified as a mechanic (wrench turner) for a bit better deal. That's what turned many off from the idea (or so I was told).


Yes - Tulsa has a very loud voice. If you people want AMFA to have a chance of representing AA mechs, make sure anyone making negative statements re: those not in the actual mechanic trade is put down quickly, either figuratively or, if the need be, literally.

Everyone keeps bitching and whining, with good reason, about the piss-poor representation of the T(otally) W(orthless) U(nion, yet the last time cards were passed out, a very few loud-mouthed individuals ruined it for everyone.

I want to be the first to assure you I will not vote for, if it ever comes to that, any organization that wishes to make 2nd class citizens of some of its membership.

Thanks for the advice, it is always welcomed. Here is exactly the problem with grassroots organizing compared to say the professional funded campaign over at United by the reamsters. One is based on paid organizers who stick to the fully thought out party line, and the other gets mechanics like you and me to do the job and the information campaign. One problem, and I've seen it on the line is that there are people who sign cards or get involved for many reasons, some not necessarily what could be considered the right reason. Some want to get away from fleet service, some don't know their craft and class, some just hate the twu, some just hate unions. I can tell you that those of us near the top of the last organizing effort were strictly looking to get better representation for all of us in the mechanic and related craft and class. For me personally it's about advancing the labor movement and our craft, something the twu international is clearly not interested in doing.
I want to be the first to assure you I will not vote for, if it ever comes to that, any organization that wishes to make 2nd class citizens of some of its membership.

The twu has already done that!!!!!
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  • #328
This is what I am looking for when I refer to informing members:

Presidents’ Council meeting June 10-12 2003

Jim little opened the meeting with current legislation:
AA received 390 million dollars refund from the government for the security upgrades.
FAR145: Pushing for same security provisions for companies overseas as we have in the United States.
There is a bill in legislation for extending foreign ownership from 25% to 49%
There is another interest in legislation that will allow the companies to wave/modify payments on under funded pensions
The pilots are in favor of this legislation. Mainly because they have the most to lose if the pension goes into distress. Our council did not have position as there was too little information on how it would end up.
July AA board of directors scheduled to set annual incentive plan targets for next year. Hopefully we will have targets set for subsequent years by December prior to each effective year.
New DRC#5 decision due from Kasher- dealing with 6 people from stl being bypassed by seniority for rif 562
New DRC#20 dealing with retaining seniority back to mci/stl
When the decision becomes available I will forward them to the membership. Layoffs within the AA system is by seniority. System protection does not protect employee from reduction in force. System protection does not protect you from being Rif’d from your station. System protection means that the company must provide a job for you in the system and pay you 12,500 dollars, plus moving expenses.
The center of controversy was the system protection date set at 9-24-98. It was my understanding at negotiations that the committee agreed to lift system protection to lay off the identified 1371 members due to the new proposals that were ratified. We have reached that number we agreed upon and they are sticking to the 9-24-98 date for system protection. I do not agree with this is not what was intended by the committee. This was the intention of parties outside the council. What this means is that members who have a seniority date of 9-24-98 or higher is not system protected and not entitled to the 12, 500 if laid off. Even though they are still working on the property. If you hold a seniority date previous to 9-24-98 and get laid off from your station, you are system protected and will receive the 12,500 dollar provision of the contract. This was a great concern to some of the committee members in negotiations as our intent was to provide one time roll back of system protection to allow for the layoff of 1371 which was the number equated to the concessions. This is what we disagree. “But we voted on it is the answer†I get from Bobby Gless and that it is clear as day in the proposalâ€. The 9-24-98 date was never clearly defined on how it would be applied before it was voted on. The committee asked several times on the issue about the implementation of the layoff and how it would effect system protection. It was always my understanding that we were lifting system protection to hit the one time concession target and then restore system protection. That is not what is happening obviously.

Jim Little stated the email system at the international will be inactive soon. All correspondence between locals and the international will be U.S. mail and fax. Phone calls are to be from local officers and representatives. Unless a member has an extreme urgent issue.
To clarify the stock option issue. April 17th 2003 is the execution date. Employees will be issued all stock options at one time. But you will not be able to exercise your options to sell until you satisfy the vesting requirements. (33% per year) Meaning, you can sell 1/3 of your options per year or all options after 3 years.
The council stated that you will not pay for stock or incur any costs for the transactions.
There is a letter out about transitional duty (light duty) stating that transitional duty shall consist of only 20 days. I understand this does not include vacation time. Management may increase this transitional time on a case by case basis.
The company continues to enhance article 32. They have added the term demeaning as a violation, eliminated the “joke†defense, and added a hate-related component. . This article is the most dangerous article of the whole contract.
The issue of the one item swap for M&R is awaiting cost outs from the company on labor loans. When bobby Gless receives that he can set a date for the negotiating committee. It was also stated that we can swap more items in the future.
The international executive committee will be meeting in Boston next week.
The international representatives taking the same pay cuts as the membership was raised in the council during the locals’ agenda.
Jim little stated that the Internationals pay is based on an average of all contract groups they represent. Sonny Hall has the authority over pay issues. Any issues should be sent to sonny Hall. The (IAC) has the authority to override Sonny Hall.
IF flex vacations were taken prior to April15, 2003 the payroll deductions will be at the rate prior to concessions. If flex is taken after April 15th 2003 the payroll deduction will be at the new adjusted rate.
I don’t ever remember anyone being forced on a field trip but since it happened to Chicago it has raised the issue. Bobby Gless feels that they can’t force on a field trip. If management decides to force people on field trips Bobby Gless states we have to grieve it. I am baffled by the company in their ability to pay overtime and field trips when we did not have any premium pay for the last year or so. The company would not call for premium pay if the pope asked for it. Now we can work for premium pay and use our concessions to pay for it.
Gary Yingst asked for an update about AMFA from the locals. Not much discussion except for a couple locals.
Local 561 presidents Todd Woodward requested a committee to re-write negotiating committee bylaws. Committee was recognized. Todd will be the chairman of the committee.
The TWU International now requests that all motions be in writing at the presidents’ council.
Motion: Don Videtitch (Local 565)
Members with serious illness (fmla) be considered one rolling occurrence for sick. (not subject to each occurrence for ½ pay) example: Chemo therapy, Dialysis etc…

Motion passed and will approach company on the issue

Motion: Mark Rasco (local 564)
To allow the crew chiefs to self demote prior to march 2005 agreement.

Motion passed and will be brought forward to the company

There was a discussion on a motion made by Gary Peterson (local 567) in the March presidents’ council minutes. There was a disagreement in the actual wording of the proposed motion as compared to what was written. The date of April 15th was the topic of discussion and was ultimately voted in favor accepting the minutes as is by the presidents’ council not the negotiating committee where it was originally motioned.
Discussion on aircraft damage:
The company is using “gross negligence†as grounds for termination.
Local 501 is challenging kasher award of the 25% seniority in federal court.
The company is looking to totally outsource the EAP program. Many disagree with this and are working on how to resolve this issue.
Some council members (562,501 etc..) will be involved in meetings on the issue of surplus and temporary reassignment issues in the one station agreement.
July 16-17th 2003 Title 2 system meeting in DFW
Boston is scheduled to send Sean Grey Title 2

There was a lengthy discussion on how the recent RIF were done. No one can agree on the issue. But I will tell you that it is hard to argue that it violated seniority the way it was done and instituted multi-rounds of bumps with rolls. I don’t care how it was done in the past! If it is wrong, it is wrong. It should have been fixed immediately. Jim little states that they tried to stop the RIF but the company would not stop it. I guess seniority is not the supreme basis of the union.
I am faxing the following letters to the section chairman dealing with:
Uniform return procedures
Grievance time limits
Master seniority lists
Contractors (ultra-clean) conducting security checks
Contract mod review panel
Reduced vacation explanation
Rif letter
One time relief from job security provisions
Medical/dental plan letter
System job protection clarification
Proof of dependant eligibility
Stock options
Rule 32 overview
Flex vacation letter
Flex rate explanation
Int’l email disabled letter
Presidents’ council meetings minutes

Chuck Schalk
President Local 562
I want to be the first to assure you I will not vote for, if it ever comes to that, any organization that wishes to make 2nd class citizens of some of its membership.

The twu has already done that!!!!!

I dont' recall being given a choice in that matter.
I want to be the first to assure you I will not vote for, if it ever comes to that, any organization that wishes to make 2nd class citizens of some of its membership.

In the TWU all the members are second class citizens.

Do you recall ever getting a ballot for International officers or those who are in control of the AA contract?

Your Local Presidents are nothing more than glorified shop stewards. They can enforce but not implement contracts. You cant vote for those who own the contract, that makes you a second class member.